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Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-07-15 12:47:36

Master Meldarion 
Level 63

Lynx v SNinja 3v3 biomes replacement game
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-07-15 13:39:56

Level 62
Greetings far better players,
Can MH use their 6th sub for AI in 2v2 Guiroma. Berenbossen in

1. Player out AI
2. Player in Berenbossen
3. Tournament Guiroma 2v2
4. Subs left none (I believe we have 1 remaining)
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-07-16 14:56:33

Sakata Gintoki
Level 58
Though CL panels don't follow many rules, I wonder if this sub can be made.
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-07-16 15:28:56

Level 61

Edited 7/16/2019 16:10:07
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-07-17 16:15:15

Level 62
Good point, farah.
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-07-17 20:43:21

Level 61
Thank you Jeff. Your feedback is much appreciated.
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-07-18 03:19:05

Master Cowboy 
Level 61
No, I definitely disagree with your point and am reporting you to the ethics panel.
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-07-18 07:22:36

Level 62
and here i am hanging on :) Can't say I disagree with Farah's point
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-07-22 09:48:42

Master Meldarion 
Level 63
Farah is still a lazy sod; so https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=19157418 there you go. WG v MH replacement game 2v2 guiroma
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-07-27 21:41:22

Level 61
Wow, drama. I go away on vacation for a couple weeks and shit hits the fan.

Anyway, apparently we are subbing Smoove from the 2v2 Cookies tourney to Guest

Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-08-03 14:47:49

Level 62
I would like to suggest that the setting "Players can turn into AI" is turned off for next season. If a player boots in a CL game, where the competition allows substitutes, then they should be booted end of the story. I think Ai has the ability to make some wacky moves and win games and I've seen it happening on top-level team games. Why should the AI come to save the booted players rescue?

and to those who disagree with my argument, could you please tell me why would you want an AI to be in there?
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-08-03 14:57:11

Level 68
So a won game isn’t lost due to a boot.

If an AI making surprising moves wins a game then you were probably not going to win anyway
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-08-03 17:00:35

Level 58
I think Ai has the ability to make some wacky moves and win games and I've seen it happening on top-level team games.

This league has gone to the dumps.

and to those who disagree with my argument, could you please tell me why would you want an AI to be in there?

So that players can rejoin after getting booted.
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-08-03 19:46:31

Level 61
Just out of curiosity for what these games are like got any links of AIs winning games?
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-08-04 03:27:19

Level 61
I agree with buns.

Do we really want a team to win via boot anyway? Keep AI, it should never make better moves than a player in A.
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-08-06 15:29:43

Level 61
I see in the spreadsheet that Sninja is actually winning the League so far, with Outlaws being very close. I predicted them #2 and #4 because I overrated ONE and WG. Not bad.
Why did ONE do so badly btw?

Edited 8/6/2019 15:29:49
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-08-06 16:19:06

Level 63
Choose ONE:

A) They didnt let the AI play for them. Unfair!

B) They have had ONE too many!

C) It wasnt fair from the very beginning to let ONE play against whole clans.
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-08-07 15:27:22

Level 62

Edited 8/7/2019 21:29:37
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-08-07 15:48:29

Level 62
So happy to see platinum is standing up to bullies. Stay strong my friend!

Edited 8/7/2019 15:52:33
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-08-07 16:53:45

Level 28
Is AI retiring?
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