Ethnic violence was boiling over. The west needed to act fast. Taliban was an unethical country that needed to be removed.
According to Physicians for Human Rights (PHR), "no other regime in the world has methodically and violently forced half of its population into virtual house arrest, prohibiting them on pain of physical punishment from showing their faces, seeking medical care without a male escort, or attending school."
Just because the CIA aided the mujahideen, the precursor to Al-Qaedia, does not mean the CIA is Al-Qaedia.
Conditions are improving for the Saami.
Assault rifles can be used for self-defense, sport and hunting. Very legitimate use.Who uses an assault rifle for hunting? Seems like overkill. For self-defense, any other gun should do you enough justice. Sport seems like a legitamite use, so a loophole could be made for gun lodges to own them IF it were used for sport or education. Also, if people are commenting that the gun's use is for armed rebellion, then there is a pretty sensible reason for banning (revolution is not good for stability).
The minimum wage keeps unskilled folk from working, no one would pay them more than they're worth.The minimum wage keeps the unskilled, those learning important skills or those with some skill from living homeless in most cases.
Public School is about creating a loyal citizenship , not education. Folk were educated more cheaply before public education and better than now.What public school were you at? At our school, opinions flow freely and education is a big point. Also, with public education, parents don't have to spend time at home teaching their child and can spend much more time working. Also, if an idea worked in the past doesn't mean it will work in the future in the same way.