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AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-09-01 14:28:00

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
I also prefer the single elimination tournaments, even though they're not as "fair". They're la of a commitment and they finish sooner.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-09-01 15:37:57

Level 62
Understandable and thanks Ekstone. Take a deserved break.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-09-01 21:36:04

Level 61
If you change ratings the way you proposed, this will kill the tour as consequence and this is why:
There are not so many players who can win tournaments on the tour. But there are much more players who can gain points according to current system, see yourself go up and down through rankings and having fun because of that. I speak on behalf of us lower tier guys: what's the point of joining AWP tournament if our chance to get any ranking is close to zero, in comparison with e.g. MDL or any official ladder? Where will you get guys who will fill your tournament?

Edited 9/1/2017 21:36:48
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-09-02 05:26:45

Corn Silver 
Level 62
Sadly I fear that psykkoman is right.

Hopefully someone will step up and help out. I will pay you with coins!
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-09-02 06:12:19

Level 55
Hey guys, I never thought the Ranking is an important thing for you (even for Quicksilver who never played according that :P) :O

I started to speak with MotD about the possilbe automations (not committed yet, but thx for it!), and got some other manual help offerings too (thx for it too!), so I am sure the "show" will go on ;)

Later I will back here with more details, and answering the private mails too, but now I have to go.
Thx again!

Edited 9/2/2017 06:13:08
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-09-02 13:03:04

Level 63
Sounds awesome, Ekstone!
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-09-03 03:39:04

Level 55
Sounds bad for the lazy Ekstone, because now have to go work on the google updates for last month finished events :D I didn't do anything with that so far :|
So now some hours update stuff for me because Monday is coming, then back here (and mails) on Tuesday.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-09-05 17:46:32

Level 62
Ekstone, the AWP is amazing and I really hope you'll find reliable people helping you updating or auto-updating the sheet! I'm sure that many of us enjoy looking at the stats. The point system is very rewarding since also consistently reaching quarter finals will be rewarded with a nice yearly ranking.

Also don't like the double elimination tournaments for the time reason.

In case you need to reduce the work-load and don't see another way, I think it is quite possible to move to 24 instead of 50 events per year (2 per month, for example only Grand Slam, Masters and 500 Series)..
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-09-06 05:48:09

Level 55
I have a few thoughts I will write about, but first my monthly update job.

Monthly Tour Update - 08/2017
  • The TOP10 on the Tour after August:

    Pana already the 8th consecutive months is in the first position!
    And this time, he increased his advantage with a Masters final and gained 600 additional points!
    He is the first who break the 5k rankings limit. Very nice performance, congrats!
    (btw he earned a 6-4 records in the last month)

    Wini did a very nice run with a Masters win, and raised from the 6th to the 2nd position (new career record), congratulations! He earned a very nice 13-3 records and got a 1090 additional points!

    rakleader hold his podium position, he earned a nice 9-5 records and got 135 additional points.
    He is the first player who break the 100 won games limit on the Tour (102), congrats!

    For now, all of the first Big Three was pushed down from the podium by the new vawe.
    Will they strike back or their age is over? We will see ;)

    Buns hold his 4th position, earned a 3-2 records and got 90 additional points.

    MIFRAN lost 3 positions (from 2nd to 5th), he earned a 1-4 records and got 20 additional points.
    And because he missed out the Old 1v1 ladder Grand Slam event (where he was the title holder), he will surely lose 2000 points soon! :|

    MoD sank again 1 position (from 5th to 6th), despite he earned a nice 8-3 records and got 138 additional points. He is the 6th players who break the 4k ranking limits btw. And he is the first whose best six results from smaller events are all an event win! (2 are 500 and 4 are 250 Series events) Very impressive (just like his 7 event win!) but his Grand Slam points (only 180 of 8000!) not enough for better positions :|

    Arkanton hold the 7th position, earned a 3-5 records and got 180 additional points.

    Timinator earned a very nice 14-4 records and got 810 additional points, and took over the 8th place and the best ranking without any event win title from Hades ;)

    Hades earned a 5-3 records and got a nice 380 additional points, despite he sank 1 position.

    Welcome Master Bjarke in the TOP10! (thus now 3 of 10 players without event win in the TOP10 ;) )
    He earned a cool 14-5 records and got a very nice 1380 additional points, and raised from the 27th to the 10th position! Congrats!

  • Some additional good performance from outside of the TOP10.

    The biggest news that krunx won the "clay" Grand Slam event (Snow Mountain MA), very big congratulations, it was a really amazing performance! I think he won't be so long a "student" :D
    He earned a very nice 11-3 records and got amazing 2100 additional points, and raised from the 83th to the 11th position!

    Quicksilver copied his last month, and earned again a clean 6-0 records and got again 250 additional points. Despite this very good performance he lost one position (from 13th to 14th), which show how the major events are so important :P Anyway he still has got 3 shoots to the best six parts, but after that part will become full and no other way only the majors ;)
    But congrats here too his third (!) Tour event win, and his marvelous win% (with the ongoing events (8-0) already 94,4% (34-2))

    Swisster earned a very nice 8-3 records and got nice 230 additional points, but raised only one position (from the 33th to the 32th), this shows how the race is so hard in that segment :O

    Super Smoove earned a nice 7-2 records and got a very cool 765 additional points, and raised from the 137th to the 39th position. Very well done!

