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EUROPE: 2012-05-06 05:13:33

Level 58
also, now that you have defined the balkans geographically, the name of eastern balkans should be changed: it is located in the center of the balkans but is called eastern balkans? why not central balkans?
EUROPE: 2012-05-06 05:22:55

Level 58
Austria: something I've always wondered about Troll's map: a region so rich in history as Austria has such banal names. making austria a bonus of 5 territories might be interesting: Voralberg-Tyrol, Salzburg-Carinthia, Upper Austria, Lower Austria-Burgenland (or just Vienna), Styria.

http://www.campertrails.com/RV-parks-Austria.html (scroll down a bit to see the map)
EUROPE: 2012-05-06 05:26:30

Level 58
Switz's names aren't as interesting as they could be too: Italy is based on cities, why not Switzerland too? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Distrib_citta_svizzera.png
EUROPE: 2012-05-06 05:26:39

Level 54
Speaking of Latvia, why is it split in two parts? I understand having two territories for Belgium, even though it is actually too small to warrant it, but why Latvia? It's approximately the same size as the other Baltic states and those are in one piece. I don't know, it just looks weird.

Also, how about renaming the "Baltic States" bonus to "Baltic Territories"; you have Kaliningrad in there, which is not actually a state.

(If this is the stuff we're discussing, I don't think there are any huge errors left in your map. ;) )
EUROPE: 2012-05-06 05:31:18

Level 58
latvia: maybe bc he wants to underscore the ethnic divide between latvians and russians?

good point about baltic states. baltic territories or the baltics might be better.
EUROPE: 2012-05-06 05:48:28

Level 58
basque country includes 3 non-basque regions. divide it up into two territories? asturias-cantabria (west) and basque country-navarre (east)?

central spain as west central spain? some regions are in the west of spain and not the center.

catalonia: it is the region you named barcelona. it is not a region that includes valencia and the islands. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferdinand_II_of_Aragon. when spain unified under los reyes catolicos, ferdinand ruled over aragon, catalonia, valencia, and many mediterranean islands. calling your catalonia bonus eastern spain would be better i think.
EUROPE: 2012-05-06 10:31:21

Major Risk 
Level 52
Thanks, Evreux and RvW
Check it [now](http://WarLight.net/SinglePlayer.aspx?PreviewMap=13020)!
EUROPE: 2012-05-06 10:52:29

Level 3
Carinthia needs to be part of the Superbonus Central
EUROPE: 2012-05-06 11:32:03

Major Risk 
Level 52
Having trouble getting Troll to approve of this map so at the moment it isn't allowed to go going public at all :(

Any suggestions?
EUROPE: 2012-05-06 15:16:40

Major Risk 
Level 52
Btw I have now changed bonus colours...any thoughts?
EUROPE: 2012-05-06 18:51:48

Major Risk 
Level 52
EUROPE: 2012-05-06 19:23:36

Level 3
I like it :)

Makes the map seem much more different now, more unique!
EUROPE: 2012-05-06 19:56:32

Major Risk 
Level 52
Thanks Bluegalaxy, at least someone agrees with me :D
EUROPE: 2012-05-06 20:01:31

Major Risk 
Level 52

How else could I make the map more unique?
EUROPE: 2012-05-06 20:04:03

Richard Sharpe 
Level 59
Is Troll not approving the map because it is too similar to his own?
EUROPE: 2012-05-06 20:17:11

Major Risk 
Level 52
Yeah, at the moment it is not different enough.

It lines up almost perfectly if you have Europe in one tab and my version in another. (This was the effect I was trying to achieve at the very start but it seems I need to change it to make it more unique.)
Try it for yourself, i'd like your thoughts and suggestions please...

[Troll's Europe](http://warlight.net/SinglePlayer.aspx?PreviewMap=10895).
[My version](http://warlight.net/SinglePlayer.aspx?PreviewMap=13020).
EUROPE: 2012-05-06 20:25:45

Level 3
Maybe you could include more of africa, like egypt, arabia etc?
EUROPE: 2012-05-06 20:26:39

Level 3
Or maybe include some Navy boats and Air Force for to go with the World Wars themes??
EUROPE: 2012-05-06 20:33:57

Major Risk 
Level 52
Maybe you could include more of africa, like egypt, arabia etc?
That would be too big for the map I had in mind, reducing play-ability too much.
EUROPE: 2012-05-06 20:36:33

Level 3
Ahhh, that's fine then
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