I'm playing in 3 tournaments atm and don't see any option to playing faster.
I understand that, but that is something clans would have to decide when creating lineups: playing their best players as much as possible, or keeping them from getting overwhelmed with games. It may be in their interest not to max players out.
U only can affect your own play speed, not the one of your opponent.
I agree, and that is one drawback, but it will impact slow teams much more than it will affect their opponents. If you have a means of targeting only the slow team, we're happy to hear it.
Basically u will get the same result with forcing players/teams to play faster than u would get if u reduce the boot time of 3 days to let's say 2 days f.ex.
That's not true. 2 day boots will lead to players forgetting that the boot is sooner and getting booted. This will either encourage them to play quicker, or it will result in more games at a time, which will no doubt reduce their play quality, but shouldn't really induce more boots.
At the end of the day, it is in the interest of the competition for the different divisions to proceed at roughly the same pace. It's no fun for the clans in Q1 and Q2 to wait for so long for the result in Q3 to become clear. Similarly, B will finish the whole season not too long after C and D start at this rate. The simplest way to handle this is by scheduling the games.
Edited 5/2/2017 13:30:05