Player colors
Warzone players may select from 24 standard different colors to represent themselves. There is no default color, as the sign-up page randomly selects a color each time it is loaded.
This page lists the colors along with the hex-codes that represent them.
Standard Colors
- #59009D Purple
- #FF7D00 Orange
- #606060 Dark Gray
- #FF697A Hot Pink
- #00FF8C Sea Green
- #009B9D Teal
- #AC0059 Dark Magenta
- #FFFF00 Yellow
- #FEFF9B Ivory
- #B70AFF Electric Purple
- #FF00B1 Deep Pink
- #4EFFFF Aqua
- #008000 Dark Green
- #FF0000 Red
- #00FF05 Green
- #94652E Saddle Brown
- #FF4700 Orange Red
- #23A0FF Light Blue
- #FF87FF Orchid
- #943E3E Brown
- #AD7E7E Copper Rose
- #FFAF56 Tan
- #8EBE57 Lime
- #0000FF Blue
Premium Colors
The premium colors can be purchased. Purchasing a color gives you unlimited use of that color forever.
- #DAA520 Goldenrod
- #990024 Tyrian Purple
- #880085 Mardi Gras
- #00755E Rain Forest
- #4169E1 Royal Blue
- #FF43A4 Wild Strawberry
- #C04000 Mahogany
- #D2691E Cinnamon
- #100C08 Smoky Black
Limited Edition Colors
In addition to the colors above, a few limited edition colors have also been released:
Blue Diagonals (also called Support Blue, is a reward for purchasing a support bundle when Warzone was raising funds to go to court)
Prison Green
Please note that the limited edition colors are no longer for sale.
Seasonal Packages Colors
These colors are one of the colors mentioned above combined with a unique pattern. They can be unlocked by purchasing one of the Seasonal Packages. The most up-to-date reporting of these packages can be found in the "Does anyone know the different bought packages? #2" forum
Orange Dice (Orange color, part of the Summer Sale package)
Hearts (Wild Strawberry color, part of the Valentine's Day Sale package)
Warlight (Red color, part of the Birthday package)
Ladder Colors
There are also colors that can be unlocked by holding first place in one of the ladders for one week.
Green Archer (from the 1v1 ladder)
Orange Archer (from the 2v2 ladder)
Pink Dice (from the 3v3 ladder)
Aqua Elephants (from the Seasonal Ladder)
Reserve Colors
Games with more than 24 players will offer additional color choices, up to the max of 40. These include the premium colors, as well as the colors below. Because these colors are often too similar to other colors or the neutral color, these colors are only available in large games to minimize the number of times that similar colors are used. Note that they cannot be selected as a default player color.
- #00FFFF Cyan
- #8F9779 Artichoke
- #FFE5B4 Peach
- #8DB600 Apple Green
- #40826D Viridian
- #FFDDF4 Pink Lace
- #CD7F32 Bronze
- #C19A6B Wood Brown
- #C09999 Tuscany
Custom Game Colors
There are a few hidden colors beyond the 40 player colors. These colors cannot be obtained by a player due to the 40 player limit, but these colors do appear when assigning territories to slots AO through AW in Custom Game.
- #B0BF1A Acid Green
- #3B7A57 Amazon
- #4B5320 Army Green
- #664C28 Donkey Brown
- #893F45 Cordovan
- #36454F Charcoal
- #FF00FF Fuchsia
- #76FF7A Screamin' Green