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Multi-day ladder: 2016-12-08 17:03:57

Level 64
I have recently made a change so that the CLOT creates games from my alt account(Master of the Dead [2]) instead of my main. If you notice any bugs, please let me know.
Multi-day ladder: 2016-12-10 15:13:27

Level 60
I am playing 3 games at a time, right now the 3 of them in the same template ^^U
Maybe it could be arranged so when a new game it's created, the system checks along with the vetos, the last games of both players? Let's say 3 or 5 last games :P
Multi-day ladder: 2016-12-10 17:44:14

Level 64
Added the feature to exclude the templates from your last 5 games when picking a template. The CLOT didn't have any games to allocate right now, so I haven't tested it yet. But it should hopefully work.
Multi-day ladder: 2016-12-10 18:13:24

Level 60
That was fast, thanks for your work!
Multi-day ladder: 2016-12-10 20:44:39

Timinator • apex 
Level 67
nice feature, i like it!
Multi-day ladder: 2016-12-10 22:33:34

Level 64
To get people more engaged with the Multi-day ladder, I've decided to start a mini-competition. We're going to add one new template to the ladder from this list

The player who finishes the most number of games during the competition(Dec 11 - Dec 17) will choose the template from this list! If the winner does not like any of them, they can opt to discard all these templates for this week.

If anyone would like to nominate templates for the next competition, they can do so on this thread as well.

Edited 12/10/2016 22:36:49
Multi-day ladder: 2016-12-11 21:08:28

master of desaster 
Level 66
Malvia! Gogo! Everyone puts their gamecount on the ladder on 9! ;)
Multi-day ladder: 2016-12-12 02:34:44

Level 58
You should also clarify that games in which the player gets booted shouldn't count ;)

Anyway, just dropping by again to say I really like your ladder, and I'll start playing it more once my game count goes down a bit!

And it's nice that we won't get the same templates in quick sequence, that's a good touch.

Edited 12/12/2016 02:35:27
Multi-day ladder: 2016-12-13 06:55:07

Level 61
So where is Gui and sze? They kept whining there was no good ladder worth playing, and now that there is one they don't join?
Multi-day ladder: 2016-12-13 23:45:51

Art Vandelay
Level 54
What is a grandfathered account? I would like to join the ladder and my account is dated from before the level system which hinders me from joining. Can anyone shed any light on this? (also not sure if this is the right place to be asking this)
Multi-day ladder: 2016-12-14 00:03:54

Level 64
A grandfathered account is just an account created before the level systems were introduced. You're being blocked from joining the ladder because you have not unlocked the "no-split" mode. You can confirm this by trying to create a game on this template : https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TemplateID=940647

If I recall, Fizzer said that old accounts would unlock this feature once they level up at least once after the introduction of this feature. Have you leveled up recently? If not, I would recommend leveling up to 32 and trying again. If that doesn't work, get back to me and I'll follow up with Fizzer.

Edited 12/14/2016 00:06:50
Multi-day ladder: 2016-12-14 01:34:27

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
Actually, no-split was introduced after levels became a thing so even grandfathered accounts have to level up for it. Local deployment is the same way (if I recall correctly it was the very first new feature introduced after levels, and thus the very first thing to need to be unlocked).
Multi-day ladder: 2016-12-14 01:39:05

Level 62
najdorf has 146k points in the last 30 days. Surely he has leveled up recently.
Multi-day ladder: 2016-12-14 03:56:47

Art Vandelay
Level 54
I've played 1200(out of 1400) something games before the level system and have just recently returned. I've grown the 31 levels since the introduction and I definitely did not receive anything special or 'grandfather' like. And no I cannot use that feature you provided. Thanks for the responses guys
Multi-day ladder: 2016-12-14 04:29:09

Level 64
I think you need to be level 40 to use the no-split feature. I'm not sure if it's just this feature which is locked for you, or all of them. I've made a change so that it displays the error message from now on. Try joining the ladder and PM the error message and I'll be able to tell you what level you need to get to.

