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Warzone supports a few hotkeys to make navigating the UI easier. Once you get used to the game, these can make playing easier.

Phase Manipulation

  • A - While building your turn, you can press the A key to advance to the next phase.
  • Q - While building your turn, you can press the Q key to go back to the previous phase.
  • Z - When done building your turn, you can press the Z key to commit your orders assuming you've advanced to the confirmation phase.
  • CTRL - While in the Attack/Transfer phase, you can hold down Control to cause clicks to initiate a deployment (just as would happen in the Deployment phase.) Many players prefer to just skip immediately to the Attack/Transfer phase and then deploy using this shortcut. This allows you to issue a deployment and the corresponding attack order at the same time rather than having to do all of your deployments separately from attacks.

Main Game Elements

  • W - When watching the latest turn, you can press W as a substitute for clicking the Watch Turn button.
  • G - Shortcut to opening the History window.
  • B - Shortcut to opening the Cards window.
  • P and M - Short for Plus and Minus, these are shortcuts for zooming in and out. These are useful for systems without mousewheel support.
  • Escape - Closes any open pop-up windows.
  • T - Shortcut to opening the Chat window. (Multi-player only)
  • R - Clicks the Refresh button. (Multi-player only)
  • Y - Opens the Statistics dialog.
  • U - Opens the Autopilot dialog. (Member only)
  • C - Toggles the Commander box in the attack/transfer dialog.

History Navigation

  • Left/right arrow keys go forward/backward through history by one turn.
  • Up/down arrows keys go forward/backward through history by one order.
  • Home key - opens up history to the first turn (or territory distribution in a manual distribution game)
  • End key - goes to the last turn (you may also wish to use escape to close history completely)
  • Number keys - While viewing a normal turn, views the map as player's perspectives. 0 key to view all again.
  • Number keys - While viewing picks, views player's picks. 0 key to clear all picks.

Chat Window

While the chat window is open, you can hold down Shift or Control and click any territory on the map to paste its name into the chat edit box. For bonus names, click on the box that indicates the bonus value.

  • SHIFT - Paste territory or bonus names into the edit box of the public chat.
  • CTRL ( Command on a Mac ) - Paste territory or bonus names into the edit box of the team-only chat. If used in a 1v1 or FFA game, it's pasted in the public chat instead.

To link into private chat, just make sure the main chat box is closed and hold either SHIFT or CTRL / Command while clicking a territory. It will go into whatever private chat window is open.

Outside of Games

  • Ctrl+G - Opens the Go-To Dialog, which allows you to go to any game, map, template, etc by Url (Unity only)
  • Ctrl+Shift+M - Opens the Mod Development Dialog (Unity only, mod development must be enabled)
  • Ctrl+Shift+, - Opens the Mod Development Log (Unity only, mod development must be enabled)