Is stalling ok now?: 2019-11-11 12:14:02 |
Level 63
what is stalled
Is stalling ok now?: 2019-11-11 12:18:52 |
Not Tito
Level 58
I see a parallel between 2 issues: (Playing the game x Playing the ladder) vs. (Rewarding rushers x Rewarding stallers)
Playing the game x Playing the ladder:
This one is pretty obvious, in a perfect world, people want to play the game, but on practice everyone plays the ladder, except for those who already have their beloved golden trophies that exist just to brag once or twice about having it. It's fine to an extent because it relies on the issues it implies, this practice is common in various types of sports as well, the different being the parallel issues.
Ultimately, if you only care about what others will think, you're likely to play the ladder rather than the game. People will always do that so I believe that if we were, as a community, to address the stall issue this should not be the target as it's inherent of ladders and competitions in general.
Rewarding rushers x Rewarding stallers:
This is what should be addressed in my opinion. As a naturally slow player I can guarantee i'd hate a ladder that rewards fast players, but at the same time, I share your point of view. There should be a balance between both such that you're neither rewarded for being fast or slow, neither penalized for having an opponent that is either fast or slow. Playing slow is not the same as stalling but for the sake of a healthy discussion we will treat it as the same thing, separating the obvious 2d23h commits after the game is already over into a different category, as the system does not consider it at all.
There is an indirect incentive to such practice that derives from a (probably unplanned) reward to slow players, and given the antiethic nature of stalling, this should be addressed by the competent individuals. In a perfect world, people will take their time and commit, but in the real word, they're being rewarded for stalling, which can be considered toxic and even unfair. It happened before and it will keep happening until this is properly fixed. Personally I lose respect for those who stall but at the same time I can understand why they choose to do it, since from their perspective, it's not even cheating, it's within the rules.
And I do believe stalling should be indirectly allowed within the rules to protect slow players and flexibility, but the fact that the 'perfect world' intentions of the system rewards practices that do not have anything to do with the technical aspects of the game, it's about time this issue is dealt with somehow.
I haven't gone through the numbers personally but I will limit myself to suggest longer seasonals (in games) for a starter, simply going from the premise that players will have more opportunities to translate their ability to the rating, but this lacks any proper numerical analysis.
Is stalling ok now?: 2019-11-11 12:29:40 |
Level 60
How do you know they are stalling on purpose? Maybe... the actually have a busy life or want to think a little longer to strategize. I am sure you have done it before too. stalled. I mean, I am busy a lot so I sometimes have to draw my turns out since I don't have time. No, stalling with never be the new "good." and if Lynx players are doing it, blocklist the person(people) who are doing it and move on. If someone else doesn't like it, they should blocklist also. They will get a "consequence" for it... People block-listing them. If you are afraid to blocklist a really good lynx player, don't. other people will.
If the lynx players back up the staller, I think more players will be there for proof (every one who seen the stalling)
I do not get offended if players stall 'cause I know if I was in their place (ONLY IF THEY WERE BUSY) I would be forced to stall too.
The ladders work how the Warzone Wiki says the ladders work. Automatic boot. if they forget to take their turn cause they were stalling too long, let it be. AND IF THEY STALL, DO NOT SAY "GG"!
I have faced stallers and I blocklist them and move on. I tell them to stop. you can also report them ya know
Is stalling ok now?: 2019-11-11 12:32:09 |
Level 63
Stallers: me when i try to help viking in a 2v2 ror
Is stalling ok now?: 2019-11-11 12:34:11 |
Not Tito
Level 58
besides the fact that you'd be just compressing the equation, 3 days has always been default and changing that would upset a lot of people, including me, imo the system should be revisited
as long as there's room for exploits, people will exploit, specially those who only care about looks
Is stalling ok now?: 2019-11-11 13:06:18 |
Level 59
This thread is already diamonds. I genuinely thought MoD, you are just being sarcastic. You know well enough Fizzer won´t call upon "ethics panel" to start looking over suspicious players, who tend to play fast on wins and slow on losses. Stalling has been and will be part of this game - there is not much to do about it. The only tool you have is a forum shaming, which has been used in extent here. Calling someones Trophy a "cheap stalling trick" could be a thing, but in the end it won´t be taken away from him - just not acknowledged by Elitists here.
Stalling does not happen much at early games. Its relatively easy for average player to win his first 10 1v1 Ladder matches, so changing the current system in a way that it would affect later games could at least ease the issue. For example one would not receive a new game if certain game has been going on too long (sadly this could be abused to hold someone down as well), increase getting rank from 20 to 25 so final games would happen more among equal rank/rating. 1v1 Ladder is just half the issue.
Seasonal is another topic as matches come in sets, first 4 then up to 7 or 10/12 and onward. Everyone plays fast up to 10 to get to top and better matches. Slow playing opponent at early stages already could hinder ones chances of getting better opponents, even if they play up to it. Or an usual Elitist who loses one game from their first four, quit cause they won´t get best opponents - amazing ethics join and quick, harming other of his opponents. Thus far now punishments for this action - which is weird in my opinion, is it so hard to commit to 20 games?
As far as I see Warzone moves towards quick-play, even QM MD games are 1dXXh. If game would slow down and force players to play SET of 1-3 games to end before getting new SET of games it could solve some of 1v1 stalling, but would slow down the game a lot.
Current system of rolling games is weak system and gives stallers an angle to rise fast and hide their losses - don´t blame players for gaming the system, that offers them that chance. With rolling games cherry picking opponents in 1v1 is also pretty easy. Giving games in a set would eliminate that option as well.
Is stalling ok now?: 2019-11-11 15:46:49 |
Level 61
Exactly what Beren said. If you stall during the seasonal ladder to get a better matchup, you are keeping your rating up and deflating your opponent to deny them the opportunity to get that benefit which they have earned by beating you. Which make games like these even more cringey:
Is stalling ok now?: 2019-11-11 16:49:34 |
Fairplay Boy
Level 51
I though Lynx reformed and was against stalling seeing how Krunx was complaining about Avengers stalling in CL. Guess rules don't apply to Lynx/101st and who was stalling? If it is in Seasonal I think it is against rules and punishable.
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