AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-09-23 09:31:26 |
Level 62
So there's to be an event modelled on the ATP Finals? Will it have a group stage and be worth 1500 points like the ATP event, or just a simple knockout?
I guess it will start in spring 2019 after every other 2018 tournament is finished?
Nice idea!
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-09-24 08:32:17 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
Yes, despite it's name is the year end Tour Final, it will be around in spring 2019 (when all the 2018 events will be finished, you are right)
And the event details are not finished yet regarding the exact format, but won't be group stage like in the tennis ATP Finals, "only" knockout, but not a simple one! I mean, not a single elimination Warzone tournament for 8 players, but the games will be created manually. Becuase will be best of X rounds format instead of only the one win game wich possible with the single elimination WZ tourney, with personally choosed templates (and vetos and etc.).
And I am not sure about if it will give points too or "only" the World Champion title, but likely will give points too, just like the ATP Finals.
Soon, I will clarify the exact format. You just try to finish in the TOP8, because it will be cool party ;)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-09-24 08:45:17 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
Btw, I am waiting for ideas for the template choosing method for the Tour Final!
I mean, for example the Tour Final quarter finals will be best of 5 fights (just an example, QF likely will be less, best of 3 for example, and only the SF and F will be more), it means we need 9 templates, and 4-4 can be choosed by the players individually from a predefinied template pools. Or can be more template pool, one template from WR template (from Grass season) pool, one from weird template (from Clay season) and 2 from SR template (from Hard season) pool. And one more additional template from any pool. And the players can veto 1 template from the opponents choosed templates, so finally remain 4+4 templates, and we need a deciding template too, if the results is 4-4 after 8 fights. It can be determined by rounds.
But this is only one idea, tell me your ideas ;)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-09-24 08:45:47 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
@AI: done
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-09-28 04:16:25 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
Monthly Tour Update - 08/2018 The tables below are based on the status of the 1st of September. (this update was delayed again, but at least a complete one this time)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-09-28 04:27:08 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
The Monthly Tour Race Update will post tomorrow.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-09-28 04:28:03 |
[WG] Reza
Level 60
Great job Ekstone as always!
Edited 9/28/2018 04:29:33
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-09-28 18:34:35 |

Level 62
Sorry for my confusion, when does the new season start? Since if there's a AWP final that means that's the end of that AWP season right?
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-09-29 06:38:20 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
Monthly Tour Race Update - 08/2018 The TOP20 on the 2018 Tour Race after August:

You can find the full list here (with all 2018 results and records sheets):
The star of this update is clearly kicorse! Not only because he won both two events which finished in the last month, but check the Ongoing events finals table above, end of the August he was on 7 ongoing finals, and in all the 7 he was unbeaten yet (2 F, 2 SF, 3 QF!), which mean huge additional points potential for him! So we easy say that we have a new challenger to the current ruler, Timinator! Kicorse already has got 3365 points in the Race, which very likely guarantee him the year-end TOP8 thus the participation in the Tour Final (because never was the 8th player have more than 3000 points so far). So I think, we can say we have the first player in the year end event, congrats m8! Timinator and Quicksilver need hard fights in the remained events to catch him. Ah, and kicorse gained the first place from Quicksilver in the Best Win% ranking (88% vs 87%)! :O
Because only two 250 Series events finished, not too much changes in the Rankings (expect kicorse, but we have already mentioned him ;) ). Still so many players have good chance to finish in the TOP8 and participate in the Tour Final. Still only 16 of 50 events finished, so 68% of the events still open.
Who will be that 8 players who will fight for the year-end trophy?
Edited 9/29/2018 06:41:20
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-09-29 06:41:50 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
@Reza: yw ;) @Plat: not so simple. There are two things. ---- This series is a neverending series, with continuous Ranking which based on the last 52 weeks results (and not really weeks but events, I mean when a new year event finished it replaces the last year corresponding event's results, so those are expired). You can see this Ranking in the first post of this topic, and the first TOP10 picture too in my monthly posts. So as you see, this one doesn't have start nor end, you can join anytime and need one year for the maximum possibilities (i.e. you can play all the 50 events). But of course if you win all events you joined, then need less then half year to reach number one position ;) ---- And there is an other Ranking too, it is the Race. It is another and not :) I mean another, because the Race has a start time when the first event started (first Monday of the year), and has an end time, when the last event of that year finished. This is not an exact date, because we don't know when the players finished the tourneys. It is about next year March. And I mean not another Ranking, because it is based on the same events and same method than the normal Ranking. In the tennis, where the events have exact start and end date, the two type of the Rankings will be exactly the same in the end of the year, because end of 2018 will be only 2018 events in the normal and the Race tennis Rankings too. But for us, it is not possible, because a 2019 AWP event can finish earlier than a 2018 event for example (and that 2019 event will be counted in the normal Ranking, and counted the new year (2019) Race but not in the 2018 Race) Uh, I hope I can describe it well :O Hmm, I link the ATP Tour FAQ, because if you understand how that works you will understand this one too ;)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-09-30 09:19:20 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
Many (9!) events finished in September, so congrats time! 92. AWP World Tour - Grand Slam - Snow Mountains MA to Rento for his 4th Tour event win! Here are the TOP16:  101. AWP World Tour - Masters 1000 - Biomes of America to kicorse for his 5th (!) Tour event win! Here are the TOP16:  99. AWP World Tour - 500 Series - Turkey LD to Milly for his first Tour event win! Here are the TOP16:  95. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Great Lakes - LFD to rakleader for his 6th (!) Tour event win! Here are the TOP16:  98. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Sumo to Star of the East for his first Tour event win! Here are the TOP16:  100. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Strategic Commanders to psykkoman for his first Tour event win! Here are the TOP16:  102. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Cat Fight to Min34 for his first Tour event win! Here are the TOP16:  104. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - British Raj to Octane for his 3rd Tour event win! Here are the TOP16:  106. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Gelvien Islands to kicorse for his 6th (!) Tour event win! Here are the TOP16:  9 events finished, including one Grand Slam and one Masters, so will be some changes in the Rankings next month. I am corious which changes, but for that I have to do those many updates :|
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-09-30 14:17:52 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
Hehe, until I made the congrats post, a new event finished (with a real time Final game), so congrats time again! :) 103. AWP World Tour - 500 Series - Floating Rocks to kicorse for his 7th (!!) Tour event win! Here are the TOP16:  I have no more words about kicorse's performance recently... He not only won 3 of the 10 finished events in September (and being the only player who won more tourneys in this month), but he has got other two 2nd positions and a semifinal too (and GS R16 which is important 180 points). And without a whole season, he is already TOP3 in many record tables, for example, from now he is first in the Most Tournament Wins by Category (because nobody have a GS + Masters wins yet), he is the one of 3 players who can win 7 or more events (MoD and Timi the others), etc. etc. It will be hard to defend the crown by Timinator, mainly because he recently booted out from some tourneys (including a GS) :((((((((( And the other pretender, Quicksilver, simple surrender his GS game :O :( Come on guys, give some hard fights to kicorse! :P
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-10-03 10:16:22 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
Monthly Tour Update - 09/2018 The tables below are based on the status of the 1st of October.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-10-04 12:34:43 |

