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AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-07-02 03:54:06

Level 55
Two "new" events finished!

43. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Sumo
Congratulations to Reza for his first Tour event win! Always nice to see for me if an old schooler did a good performance just like here ;)
Congrats to Bjarke as well for his another finals. His performance recently better and better, the TOP10 soon for him!
Congrats to Pardon99 and Gan too, good jobs. (pity for that boot in the semifinal Gan :( )

Here are the TOP16:

38. AWP World Tour - Masters 1000 - Guiroma
Congratulations to rakleader for his 4th (!) Tour event win, which was his second consecutive Masters victory, very well done! With this he broke the rule of the Big Four, a new era are coming?
Congrats to Timi as well for his third finals. Sooner or later he will win an event finally ;) But even without event win he still can reach the TOP10 with this good performance, nice job!
Congrats to Bjarke (again and again ;) ) and INSIDE too.

Here are the TOP16:

AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-07-08 05:37:13

Level 55
Monthly Tour Update - 06/2017
  • The TOP10 on the Tour after June:

    Pana is still the first position, already in the 6th consecutive months, amazing performance!
    He earned a 7-3 records in the last month and got 90 additional points.

    MIFRAN holds his second position, earned a 8-4 records and got 110 additional points.
    But unfortunatelly he is "heading towards retirement" :((((
    (he didn't join to the Old 1v1 Ladder Grand Slam where he is the title holder (which means -2000 points for him immediatelly after that new Grand Slam event will be finished))

    Buns holds his third position, earned a 4-2 records and got 90 additional points.
    He has got still the best win percentage (76%)

    rakleader is the man of the month!
    He earned a miraculous 19-3 records and got 2000 additional points! Very well done!
    With this marvelous performance he broke the rule of the Big Four, and got the 4th position (and so close to the second too)

    MoD earned a 2-4 records and got 45 additional points, but sunk one position.
    Because I did a mistake earlier in the Rankings (I counted GME III 500 Series event as a 250 Series event...) and now corrected, he technically got +250 points too in this month (I will correct the last two monthly rankings too)

    Wini earned a nice 14-4 records and got a very good 570 additional points, but still sunk one position, because of raklader's phenomenal performance. Although he closed to MoD (only 355 points difference)

    Arkanton earned a super 16-4 records and got an amazing 1055 additional points, and very closed to the TOP positions. Btw, he changed to his main account (from ANT of Turtle to Arkanton of Lynx), this is why you can see this name change.

    Hades earned a very good 15-5 records too and got a nice 500 additional points, and with these he raised to the 8th position, congratulations!

    Timinator earned a good 8-3 records and got a very nice 670 additional points, and he arrived to the TOP10 (although not yet any event win :P ;) )

    FlyingBender earned a 1-3 records and got 20 additional points, and sunk to the 10th position (but still in the TOP10).

  • Some additional good performance from outside of the TOP10.

    Pardon99 earned a very nice 13-3 records and got cool 680 additional points, and raised from the 115th to the 36th position. Very well done!

    Master Bjarke earned a very good 14-5 records and got nice 580 additional points, and raised from the 44th to the 26th position. Congratulations!

    Sułtan Kosmitów earned a 7-2 records and got 380 additional points, and raised from the 30th to the 25th position.

    INSIDE earned a 5-1 records and got 360 additional points, and raised from the 83th to the 48th position.

    Alexander earned a 5-1 records and got 360 additional points, and raised to the 64th position (he is new in the Rankings)

    Edge earned a 8-4 records and got 350 additional points, and raised from the 24th to the 17th position.

    Njord earned a 5-4 records and got 300 additional points, and raised from the 38th to the 32th position.

    Reza earned a 8-4 records and got 280 additional points, and raised from the 78th to the 54th position.

  • You can find here the full Rankings after May:

  • The updated Number one (plus full Rankings links) history per months:

  • The updated Tour records:

  • The updated Events informations:
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-07-09 15:41:25

Level 55
New event finished!

39. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Great Lakes I - LFD
Congratulations to Rento for his first Tour event win! With these 250 points he won't be in the TOP50 yet :O (although he has got a nice QF from MA Grand Slam, so he will soon).
Congrats to rakleader for the final. It is "only" 105 additional points for him, but with these he can reach the third position (if Buns won't gain any points of course).
Congrats Rob and Timi as well.

