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Mod nameExpansion+
Made public on2022-10-06
Runs on Warzone version4.14.2+
Source codeGitHub

This mod enables players to earn neutrals without needing to expand. At the end of each turn, players will be given random neutral territories that border their own. The amount of armies of the territory will be set to the number in the mod's settings.


Game creators can customize:

  • If only neutrals of size non-distribution neutrals or less will be given to players (defaults to disabled, any neutral will be given in this case).
  • The maximum number neutrals a player will gain each turn (defaults to 2, min 1, max 10).
  • The amount of armies that territories will have on them when given to players (defaults to 2, min 1, max 10).

Potential game-breaking bugs

The amount of armies on territories players receive is not validated. There may be negative armies on territories and this may cause the game to crash, similar for very large army numbers on territories.

See also