Mod name
Connected Territories
Runs on Warzone version
Can be transferred to teammates
Can be airlifted to teammates
This mod is similar to Connected Commanders, except that Commanders do not have to be enabled and a Link special unit is used. Territories that are not connected to at least one link will become neutral at the end of the turn. Connected means there is a path from one territory to the one with a special unit where the territory and special unit owners are the same. Links are special units to decide if territories are connected. A link is represented using a Link and or a Commander (depending on mod settings).
Mod Settings
Game creators can customize:
- If Links are automatically distributed (defaults to disabled).
- If players receive the same number of Links as initial starting positions (defaults to enabled)
- The number of Links players receive (defaults to 3, min 1, max 5 - lower and higher values can be typed in rather than using the number slider, there is no absolute max). Only applies if the above setting is disabled.
- If Commanders are a link (defaults to enabled).
- If Links can be airlifted to self (defaults to disabled).
- If teams count as one player (defaults to false). Makes it so that a teammate's connections can be used to connect territories.
Links can transferred to teammates is enabled if these settings are also enabled:
- If teams count as one player
Links can be airlifted to teammates is enabled if these settings are also enabled:
- Links can be airlifted to self
- If teams count as one player
Distributing Links
If Links are not automatically distributed then players will be notified to distribute them. Links can only be distributed on turn 1 of the game. To do so:
- Open Game > Mod: Connected Territories
- Click "Place unit"
- Click territories you own
- A "Place link unit on <territory name>" order will be added to your orders list
See also