Here are the TOP16:

AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-07-09 17:36:09

Level 55
My monthly ongoing events analysis post is coming! :)

I updated the Events google docs:

I collected the present finals (F, SF, QF) positions from the ongoing events (+ the Great Lakes I - LFD 250 Series event won by Rento), so here are the players with 2 or more finals (the + means still in the event):
  • 3
    Octane (1F+, 1SF+, 1QF+)
    Master Bjarke (1F+, 1QF+, 1QF)
    Jackie Treehorn (1SF+, 1SF, 1QF)
    Quicksilver (1SF+, 2QF+)
    Juan (1QF+, 2QF)
  • 2
    Rento (1W, 1QF)
    Panagiotis (1F+, 1SF+)
    Phaeril (1F+, 1QF)
    rakleader (1F, 1QF)
    Timinator (1SF+, 1SF)
    PJ017 (2QF+)
    Milly (1QF+, 1QF)
    AI (1QF+, 1QF)
    dry-clean-only (2QF)
    Hades (2QF)
    Muli (2QF)
Additionally I collected all present major events (except fresh started Old 1v1 Ladder Grand Slam) and QF+ small events point status for the TOP20 + players above, and here are the Rankings based on those present minimum points (in the brackets the possible maximum points but only from majors):

Pana has got a big lead! And what would be if he didn't boot so much during his "retiring" :O Seems the first position will change not recently. Btw, he has got 960 not counted points from ongoing events.

rakleader is already in the second position in this virtual ranking list! He has got 330 not counted points from ongoing events.

Wini is the 6th player who passed the 4k points! He has got 540 not counted points from ongoing events.

Timinator stepped forward again (overtook Hades) because he has got a nice 830 not counted points from ongoing events.

Master Bjarke is on the TOP10 (!) because he has got 1450 not counted points from ongoing events.

Some other high not counted points:
Krunx (720)
Super Smoove (720)
Rento (610)
Treehorn (520)
AI (430)
Hades (380)
Phaeril (375)
Octane (375)

I wrote here an interesting stat too, Quicksilver has got 10 not counted victory (and 0 defeat) from ongoing events, so his present record is 24-2 (!), which means 92% win rate. Nice but not enough brave to go for the first place in the Rankings :P

Edited 7/9/2017 17:41:40
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-08-01 02:25:00

Level 55
Because recently lack of time I didn't post here two finished events yet.
But now congrats time! ;)

45. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Macedonia No Split
Congratulations to Quicksilver for his second Tour event win!
2 event wins of 4 events, nice performance! Only MIFRAN and Pana was able to beat him so far, he has got 20-2 records! Even better if we count his two ongoing events: 29-2! 93% winning rate!
So very nice numbers, only problem they are worth "nothing" from Rankings points of view :P ;)
Congrats to Cowboy for the final! I can see more and more 101st players in the finals positions of the Tour events, nice!
And congrats to the two vetarans, INSIDE and CONQUISTADORS as well!

Here are the TOP16:

48. AWP World Tour - 500 Series - Turkey LD
Congratulations to JV for his first Tour event win! With these 480 additional points he will have exactly 1000 points, and a stable TOP50 position.
Congrats to Love for the final! This was his second after that nice Grand Slam final.
Congrats to ps and PJ017 as well.

Here are the TOP16:

AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-08-17 05:05:57

Level 55
Ahh, I have a lot of backlogs here :/

First of all, here are the templates for the SR season:
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-08-17 07:42:16

Level 61
Hey Ekstone

I just checked the google doc at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/1Ao0SlM6Kv6CE1-Ha5mBIrI6nj4Uft2lMaE25qbXxWHs/pub?gid=648212339&output=html#

Is this up to date? For instance I know French Brawl finished, but it doesn't seem to be on there (and shows as unfinished in the events tab).
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-08-18 03:16:53

Level 55
No, it isn't up to date. As I wrote I have a lot of backlogs in the Tour administrations :|

Btw, in the first post of this topic, you can check the last update times for everything, and the upper right corner of that doc you can see the last update time as well.
I update that doc once a month, in the beginning of the months (well, 18th is not the beginning, I know ;) )

Edited 8/18/2017 04:13:47
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-08-18 04:11:28

Corn Silver 
Level 62
Concordia ftw!!

AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-08-22 04:35:17

Level 55
Monthly Tour Update - 07/2017
  • The TOP10 on the Tour after July:

    Pana is still in the first position, already in the 7th consecutive months, nice!
    He earned a 1-1 records in the last month and got 0 additional points.

    MIFRAN holds his second position, earned a 0-1 records and got 0 additional points.

    rakleader is the only player who can improve position, he is already on the podium!
    He earned a nice 8-3 records and got 105 additional points.

    Buns didn't play any of the finished events (so 0-0 records in July) and sunk one position.
    MoD earned a 0-1 records and got 0 additional points.
    Wini earned a 2-2 records and got a 0 additional points.
    Arkanton earned a 1-3 records and got 0 additional points.
    Hades earned a 5-2 records and got a 0 additional points.
    Timinator earned a good 4-1 records and got 45 additional points, breaking the 2000 limit.
    FlyingBender earned a 2-2 records and got 0 additional points.

    It was a very "boring" month regarding the TOP10, only the constantly rising rakleader is a story here, but that is a nice story, congrats m8!

  • So let's see some good performance from outside of the TOP10.

    Quicksilver earned a clean 6-0 records and got 250 additional points, and raised from the 15th to the 13th position. He won his second event, and he improved his already very nice winning records to 20-2. And some spoiler, because in the meantime he won his third events, and reached plus one more final, so his present record is 31-2! :O
    Very impressive, only problem that both two events are only 250 Series, so instead of making amazing winning records he should start to gain points from major events :P ;)

    JV earned a nice 7-2 records and got a cool 480 additional points, and raised from the 53th to the 30th position. Very well done!

    Rento earned a very good 6-1 records and got nice 250 additional points, and raised from the 98th to the 62th position. Congratulations!

    Love earned a nice 6-2 records and got 290 additional points, and raised from the 12th to the 11th position. Congrats for this another nice final!

    Cowboy earned a nice 5-1 records and got 150 additional points, and raised to the 111th position (he is new in the Rankings)

    ps earned a 4-2 records and got 160 additional points, and raised from the 16th to the 15th position.

    PJ017 earned a nice 4-1 records and got 160 additional points, and raised from the 29th to the 25th position.

    CONQUISTADORS earned a 5-2 records and got 110 additional points, and raised from the 80th to the 65th position.

    INSIDE earned a nice 4-1 records and got 90 additional points, and raised from the 48th to the 43th position.

    Rob earned a 5-3 records and got 70 additional points, and raised from the 20th to the 18th position.

  • You can find here the full Rankings after July:

  • The updated Number one (plus full Rankings links) history per months:

  • The updated Tour records:

  • The updated Events informations:
- downvoted post by Huitzilopochtli
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-08-22 12:32:46

Level 62
Nice update Ekstone! Thanks!
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-08-22 13:56:04

Level 62
I don't think I got updated in the spreadsheet. I've had a good performance this last month.

How do you update the scorings? I can't find it viable that you go through every tournament going through every players score..
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-08-22 14:52:21

Level 61
He updates only the tournaments that finished.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-08-22 15:02:03

Level 62
Ahhhhh! Ok

Why do I always seem like the special student who misses out on these things...

I will consider putting back the dunce hat on the profile -_-
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-08-22 16:02:59

Level 63
Ah Plat, finally u admited that u're "special". :P
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-08-23 05:22:31

Level 55
awesomeusername +1 (I update only the finished events)

Well, I think time to the congratulations, I late a bit... with 5 finished events...

42. AWP World Tour - Grand Slam - Snow Mountains MA
Congratulations to krunx for his first Tour event win! And what a win! In the TOP8 everybody are from elite clans, except him who is from a "learning" clan. Good to Lynx where the "resupply" is so strong too :O With this win and the 2000 points he will be near to the TOP10 (with 2285 points)!
Congrats to Master Bjarke as well for the final! His TOP10 position is likely (with 2325 points)! Btw, similar performance than Timi, so many good results but no event win so far ;)
And congrats for Super Smoove and Timinator as well, nice point boosts too for them.

Here are the TOP16:

46. AWP World Tour - Masters 1000 - French Brawl
Congratulations to Wini for his second event win! What else than a Masters 1000 event :D His performance on these events is brutal good! With those 1000 points he will break the 4k limit, and join to the TOP.
Congrats to Pana for the final as well! With that 600 points his point lead will be bigger, so his rule will be long likely.
Congrats to Jackie Treehorn and Private Pabse as well!

