Yes. Norman's made multiple false accusations about me in this thread, one false accusation about Forbidden Knowledge (
who's not even involved here). Going back to the topic, they're letting the most egregious known cheater on WL of 2016 compete for and represent them in Clan League.
You can even tell it in their responses. Instead of engaging me on substance (which even AI does that), they repeat accusations, further slander me, and reek of condescension. Why make all these personal attacks if my claims are baseless?
Ask Great Expanse, too. Today he mailed AyanM, asking them to support a feature proposal he's making to Fizzer (making Chat Games a part of Warlight). I apologize to him in advance for involving him here, but here's what he said about that experience and the behavior of M'Hunters (which you can verify in the #clans channel on the WL Public Chat Discord; if you decide to personally attack him over this, keep in mind that I'm more at fault here for violating his expectation of privacy/obscurity- the only M'Hunters player in that chat was TBest, so he didn't expect Norman/AyanM to see this and certainly doesn't air these grievances to them):
And apparently AyanM has a 'problem with me' and can't 'trust me' with that game chat idea you and I talked about yesterday.
Well, AyanM and Norman got into an arguement with alot of people. But what bothered me was the other M'Hunters coming in and judging the poor behaviour of everyone but Norman and AyanM.
Being around M'Hunters is negative energy I don't want in my life,
@TBest I will be honest with you, I have no problems with you or M"Hunters in general. Only, everytime M'Hunters starts talking a lot in the Divisino C thread someone is under attack. Someone is being belittled. Not everyone is being belittling, but there are others that sit there are validate the people belittling other people. And slowly over this season, more and more M'Hunters have been put on my blacklist.
I have AyanM saying I've attacked M'Hunters and I ask 'How?'
And I'm coming away from M'Hunters feeling terrible. I don't want this in my life and I hate being around people like that. I don't engage anymore, but that doesn't stop Norman from beating on Hysterical Koala in Hydra over and over again.
Like TBest, I am trying to get a community support for a new game feature. The most non-partisan thing ever. And he tells me I'm not worth trusting and he can't support me? That person needs to be taken out of M'Hunters!
He's not rational.
It was AyanM I talked to, not Norman.
This is from a major clan leader PM'ing M'Hunters about a feature proposal that's basic and useful enough for multiple other clans to have already backed. And yet the response he gets- from AyanM, your clan's leader, original Manager, and the guy whom it's named after- is a personal attack that makes him want to avoid M'Hunters even further.While I'd like to keep this mainly about AI, their unwillingness to even enforce the simplest community norms is emblematic of a larger issue. And they get away with all of this because they're a large, active, skilled clan.
I don't think they should. I'll do my part to at the very least censure them (which means, when IPL comes out on Sunday, no M'Hunters player will be able to compete) and I hope the rest of the community moves to exclude them too until they become a more responsible clan.
Literally above this comment, after I've brought up M'Hunters' inability to engage on substance rather than personal attacks- Rogue Nikolai Krogius again responds on a personal level.
I'm sure I'm not the only one here with grievances against M'Hunters; clearly, other people can and will speak out when they're not immediately subjected to personal attacks in response. I'm just lucky enough to not have much of a reputation to risk here, but I hope I can at the very least discourage their behavior by revealing it and maybe even encourage the other people they've treated like shit to speak out against them.
To the people who haven't had these experiences, I'm sorry that you have to see this unfold in a Division C thread (although hey I guess you're actually ahead in post count now). I know you're not involved here and although I'd like you to think about the direction you're pushing the community by tacitly condoning the M'Hunters' behavior and calling for me to stop saying anything, I get that you'd also rather not jump into the ring when you don't feel llike you have to.
But this is just something that needs to be said. And needed to be said for a long time now.
Edited 7/21/2016 01:52:52