    Jackie Treehorn earned a very nice 11-5 records and got a cool 430 additional points, and raised from the 23th to the 16th position. He has got a very stable and solid performance on the Tour.

    AI earned a nicely 8-4 records and got a cool 385 additional points, and raised from the 48th to the 36th position. Congrats!

    Rento earned a 5-3 records and got nice 370 additional points, and raised from the 62th to the 42th position. Already in the TOP50, congratulations!

    Private Pabse earned a nice 5-1 records and got a cool 360 additional points, and raised from the 104th to the 62th position, and a positive win ration, well done.

    awesomeusername earned a 5-3 records and got a nice 360 additional points, and raised from the 22th to the 18th position. Very well done!

  • You can find here the full Rankings after July:

  • The updated Number one (plus full Rankings links) history per months:

  • The updated Events informations:

  • The updated Tour records:

    • Most tournament wins by category (Grand Slam/Masters 1000/500 Series/250 Series):
      • 1/0/1/3 - MIFRAN
      • 1/0/0/3 - Panagiotis
      • 1/0/0/2 - Buns
      • 1/0/0/0 - krunx
      • 0/2/1/1 - rakleader
      • 0/2/0/0 - Wini
      • 0/1/2/4 - MoD
      • 0/1/1/1 - Arkanton
      • 0/1/0/0 - FlyingBender
    • The most tournament wins:
      • 7 - MoD
      • 5 - MIFRAN
      • 4 - Panagiotis, rakleader
      • 3 - Buns, Arkanton, Quicksilver
      • 2 - Wini
      • 1 - FlyingBender, Krzysztof, Beren, PJ017, Jefferspin, awesomeusername, Edge, dry-clean-only, Hunta, ACL Tears, Ollie, malakkan, Pardon99, [WG] Reza, Rento, JV, krunx, Swisster
    • Players with most finals:
      • 18 - MoD (7W, 2F, 4SF, 5QF)
      • 17 - Panagiotis (4W, 3F, 5SF, 5QF)
      • 14 - MIFRAN (5W, 4SF, 5QF), rakleader (4W, 2F, 2SF, 6QF)
      • 11 - Buns (3W, 3F, 3SF, 2QF), Wini (2W, 3F, 2SF, 4QF), Timinator (3F, 3SF, 5QF), Hades (6SF, 5QF)
      • 9 - ANT (3W, 2F, 2SF, 2QF), Master Bjarke (3F, 1SF, 5QF), Milly (1F, 2SF, 6QF), Jackie Treehorn (5SF, 4QF)
      • 8 - FlyingBender (1W, 2SF, 5QF)
    • Players with best win%, 20+ games minimum (win-loss):
      • 93% - Quicksilver (26-2)
      • 76% - Buns (68-22)
      • 73% - MoD (89-33), Ollie (22-8)
      • 72% - Panagiotis (99-38)
      • 70% - rakleader (102-43), MIFRAN (87-37), Timinator (68-29), Rento (19-8)
      • 69% - Hades (62-28)
      • 68% - Wini (84-39), ACL Tears (41-19), andy903 (19-9)
      • 67% - Edge (43-21)
      • 64% - Juan (15-8)
      • 63% - Master Bjarke (61-36), Sułtan Kosmitów (24-14)
      • 62% - Arkanton (75-46), malakkan (36-22), INSIDE (16-10)
      • 61% - awesomeusername (38-24), PJ017 (28-18)
    • Players with most win(events number) (win%):
      • 102(47) - rakleader (70%)
      • 99(42) - Panagiotis (72%)
      • 89(40) - MoD (73%)
      • 87(42) - MIFRAN (70%)
      • 84(41) - Wini (68%)
      • 75(49) - Arkanton (62%)
      • 68(25) - Buns (76%)
      • 68(29) - Timinator (70%)
      • 62(28) - Hades (69%)
      • 61(36) - Master Bjarke (69%)
      • 54(43) - Milly (56%)
      • 53(43) - 13CHRIS37 (55%)
      • 52(39) - Jackie Treehorn (57%)
    • TOP10 all-time highest ranking points (maximum is 19000)
      • 5495 - Panagiotis
      • 4625 - Wini
      • 4570 - rakleader
      • 4495 - Buns
      • 4480 - MIFRAN
      • 4025 - MoD
      • 3220 - Arkanton
      • 2840 - Timinator
      • 2605 - Hades
      • 2505 - Master Bjarke
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-09-08 04:34:17

Level 55
I updated the Events google docs:

I collected the present finals (F, SF, QF) positions from the 15 ongoing events, so here are the players with 2 or more finals (the + means still in the event):
  • 5
    Timinator (3SF+, 2QF+)
  • 3
    ACL Tears (1F+, 1SF, 1QF)
    Buns157 (1F+, 2QF+)
    malakkan (2SF+, 1QF+)
    Kurdistan49 (2SF+, 1QF)
    Edge (2SF+, 1QF)
    rakleader (1SF+, 2QF+)
  • 2
    Quicksilver (1F+, 1QF+)
    MoD (1F+, 1QF)
    Phaeril (1F+, 1QF)
    Rento (1SF+, 1QF)
    Juan (1SF+, 1QF)
    Wini (1SF, 1QF)
    PJ017 (1QF+, 1QF)
    linberson (1QF+, 1QF)
    fireice82 (2QF)
(no ongoing event analysis now because the expiring events it would be longer time)

Ok, so now everything up-to-date!