Here are the TOP16:

49. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Georgia ArmyCap Bomb
Congratulations to Quicksilver for his third event win! As I wrote earlier, his win/lose record is awesome (31-2 94%!) but he should learn from krunx, one event win with avarage win/lose record but better Ranking :P ;) Joke aside, very nice performance!
Congrats to Kezzo for the final as well! Nice job!
And congrats to davidhmtk and Oh too!

Here are the TOP16:

41. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Greece II - auto LD
Congratulations to MoD for his 7th (!!) event win! With this win his best six results all are an event win! 2000 of the maximum 3000 points from this section! Very nice performance! Should be similar on the major events although :O
Congrats to Octane for the final! Nice job!
And congrats to EZPickens and Jackie Treehorn as well!

Here are the TOP16:

47. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Fast Earth
Congratulations to Swisster for his first Tour event win! With this additional 230 points he will break the 1k point limit, nice job!
Congrats to malakkan for the final too! With these 130 points he will break the 1k limit too :)
And congrats to pip and Timinator as well!

Here are the TOP16:

AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-09-01 04:36:06

Level 55
A sad announcement, but I plan to suspend updating the google docs :(

I still create the weekly Tour events, but instead of the complex ATP based ranking system I would use a very simply ranking method.

The points of the players would consist of 4 digits.
The first is how many Grand Slam events won by the player, the second is how many Masters 1000 events, the third is how many 500 Series events and the fourth is how many 250 Series events won by the players. (and I am thinking about to change the format of major events to Double Eliminations too)

And would be two Rankings, one for the given year (The Race) and one for the all-time ranking.
These two rankings look like this now:
2017 race ranking
    01. Buns 1000 01. krunx 1000 03. rakleader 0200 04. Wini 0100 05. master of desaster 0011 06. Arkanton 0010 06. JV 0010 06. malakkan 0010 06. Pardon99 0010 10. MIFRAN 0002 10. Quicksilver 0002 12. PanagiotisTheGreekFreak 0001 12. Hunta 0001 12. Edge 0001 12. [WG]Reza 0001 12. Rento 0001 12. Swisster 0001
All-time ranking
    01. MIFRAN 1013 02. PanagiotisTheGreekFreak 1003 03. Buns 1002 04. krunx 1000 05. rakleader 0211 06. Wini 0200 07. master of desaster 0124 08. Arkanton 0111 09. FlyingBender 0100 10. ACL Tears 0010 10. awesomeusername 0010 10. Ollie 0010 10. PJ017 0010 10. JV 0010 10. malakkan 0010 10. Pardon99 0010 17. Quicksilver 0003 18. Hunta 0001 18. Edge 0001 18. Krzysztof 0001 18. Beren • apex 0001 18. dry-clean-only 0001 18. Jefferspin 0001 18. [WG]Reza 0001 18. Rento 0001 18. Swisster 0001
I know that many things (eg. interestings Tour records, very good performances without any event wins) will be lost, but I need some change.

I mean, recently the joy factor of the ATP based ranking is less for me thus the time which need for the updates (approx. 10 hours per month) became too much for it :|

And I want to work on my new projects during my very limited Warlight times ;)

So this is my plan, what do you think about it?
How many joy factor came for you from the ATP based rankings and from the google docs?
Maybe without them you stop playing on the Tour?
Or the main joys come from the events itself (playing good tournaments with very much solid players) and the Rankings is not important at all?

Of course, if somebody want to do these google updates I can give her/him the necessary rights ;)
Even, if somebody want to replace me as Tour organizer, I can give her/him the whole brand (and he can change/improve anything in the series based on her/his way)
Mail to me if you are interested in.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-09-01 04:39:47

Corn Silver 
Level 62
Makes sense as it's a lot of work.

But I hope someone steps in to keep them updated! It makes a big difference.

You are awesome Ekstone!

Also, if someone steps in and does a consistently good job I'll pay them with coins. (If it makes a difference.) As will my buddies.

[Also, I don't like double elimination - ban that shit!]

Edited 9/1/2017 06:37:50
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-09-01 06:18:20

Level 68
Just as I start doing well :'( Could we see how many people would like double elim tourneys before you change it? Personally I don't like them since they go on for too long.

Though you did a good job keeping it going as long as you did. Cheers
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