Level 62
And for the consistency ^
Could I please be invited to games on this account instead of my alt Rick Sanchez.
Please and thanks.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-10-05 04:11:52 |

Mista Sista
Level 57
First time hearing of this. How long has this tournament been going on?
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-10-07 05:26:53 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
@Min34 You are welcome ;) @Plat Done. @Mista Sista There are 50 tournaments per year on the Tour, so I don't understand your question. Btw we have a FAQ (not completed though) you get answer your question from this.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-10-07 05:29:17 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
Monthly Tour Race Update - 09/2018 The TOP20 on the 2018 Tour Race after September:

You can find the full list here (with all 2018 results and records sheets):
And now some analysis words about September and the current Tour situation.
As you can see, kicorse conquered the Tour! Only with 19 finished events! And he is still on fire (most ongoing finals), which means he has a very good chance to break rakleader's highest ranking points record, only 1210 additional points need during 31 events without expiring points! (ok, actually he can't gain too many points from the lower events (only with winning or second place in 500 Series events), but still two Grand Slam and 6 Masters without expiring points!) I am wondering how many records will be gained by kicorse in the end. He has got two already. And I am very wondering who will be able to stop him?
Because the other side is... Timinator was booted out at least from 9 events (including a Grand Slam and two Masters), which destroyed his Ranking for a while :(((( Seems that Quicksilver does a WZ break (not joining and surrendered at least 5 games because of this) :(((( Buns booted out from 4 major events, and not joined one, so seems he not only won't play on lower events for Ranking purpose but will stop play on the majors too :(((( MoD already plays on the Tour only casually. Pana retired, MIFRAN semi retired. rakleader focused on CL instead of the Tour.
Ok we have some other really good names in the pack, but kicorse's advantage now is very huge, so his domination now is inevitable. But the people need the show, the big fights, so come on guys! :P
When I write people, I write about myself ;) As you know, the Tour administrations mean manual works (10+ hours per month) for me. My biggest motivation for this that I can see here some great performances and great fights for the top. But if you guys start to get bored of the Tour it will be boring for me too :( Ok, still interesting to see where will be the limit for kicorse, how high records he will reach, but would be much interesting if would be one or more players who can compete with him on that high level. So we need some more Tour Hero here ;)
Oh, and the regular question :) Who will be that 8 players who will fight for the year-end trophy? Sure that kicorse will be one with that 5000+ points. Likely Rento will be the second participant with 3000+ points. So we have only 6 remained positions in the Tour Final. Who will be that 6? ;)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-10-07 05:49:42 |
[WG] Reza
Level 60
Can I get my flag changed, I have no clue why it has been US flag :D
Either Britain or Iran depending on how you give the flags
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