Meteor Strike 2

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Mod nameMeteor Strike 2
Made public on2024-02-14
Runs on Warzone version5.31+
Source codeGitHub

This mod is similar to Meteor Strike, except it is more configurable, introduces the Alien special unit, and contains an "Easter egg". There are normal storms and doomsday storms, which are like the other mod's standard meteor strikes and DoomsDay Mode, but multiple groups of them can be made.


Mod Settings

Game creators can customize general settings, normal storm settings and doomsday storm settings. Initially, no storms of any type are created. Note that higher an lower values for all number inputs can be entered rather than using the number slider.

General Settings

General settings:

  • If meteors can hit the same territory multiple times (defaults to disabled).
  • If meteors that deal 0 damage remove all armies any special units on the territory they hit as well as set the owner of the territory to neutral (defaults to disabled).
  • If an "Easter egg" is allowed to occur (defaults to enabled).
  • If "Presenter of weather forecast is game creator".
  • The "Additional weather forecast message".

Storm Settings

Both storm types have common settings:

  • Number of meteors (defaults to 3, min 1, max 20).
  • Random number of meteors (defaults to 0, min 1, max 10).
  • Meteor damage (defaults to 5, min 1, max 50).
  • Meteor random damage (defaults to 0, min 0, max 10).
  • If Aliens can be spawned (defaults to disabled).
    • Alien spawn chance (defaults to 20, min 0.1, max 100).
    • Alien default health (defaults to 10, min 1, max 20).
    • Alien random health (defaults to 3, min 0, max 10).
  • Storm name.
  • If the storm repeats itself (defaults to disabled).
    • If enabled - the storm will happen on a random turn number between a lower and upper limit plus the turn the storm ended on:
      • The minimum amount of turns until meteor storm is repeated (defaults to 10, min 0, max 50).
      • The maximum amount of turns until meteor storm is repeated (defaults to 20, min 0, max 50).
Normal Storms

Normal storm settings:

  • Common storm settings.
  • Chance of meteors falling (defaults to 100, min 0.1, max 100).
  • If meteors only fall between set turns (defaults to disabled).
    • If enabled:
      • Number of turns after the meteors can fall (defaults to 5, min 1, max 20).
      • Number of turns after meteors stop falling (defaults to 20, min 1, max 50).
    • If disabled: meteors fall every turn.
Doomsday Storms

Doomsday storm settings:

  • Common storm settings.
  • If the storm happens on a random or fixed turn (defaults to disabled i.e. fixed turn).
    • If enabled - a random turn between bounds is used:
      • Minimum turn bound (defaults to 10, min 5, max 20).
      • Maximum turn bound (defaults to 30, min 10, max 50).
    • If disabled:
      • Which turn the storm happens on (defaults to 20, min 5, max 20).


An Alien
Attack powerSame as Health
Defence powerSame as Health
Can be transferred to teammatesNo
Can be airlifted to selfNo
Can be airlifted to teammatesNo
Can be giftedNo
Combat order477
Damage to killN/A
Starting healthCustomizable
Visible to all playersNo

Easter Egg

If the "Easter egg" is enabled in settings, Alien UFO special units have a 1% chance of being created when an Alien would otherwise normally be created.

An Alien UFO
Attack powerSame as Health
Defence powerSame as Health
Can be transferred to teammatesNo
Can be airlifted to selfNo
Can be airlifted to teammatesNo
Can be giftedNo
Combat order478
Damage to killN/A
Starting healthAlien Starting health * 2
Visible to all playersNo

See also