Player colors
WarLight players may select 24 different colors to represent themselves. There is no default color, as the sign-up page randomly selects a color each time it is loaded.
This page lists the colors, along with the hex-codes that represent them.
- Blue: 0000FF
- Purple: 59009D
- Orange: FF7D00
- Gray: 606060
- Hot Pink: FF697A
- Sea Green: 00FF8C
- Teal: 009B9D
- Dark Magenta: AC0059
- Yellow: FFFF00
- Ivory: FEFF9B
- Electric Purple: B70AFF
- Deep Pink: FF00B1
- Aqua: 4EFFFF
- Dark Green: 008000
- Red: FF0000
- Green: 00FF05
- Saddle Brown: 94652e
- Orange Red: FF4700
- Light Blue: 23A0FF
- Orchid: FF87FF
- Brown: 943E3E
- Copper Rose: AD7E7E
- Tan: FFAF56
- Lime: 8EBE57