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AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-07-03 06:29:31

AWP Admin 
Level 34
You're welcome! :)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-07-03 19:38:24

Level 63
Any reason why AWP isnt 1v1 team games so that you can use team chat for notes?
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-07-04 05:05:10

AWP Admin 
Level 34
When I create a template I use teams, and when I create a tournament I use teams (with 1 member) too, but still don't work the notes, so this is a good chance for Fizzer as the next tournament improve ;)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-07-04 08:41:44

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Monthly Tour Race Update - 05-06/2019
The tables below are based on the status of the 1st of July 2019.

  • The TOP20 on the 2019 Tour Race after 2019 June:

    You can find the full list here (with all 2019 results, events and records sheets):

  • I didn't write Tour Race post in the last month, but I made the race google docs, so now I copy here it too (just for the records):
    FSG took the lead from Turkish in that month.

  • And finally some analysis of the 2019 Race after June.
    • Kicorse took the lead from FSG.
      And actually he already qualified himself to the 2020 Tour Finals.
      (last year limit was 2000 points, and he has got already 2670)
      He continues to dominate the Tour!
      Who will stop him?
    • FSG slid to second place (after he took the first in last month), but with a very good points.
      Actually he already qualified to the 2020 Tour Finals too, because from the ongoing games he will have plus 800 points minimum.
    • Rakleader is again in the top spots!
      And actually he already qualified to the 2020 Tour Finals too, because he is in many ongoing finals, and minimum 1500 plus points from those events already!
    • Although Timinator has got only 370 points so far, but from ongoing events he has minimum 1700 points already, so actually he qualified to the 2020 Tour Finals too.
    • It seems that these four players will fight for the first place of the Tour Race in 2019
      But there is still a lot of events left, so anything can happen.
      • For example Malakkan has already 1000+ points and more than 400 points from ongoing events too.
      • GuestNWHSzY has only 280 points, but more than 1200 points from ongoing events!
      • Turkish started the year very strong, 3 event wins already (and 85% win rate!), but he has got only few points from ongoing events (0-1-2 wins from ongoing major events, and already outed)
      • Schwartz did a good start too, 480 points plus already 800 points from ongoing events.
      • Buns and MoD both did a decent start (1-1 event win already), but very few points from ongoing events (and both missed to join to some majors :( )
    • I mentioned these 10 players, but the season still very long! So anybody still can reach the TOP16 (actually enough to win a GS for this ;) ) for the 2020 Tour Finals.
      Who will be that 16 players? :)
To be continued in the next month, stay tuned! ;)
Good luck and have fun for everybody on the Race!
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-07-06 02:23:42

Level 61
Man...I knew I shouldn't have let my pet monkey play for me on that Greece GS final vs kicorse ;/
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-07-27 05:20:23

AWP Admin 
Level 34
I updated the scheduled templates until the end of this year (here in first page (see content) and in the google docs too and copied below)

From next year there won't be time segregated but distributed seasons plus will be some further template changes too.
I will construct this restructured 2020 season later.

AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-08-01 04:19:52

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Seven finished events in July, congrats time!

133. AWP World Tour - Masters 1000 - Battle Islands V
Congratulations to Kurdistan49 for his 2nd Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

136. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Basileia
Congratulations to FSG for his 4th (!) Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

137. AWP World Tour - Masters 1000 - Guiroma 16% SR
Congratulations to GuestNWHSzY for his 4th (!) Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

139. AWP World Tour - 500 Series - Elitist Africa
Congratulations to Timinator for his 10th (!!!!) Tour event win!
After MoD, kicorse and rakleader, he is the 4th player who reached the two digits Tour event win number, congrats!
And a good sportsmanship from Rak giving the tourney win to Timi after that boot!

Here are the TOP16:

143. AWP World Tour - 500 Series - Fast Earth
Congratulations to kicorse for his 12th (!!!!) Tour event win!
Now he reached MoD (who with 12 Tour wins too), who will have the record? :)

Here are the TOP16:

144. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Strategic Commanders
Congratulations to rakleader for his 10th (!!!!) Tour event win!
After MoD and kicorse, he is the 3rd player who reached the two digits Tour event win number, congrats!

Here are the TOP16:

145. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Turkey LD
Congratulations to Milly for his 2nd Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-08-02 04:58:38

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Monthly Tour Update - 07/2019
The tables below are based on the status of the 1st of August 2019.

Edited 8/11/2019 04:51:21
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-08-14 10:53:51

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Monthly Tour Race Update - 07/2019

  • The TOP20 on the 2019 Tour Race after 2019 July:
    The table below are based on the status of the 1st of August 2019.

