Connected Territories

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Mod nameConnected Territories
Made public on2022-12-05
Runs on Warzone version5.24.1+
Source codeGitHub
A Link
Attack power1
Defence power1
Can be transferred to teammatesCustomizable
Can be airlifted to selfCustomizable
Can be airlifted to teammatesCustomizable
Can be giftedNo
Combat order9121
Damage to kill1
Starting healthN/A
Visible to all playersNo

This mod is similar to Connected Commanders, except that Commanders do not have to be enabled and a Link special unit is used. Territories that are not connected to at least one link will become neutral at the end of the turn. Connected means there is a path from one territory to the one with a special unit where the territory and special unit owners are the same. Links are special units to decide if territories are connected. A link is represented using a Link and or a Commander (depending on mod settings).


Mod Settings

Game creators can customize:

  • If Links are automatically distributed (defaults to disabled).
  • If players receive the same number of Links as initial starting positions (defaults to enabled)
  • The number of Links players receive (defaults to 3, min 1, max 5 - lower and higher values can be typed in rather than using the number slider, there is no absolute max). Only applies if the above setting is disabled.
  • If Commanders are a link (defaults to enabled).
  • If Links can be airlifted to self (defaults to disabled).
  • If teams count as one player (defaults to false). Makes it so that a teammate's connections can be used to connect territories.

Links can transferred to teammates is enabled if these settings are also enabled:

  • If teams count as one player

Links can be airlifted to teammates is enabled if these settings are also enabled:

  • Links can be airlifted to self
  • If teams count as one player

Distributing Links

If Links are not automatically distributed then players will be notified to distribute them. Links can only be distributed on turn 1 of the game. To do so:

  1. Open Game > Mod: Connected Territories
  2. Click "Place unit"
  3. Click territories you own
  4. A "Place link unit on <territory name>" order will be added to your orders list

See also