Mighty Commanders

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Mod nameMighty Commanders
CreatorEl Teoremas
Made public on2022-??-??
Runs on Warzone version5.20+
Source codeGitHub

This mod gives Commanders more abilities:

  1. Spawning armies at the end of each turn. If the Commander is killed, armies will not be spawned.
  2. Whenever they are attacking or defending, armies that would normally be killed live on. If the Commander is killed during the attack or while defending, it will not do this.
  3. Whenever they are attacking or defending, some surviving enemy armies flee (treated as being killed). Only applies to armies involved in the order and not the territory where the order originated from.

All of these abilities can be customized:

  1. Defaults to 0, min 0, max 100 (higher values can be typed in rather than using the number slider, no absolute max).
  2. Defaults to 0%, min 0%, max 100%.
  3. Defaults to 0%, min 0%, max 100%.