Mod API Reference:GameSettings
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GameSettings: All settings the game was started with. These are never changed once the game is created.
- AIsSurrenderWhenOneHumanRemains boolean:
- AllowAttackOnly boolean:
- AllowPercentageAttacks boolean:
- AllowTransferOnly boolean:
- AllowVacations boolean:
- ArmyCap Nullable<number>:
- AtStartDivideIntoTeamsOf integer:
- AutoBootEnabled boolean:
- AutoBootTime TimeSpan:
- AutoForceJoinTime TimeSpan:
- AutomaticTerritoryDistribution boolean:
- AutoStartGame boolean:
- BankDuration integer:
- BankingBootTimes Nullable<integer>:
- BonusArmyPer integer:
- BootedPlayersTurnIntoAIs boolean:
- CardHoldingsAndReceivesFogged boolean:
- CardPlayingsFogged boolean:
- Cards Table<CardID,CardGame>:
- CoinEntryFee integer:
- CoinPrize integer:
- Commanders boolean:
- CommerceArmyCostMultiplier Nullable<integer>:
- CommerceCityBaseCost Nullable<integer>:
- CommerceGame boolean:
- Created DateTime:
- CustomScenario CustomScenario:
- DefenseKillRate number:
- DirectBootTime TimeSpan:
- DirectBootTimeSummaryString string:
- DistributionModeID DistributionID: This can be assigned the numeric distribution mode that a map makes available, or to one of the following constants:
- WL.DistributionMode.FullDistribution
- WL.DistributionMode.RandomWarlordsDistribution
- WL.DistributionMode.RandomCitiesDistribution
- WL.DistributionMode.CustomScenario
- FogLevel GameFogLevel (enum):
- ForceJoinTime TimeSpan:
- HasAnySortOfFog boolean:
- HasSpecialUnits boolean:
- InitialBank TimeSpan:
- InitialNeutralsInDistribution integer:
- InitialNonDistributionArmies integer:
- InitialPlayerArmiesPerTerritory integer:
- InstantSurrender boolean:
- IsArchived boolean:
- IsCoinsGame boolean:
- IsTournamentLadderQuickmatchOrClanWar boolean:
- KillRatesAreModified boolean:
- LadderID Nullable<LadderID>:
- LimitDistributionTerritories integer:
- LocalDeployments boolean:
- LuckModifier number:
- MapID MapID:
- MapTestingGame boolean:
- MaxCardsHold integer:
- MinimumArmyBonus integer:
- MinimumBootTime TimeSpan:
- MinimumVersionRequired integer:
- MoveOrder MoveOrderEnum (enum):
- MultiAttack boolean:
- MultiPlayer boolean:
- Name string:
- NoSplit boolean:
- NumberOfCardsToReceiveEachTurn integer:
- NumberOfWastelands integer:
- OffenseKillRate number:
- OneArmyMustStandGuardOneOrZero integer:
- OneArmyStandsGuard boolean:
- OverriddenBonuses Table<BonusID,integer>:
- PersonalMessage string:
- PrivateMessaging boolean:
- RankedGame boolean:
- RealTimeGame boolean:
- RoundingMode RoundingModeEnum (enum):
- SinglePlayer boolean:
- StartedBy Nullable<PlayerID>:
- StartedByInfo PlayerInfo2:
- SurrenderedPlayersTurnIntoAIs boolean:
- TemplateIDUsed Nullable<TemplateID>:
- TemplateName string:
- TimesCanComeBackFromAI integer:
- TournamentID Nullable<integer>:
- VoteBootTime TimeSpan:
- WastelandSize integer: