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AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-01-25 16:20:19

Level 62
Sounds great.

Re the template-selection process, I'd say keep it as simple as possible.

But whatever you go with, I'm in.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-01-29 08:01:12

Level 61
^Are you the gary to my ash?
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-02-03 05:44:25

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Seven finished events in January, congrats time!

112. AWP World Tour - 500 Series - Volcano Island
Congratulations to MoneyMakingMitch for his first Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

114. AWP World Tour - Masters 1000 - Strategic Phobia
Congratulations to JV for his 5th (!) Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

117. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Season XVIII:Snow.M.
Congratulations to Muli for his first Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

119. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Concordia
Congratulations to AI for his second Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

120. AWP World Tour - 500 Series - Strat. Yin'angzhou
Congratulations to MoD for his 10th (!!!) Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

124. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Small Earth 1v1
Congratulations to AI for his third Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

126. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Discovery
Congratulations to GuestNWHSzY for his third Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-02-04 05:34:55

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Monthly Tour Update - 01/2019
The tables below are based on the status of the 1st of February 2019.

AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-02-06 11:58:22

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Monthly Tour Race Update - 01/2019
The tables below are based on the status of the 5th of February 2019.

There are only 8 ongoing events from the Tour Race 2018 so I did a live Rankings, included the results from this 8 ongoing events too and made some calculations about the possible max points as well.

Here are the players who are still in the race for TOP8 Tour Final event (with green who already qualified, with cyan who still have a chance) - on the right side you can see the possible points and max points too for the players.

You can find the full list here (with all 2018 results (points from ongoing events included) and records sheets):

And here is the standard (without ongoing events) Race google docs too:

And some analysis.
As I wrote above, 3 players are already qualified:
  • We already have the name of the Tour Race 2018 winner, big congratulations to Kicorse!!!!
    He will have 7385 points at least, which is the new record! It is almost 1000 points more than the old record held by reakleader! And it is not over yet, because he is still playing in four ongoing events (two Masters and two 500 Series events) and his possible maximum points for this Race is 8925! Aaand he has the opportunity to further increase this record in the next year, because he missed the February and March Masters events in last year. Well, I'm really curious where will be the end of this great story :)
    Of course, he qualified to the TOP8 Tour Final event, as the first seeded player (he will play with the 8th in the first round)
  • Rento qualified as well, as the second seeded player (except if Timi will win all the 3 events where he is still playing, in that case only 3th seeded). But I saw that he booted and surrendered before the picks in some events :O So I am not sure if he will play on the Final event or not :( We will see, if not, the next ranked players (9th) will be invited and so on.
  • FiveStarGeneral qualified too, because no any scenario where 8 other players can gain more than 3120 points (additionally he has the chance to incraise his points too). His final position is not known yet, he can be from 3th to 8th.
And there are 11 players who fight for the rest 5 places:
  • TheRiverStyxie is now in 4th place, and mathematically not qualified yet, but she has a very good chance for this in practice (especially since she can gain 410 additional points from an ongoing 500 Series event too).
  • malakkan is the 5th now, and very similar situation than Styxie (only difference is that he can gain only 160 additional points from a 250 Series event)
  • MoD is the 6th now, and good chance for qualification with that 2800 points in practice, and he has got very big possible additional points too (he is in the GS SF already, and if he win that game, he will be qualified)
  • Timinator is the 7th now, good chance with the present 2775 points for qualification, but he has got 1430 possible additional points too (from 3 ongoing events), so he even can reach the second positions too.
So these 4 players have a very good chance to be TOP8 already with their presents points, and still have possibilities to gain more additional points.

Now the 7 players who will have to fight very hard to catch a TOP8 place in the end:
  • JV is now in the 8th, qualified place, but he has only 2540 points, and can gain only 200 points additionally. So he doesn't control his own fate regarding qualification (for his qualification need that all the other 5 players below to fail)
  • In contrast with JV, AI controls his own fate, and have a good chance of qualifying, he is in the GS Finals, so if he win that one game, he will have 2900 points already, and he is still playing in two 500 Series events too.
    Interesting way, he was only in the 150th position with only 65 points in the last Race update, but then he fired the rockets at the very last minute :)
  • A Tour legend, rakleadrer still has to fight for the TOP8, but he controls the things at least, though he have to win many more games for the qualification (especially his three remaining games in the China Masters are very important, but he can gain points from two additional events too)
  • alexclusive is the smith of his own destiny too, but for the qualification he has to win the EA&O Masters event (which means 4 more games). Not simple, but not impossible.
  • In any case, it is more simplier than linberson's situation, who still control the things, but he should win the GS and the China Masters. Well, still not impossible ;)
  • There are some (not too big) chance for the qualification to Muli and Reza too, but for this they should to win the EA&O Masters and need the other players to fail as well.
So this 14 player is still in the hat, we will see who will be that 8 players who can fight in the first TOP8 Tour Final event, stay tuned! ;)

Edited 2/6/2019 11:59:25
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-02-06 12:04:21

AWP Admin 
Level 34
In the meantime, rakleader defeated linberson in the China Masters querterfinal, so dropped linberson out of the game (and get better chance for the qualification for himself, although still long way)

Ok, only 13 players left, who will be that 8? :D
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-02-06 15:32:55

Beep Beep I'm A Jeep 
Level 64
So you are telling me that I could make 3600 Points just in the December update?

Oops. I wans't even aware that I compete for something in the 2018 AWP. However, now I'm fighting for that spot :D
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-02-06 16:36:54

Level 62
Wow, Ekstone, that must have taken hours! Did you have to input the dream result and the worst result for every player?

And AI after losing to you in a Grand Slam semi-final, I'm not surprised to see you in the reckoning at all.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-02-07 04:24:00

AWP Admin 
Level 34
@AI: not in the December update, but when the 2018 Tour Race will be finished (sometime during the spring of 2019) you can reach 3675 maximum points in that race. And yes, you have a good chance to qualify for the TOP8 Tour Final event, so go for it! ;)

@kicorse: it wasn't so long, I used Deadman's script to udpdate the points from ongoing events (it was less than 20 minutes, because I didn't create new players (irrelevant to 2018 Race) just used the points so far), so I got the worst results, then I checked the possible big points from the 8 events (only a few players can get many additional points so wasn't long neither), and after that focused on the players only who still have chance to the TOP8, and accurately count their possible points only. The longest time was to write the post with my Hunglish :/
Anyway, I adore this type of activities, browsing (creating) statistics, reading (writing) analyzes so time is not a factor :)

Which is more problematic for me, that is the template management for example :)
I mean, you have so different opinions in the template panel, so the right decisions aren't very easy.
But first of all, I should spend more time on it, so I am going now to work on that a bit :)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-02-07 04:29:22

Level 62
Yeah, we weren't exactly helpful on the panel in reaching a consensus.

But I don't think anyone will complain, whatever you do. We know that you can't please everyone.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-02-24 05:41:37

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Three finished events in February so far, congrats time!

118. AWP World Tour - Grand Slam - New 1v1 Ladder
Congratulations to MoD for his 11th (!!!! :O) Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

116. AWP World Tour - 500 Series - Red Dead Redemption
Congratulations to Mudderducker for his first Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

122. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Baltic Sea
Congratulations to malakkan for his 6th (!!) Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-03-01 05:32:48

AWP Admin 
Level 34
One more finished event in February, congrats time!

121. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Turkey NOT LD
Congratulations to JV for his 6th (!!) Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-03-05 05:02:05

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Monthly Tour Update - 02/2019
The tables below are based on the status of the 1st of March 2019.

AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-03-11 09:11:54

AWP Admin 
Level 34

we (the template panel) are working on to refresh the present templates on the Tour, the new templates (and levels) will be announced soon. After that the template schedules and levels will be modified on the Events tab of the google docs too, so now you can't use it for planning), thank you for your patience.

AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-03-11 10:36:44

master of desaster 
Level 66
Thanks for your work once again! Awp is great ekstone
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-04-01 08:55:19

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Three finished events in March, congrats time!

123. AWP World Tour - Masters 1000 - China
Congratulations to kicorse for his 9th (!!!!) Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

125. AWP World Tour - 500 Series - Qina
Congratulations to rakleader for his 8th (!!!) Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

128. AWP World Tour - 500 Series - Post-Melt Antarctica
Congratulations to Bonsai for his first Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-04-02 05:03:07

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Monthly Tour Update - 03/2019
The tables below are based on the status of the 1st of April 2019.

AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-04-04 06:31:51

Level 61
Hello there, I've changed my name, used to be Has quit playing ;).
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-04-08 04:59:56

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Hi, I changed your name, and happy that you don't want to leave the game anymore ;)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-04-08 10:34:49

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Monthly Tour Race Update - 02-03/2019
The table below is based on the status of the 1th of April 2019.

  • The TOP20 on the 2018 Tour Race after 2019 March:

    You can find the full list here (with all 2018 results and records sheets):

    I didn't write Tour Race post in the last month, but I made the race google docs, so I now copy here it too (just for the records):

    Ok, let's see the analyzing of the Race for the 2018 TOP8 Tour Finals!

    There is only one ongoing event from the Tour Race 2018!
    So only two open questions left:
    • Will the magic 8000 points limit be broken by kicorse?
      He needs a Finals at least for this, so if he will beat Suschel, he will break the 8k limit!
    • Who will be the 8th?
      kicorse, Rento, MoD, Styxie, FSG, malakkan, Timi are already qualified, so only one space left!
      Present, JV owned this slot, but two other players still have a small chance to take this position from him.
      Reza only has chance if he would win the event (so would 30 points ahead on JV)
      alexclusive has chance with a Finals too (not necessary win the event for him).
      But that means 4 and 3 more wins for them, so won't be so simple, I'm putting my money on JV ;)
    I didn't say well, there's a big third open question, about the details of this 2018 TOP8 Tour Finals event :|
    My earlier thoughts:
    • It will be a 8 players event, for the TOP8 players of the finished yearly Tour Race (based on the 50 events of the given year).
      In case if somebody won't join to the event, then the next player on the Race Ranking will be invited.
    • It will be a single elimination tournament with best of X format and seeding.
      Since these features are currently not exists (neither officially nor CLOT), I will create the games manually.
      The seeding will be 1. vs. 8., 2. vs 7., 3. vs 6., 4. vs 5.
      I am still thinking about the X, maybe the the quarterfinals will be best of 5, the semifinals best of 7 and the Finals best of 9, but not sure yet.
    • The templates will be choosen by the two players of the given fight
      There will be a template election process before the fights, so won't be general templates (except the one deciding template), they always will be choosen by the two players who play in the given pairing as a first step. The template election process is not fixed yet, but something like this: the players choose (X+1)/2 templates (where X is come from best of X), and then they can veto one template of the opponent's choices, so we have X-1 templates and only need one common templates if will be a tie to decide. Maybe the common deciding template will be choosed by the two players too, or the winner of the Race before the event, I don't know yet. Oh, and perhaps will be mandatory choose from the different surfaces (Hard, Clay, Grass). So there still are many question mark regarding this topic.
    • After we have the X-1 plus the deciding templates, I will create two games (on first template of player A and first template of player B), then if they finished I open the next two games, etc., and if will be a tie in the end, last step I open the deciding game. So there will be maximum two games at a time for the players from this event.
    • I am not sure about it will be a scoring event or not (likely will be a scoring event).
    I am still thinking about the details, still welcomed if you write your opinions, ideas, proposals (especially regarding the template election process!), every help is really really appreciated!
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