it's the duty of folks to communicate their thoughts in whichever way is the most clear to the people they're communicating with.
No, it isn't, otherwise we'd all be speaking Ido a long time ago, or you'd be learning Kazakh. Just to communicate when talking is the goal, but it's the duty of folk to wield the right words, to make their tongue sensible and not just, wrong or hypocritic, something or that.
"Westerner" isn't necessarily a geographic term, it can refer to a cultural trait shared by many nations and people, as I showed you earlier with the definition I provided:
It's exclusively a geographic word. It can refer to cultures of the geographically west: America, Brazil, Britain, so on. What you (and your quote) tell me, though, is that I can say "north" but really mean a specific group of countries: most are actually south, not north. That's ridiculous, just call it whatever the organisation is. OECD, NATO.
It's a term that is unfamiliar to most people, and as I've already demonstrated, googling it won't help you out very much.
You demonstrated with your look that it does help, but it's just self-explanatory, furthermore: capitalist + world.
Edited 4/23/2016 16:07:09