    You can find the full list here (with all 2019 results, events and records sheets):

  • Above you can see the official 2019 Race Rankings, with only the finished 2019 events.
    But I updated the actual (August 11th) results from the 15 ongoing events too, and here are the present live TOP25:

    This gives a better picture so I did my analysis based on this live Rankings.
    • We can make any type of Tour Rankings, there will be one thing which common, the number one will be Kicorse :D
      Yes, Kicorse lead this live Tour Race too, with almost 1500 points advantage! He already won two major events, and two smaller ones, and has got many finals too. He has got already 5195 points which doesn't mean he already got the year-end first place but... I mean only 3 players (+ kicorse himself of course) can get more than 5000 points so far in the Tour history, and Kicorse (likely) won't stop playing on the Tour so will gain much more point!
      So Laddies and Gentlemen, good luck to catch him in 2019 Tour Race! ;)
    • Rakleader, Timinator, FSG, Schwarz, Malakkan and GuestNWHSzY likely qualified themselves to the 2020 Tour Finals.
      Last time the qualification limit was 2000 points, so this is why I wrote likely.
    • Schwarz and Guest will be new faces in the Tour Finals, but there are some more new potential participants too.
      Jo Jo, Kurdistan, Turkish would give more Lynx power to the Finals. Reza again close to the fire. Treehorn has a good chance in this year and we have a brand new Tour player, Hergul he started his Tour carrier very impressive, and good chance to reach the Finals and duplicate the Ninjas :)
    • So likely we have 7 participants, but 9 places are still open!
      Who will be that 16 players? :)
To be continued in the next month, stay tuned! ;)
Good luck and have fun for everybody on the Race!
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-09-01 05:36:22

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Four finished events in August, congrats time!

141. AWP World Tour - Grand Slam - Blitzkrieg Bork
Congratulations to Timinator for his 11th (!!!!) Tour event win!
This was his first Grand Slam win btw, congrats!
And he is the first who win GS Bork (because he was who knew that the map name is Bork not Borg (the Borg he is himself? :) ))

Here are the TOP16:

146. AWP World Tour - Masters 1000 - Biomes of America
Congratulations to kicorse for his 13th (!!!!) Tour event win!
With this he became alone (overtook MoD) the record holder of the most Tour event win section, congrats!
And he also defended his previous year Biomes title too, nice!

Here are the TOP16:

150. AWP World Tour - Masters 1000 - French Brawl
Congratulations to kicorse for his 14th (!!!!) Tour event win!
He cannot stop it :D
With this Masters win he has got 6 (!) major wins (the next players have got 2), including two Grand Slam (he is the only one who has more than one). And with this, he is the title holder on 4 (!!) major events currently! :O (nobody hold more than one)
So he continues to dominate the Tour, actually only one thing is missing from his Tour collection, but that is the most important one, the Tour Finals title! And Buns arranged for him to wait (minimum) a year for this. Buns, Buns... :)

Here are the TOP16:

149. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Succession Wars LD
Congratulations to kicorse for his 15th (!!!!) Tour event win!
Nothing special for him :D
He couldn't even score points with this (because he has got better or equal best six results), but his most Tour event win record advantage has become even more solid.

Here are the TOP16:

AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-09-01 17:23:23

Level 61
WAIT WTF HOW DID I MISS PLAYING IN THE FRENCH BAWL TOURNEY!? it's probably my favorite template
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-09-01 18:10:20

Level 62
Whereas it's one of my least favourite, or was, anyway. Banning it first in the finals doesn't look too clever now.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-09-01 19:09:00

Level 61
It's okay, nobody's perfect ;]
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-09-02 04:18:26

Level 32
Hi, how do I join the events? :)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-09-02 09:36:27

Level 55
@FSG: I guess because you were on holiday or I dunno
(btw, big mistake if you don't check daily the magnificent AWP news even on the beach too ;) )

@Kicorse: you have no weakness! ;)
Wait, yet there is one, his name is Buns :P

I added you to my invitation list (from now you will be invited to the events on Wednesdays)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-09-02 10:43:24

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Monthly Tour Update - 08/2019
The tables below are based on the status of the 1st of September 2019.

Edited 9/4/2019 07:13:13
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-09-06 17:15:18

ToroLoco ॐ
Level 61
Hi guys. I’d like to participate on the event. Thank you!
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-09-09 09:05:31

AWP Admin 
Level 34
I added you to my invitation list, GL&HF!
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-09-16 17:23:53

FC Bayern 
Level 69
I would like to join
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-09-19 04:47:29

Level 55
I added you to my invitation list, GL&HF!
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