Deployment Limit

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Mod nameDeployment Limit
Made public on2017-??-??
Runs on Warzone version4.14.2+
Source codeGitHub

This mod limits the number of armies a player can deploy on any territory on any given turn.

For example, if the deployment limit is 10, you cannot issue a deploy order of more than +10. (You can deploy +10 each turn, however, accumulating the armies.)

If the user tries to deploy armies beyond the limit, they get redistributed (randomly) to other territories:

If the deployment limit is 5, and the user deploys 20 armies, 5 will get deployed to that territory, and the other 15 will get deployed in other territories.

If every other territory has reached the deployment limit, the armies are lost!


Note: If this is used in conjunction with Stack Limit, it will be buggy!