Source - https://www.warlight.net/wiki/Levels
Multi-day ladder: 2016-12-14 04:56:43

Level 50
^Tells you the level to unlock things (If you don't have it unlocked). Should always be up to date (wiki might not be)

Can confirm that this works. Can also confirm that I need to work on the levels on this account :/

The supplied invite token is invalid. You have not unlocked all the templates and maps on this ladder. Error Code - {'template940639': {'result': 'CannotUseTemplate', 'reasonCode': 'MapLocked'}, 'template940492': {'result': 'CannotUseTemplate', 'reasonCode': 'MultiAttackAndAttackByPercentageLocked'}, 'template940673': {'result': 'CannotUseTemplate', 'reasonCode': 'MultiAttackAndAttackByPercentageLocked'}, 'color': '#0000ff', 'template940637': {'result': 'CannotUseTemplate', 'reasonCode': 'MultiAttackAndAttackByPercentageLocked'}, 'template940652': {'result': 'CannotUseTemplate', 'reasonCode': 'MultiAttackAndAttackByPercentageLocked'}, 'createPlayerLimit': '14', 'template940675': {'result': 'CannotUseTemplate', 'reasonCode': 'MultiAttackAndAttackByPercentageLocked'}, 'tokenIsValid': '', 'template940641': {'result': 'CannotUseTemplate', 'reasonCode': 'MapLocked'}, 'featuresUnlocked': 'CanUseAbandonCard, CanUseAirliftCard, CanUseDiplomacyCard, CanUseExtraArmiesForTerritories, CanUseOpenSeatPrerequisites, CanUseSanctionsCard', 'level': '19', 'name': 'TBestLittleHelper', 'clan': '{101st}', 'template940676': {'result': 'CannotUseTemplate', 'reasonCode': 'MultiAttackAndAttackByPercentageLocked'}, 'template940490': {'result': 'CannotUseTemplate', 'reasonCode': 'MapLocked'}, 'levelForMapUsage': '19', 'template940478': {'result': 'CannotUseTemplate', 'reasonCode': 'MapLocked'}, 'isMember': 'False', 'template940486': {'result': 'CannotUseTemplate', 'reasonCode': 'MultiAttackAndAttackByPercentageLocked'}, 'template940484': {'result': 'CannotUseTemplate', 'reasonCode': 'MapLocked'}, 'tagline': '', 'template940674': {'result': 'CannotUseTemplate', 'reasonCode': 'MapLocked'}, 'template942413': {'result': 'CannotUseTemplate', 'reasonCode': 'MultiAttackAndAttackByPercentageLocked'}, 'template940487': {'result': 'CannotUseTemplate', 'reasonCode': 'MapLocked'}}

Edited 12/14/2016 04:59:19
Multi-day ladder: 2016-12-20 23:49:42

Level 64
To get people more engaged with the Multi-day ladder, I've decided to start a mini-competition. We're going to add one new template to the ladder from this list
Volcano Island https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=12390339
Strategic Italy https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=12390369
Malvia https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=12344335

The player who finishes the most number of games during the competition(Dec 11 - Dec 17) will choose the template from this list! If the winner does not like any of them, they can opt to discard all these templates for this week.

If anyone would like to nominate templates for the next competition, they can do so on this thread as well.

master of desaster has won the first competition! He will now choose which one of these templates are added to MDL.

Top 5 players with most games played in that time window
  • master of desaster - 20 games
  • {{NeRo}} - 17 games
  • AWESOMEGUY - 15 games
  • malakkan - 13 games
  • Muli - 13 games
Multi-day ladder: 2016-12-21 05:58:52

master of desaster 
Level 66
Juhuuu Malvia i'm chosing you!!!
Multi-day ladder: 2016-12-21 19:39:37

Level 61

So i was complaining to MotD that he should have some improvements on the ladder page, like that for example the section links on the FAQ box were text selectors on hover instead of cursor pointer.

And that the templates were linking only to the template id's which is very close to useless for anyone wanting to know more about the template, would make more sense to have a page for each template listing all the recently finished games on that template and either text explaining how to play them or a video discussing some of the most common tactics.

I would implement things myself but his repo on github is 2 years old, clearly not the version being used. So i complained about it to MotD some more and when he came back to skype and read my wall of text instead of telling me to fuck off he gave me permission to the TFS repo that he uses to work on the CLOT.

After wasting a couple of hours configuring visual studio and python shit, i finally managed to get things working locally and implemented those features i was just mentioning before.

He included them on today's update. You can see them live now.

In the future we plan to do short introductory videos for each template, analysing some games and different strategies that can be played in them. And also add some statistics to each template (your player winrate, global best players on this template, how often it gets drawn, how much is it veto'ed, etc)


There now exists a template page for each template on the ladder, it lists the recent games and on some cases a youtube tutorial video on how to play them (pointing to archived WGL sessions for now). For example: http://md-ladder.cloudapp.net/template?templateId=940673

Edited 12/21/2016 19:42:59
Multi-day ladder: 2016-12-21 20:13:01

Level 67
I think that main page could be reworked a bit - currently it loads a list of all(?) games and it takes quite much time.
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