But this was the last time I did it alone (I worked on it 10+ hours in the last few days :O )
So from now (actually from tomorrow, because no more time now), I start to organize the help (answering mails, etc.), and we will see.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-09-13 15:41:57

Level 59
Can I add an event to the series?
Also, I think a masters win is not equal to a tenth of a grand slam win, considering there are only twice as many per year.

Edited 9/13/2017 15:44:57
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-09-15 04:39:09

Level 55
What do you "add an event" mean?
You would like to propose a new template? It is possible, of course, and the template panel will decide.

And a Masters win is 1000 points, a Grand Slam win is 2000, so I don't understand that "tenth of" ;)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-09-15 13:33:17

Master Bjarke
Level 64
I think that tomjh wrote in response to the new system you suggested two weeks ago, with the four digits. Then you could win all Masters and have 0800 while winning 1 Grand Slam and have 1000.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-09-15 17:40:21

Level 59
As it stands, we have no set map pool, we play a tournament all on one template, what if we had a tournament where out of a selection of (for simplicity's sake) 5, 1 template is picked and that map is played separately, or better still, get Fizzer to add a feature allowing different maps to be played in different tournament rounds or an eSports-esque ban phase.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-09-15 22:54:57

[WG] Reza
Level 60
Yeah, that is not going to happen in the near future.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-09-16 09:40:53

Level 59
Reza, the problem with Fizzer is we have no idea what's going to happen in the near future, although more quickmatch stuff seems evident.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-09-16 11:01:32

master of desaster 
Level 66
His roadmap is very clear. Unity is priority #1.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-09-16 17:38:11

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
There have been times in the past when we had idea what his priorities were, but it's ridiculous to say that now. Obviously Unity is his number one priority, he's even been live-streaming his development of it.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-09-17 04:27:24

Level 55
I don't know how clear Fizzer's priorities/road map, but seems (based on the past) that the competitive scene of Warlight is not important for him at all :( Just compare how many changes were for the competitive parts of Warlight and how many for others (even compliants, requests demanded by many weren't solved for competitive scene). Maybe it is only business reason, I mean the competitive scene so few compared to the rest, I dunno.

Whatever the reason, the point is that the competitive community has to serve themself.

As it stands, we have no set map pool, we play a tournament all on one template, what if we had a tournament where out of a selection of (for simplicity's sake) 5, 1 template is picked and that map is played separately
Although we have a clear event schedules with templates (https://www.warlight.net/Forum/262655-awp-world-tour-magazine?Offset=4), but it is flexible, can be change anytime. Everybody can propose new templates, and a 250 Series template can easy be replaced with it (see Pangea Ultima or Concordia last time). For 500 Series template changes or even the major event template changes need more, I mean the popularity is a keypoint for them.

So template system of the Tour is a flexible system, but for this, very need the community's help. I mean propose new templates, and help decide (discuss) about a proposed new template. So this is up to you ;)

I think that tomjh wrote in response to the new system you suggested two weeks ago, with the four digits. Then you could win all Masters and have 0800 while winning 1 Grand Slam and have 1000.
Ah, thanks, now I see then.

Well, that new point system was only a proposal (the main goal was the simplicity), but failed, I understand, so never be that, don't worry (btw, in that system 1 Grans Slam win would meant more than even 33 Masters win! (I mean 1,0,0,0 > 0,33,0,0))

But changes need, because present cost me 15-20 hours per month to run the Tour.

First step I redesigned the google sheet, the new format likely will be this:
The Ranking sheet automated, and important that no more merged cells, so can be easy ordering (it is already save a few hours). But still many manual update works in Result sheet (but fewer than earlier here too). I have a few help offer for manual works, and waiting for MotD because if he can find any freetime he can help to automate this finished event update step too.

So this is the present situation, we will see ;)

Edit: btw, any google sheet expert person can help me too with more automation (the Win-Loss and Tourney columns for example) using google stuffs

Edited 9/17/2017 04:31:59
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-09-18 03:16:56

Level 55
A new event finished.

50. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Strategic Commanders
Congratulations to Kurdistan for his first Tour event win!
And he is in good positions in many other events too, so we will see his name here imo :D
Congrats to Phaeril as well for his final (it is a pity for that boot in the final :( )
Congrats to Reza and Arkanton as well.

Here are the TOP16:

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