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Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-03 08:40:56

Level 58
master kiddie
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-03 13:50:17

Level 63
It's totally within your rights to be toxic pricks.

Actually LOL'd when I read that.

And it's totally in the community's rights to judge you for being toxic pricks.

And LOL'd again when I read the next sentence! Too funny.
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-03 17:53:19

Level 61
It's ridiculous when players like Addy the Dog can do whatever he want and that new players have guidelines to be in the Master clan at all. Even if there not any hard creteria at all.

Edited 6/3/2021 18:34:24
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-03 18:18:57

Level 58
literally crybabies, who cares?
don't like it? just don't join
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-05 15:46:55

Level 61
Addy the dog keeps on losing coin games against me. Dont know how he is a master with so crap skills and high bootrate
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-05 20:06:21

Level 63
Links pls.
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-05 20:09:59

Level 61
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-05 20:16:24

Level 63
LOL, Trust but verify. (;

No seriously though, if they're good games, I like to look over them and learn from them.

- - - -

Why choose AF first in this game?

B/c Addy always picks AU 1st so you were banking on getting SA as a 2nd pick? Seems risky ... actually nvm, you would have got AF 1st & AU as your 2nd territory if he 1st picked SA.

This game is interesting ... you snuck capped EU, he guessed wrong trying to break it and tried to counter sneak cap AS but you messed it up by taking Ural. Seems like if he was going to try to take AS that attacking Ukraine would have been more effective that S.Europe.

You have a nasty tendency of sneak capping EU.

- - - -

Turn 7 ... why did you wait so late in the turn to transfer 8 from W to S Europe? And why did he wait so late in the turn to attack it?

Edited 6/5/2021 20:34:58
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-05 21:14:06

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
Whatever you may think of how Boston (Addy) behaves, you might do well to consider that while you have just "met" him, some of us and many of those in Masters have known him for almost ten years. It's possible that there are things you are unaware of behind the scenes. It is also possible that those of the Masters that have commented here don't care enough about your opinions to justify their decisions to all of you.

Edited 6/5/2021 21:17:15
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-05 21:34:56

Level 58
i'll tell lineal to say that when you give him shit about me
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-06 05:18:07

Level 58
Whatever you may think of how Boston (Addy) behaves, you might do well to consider that while you have just "met" him, some of us and many of those in Masters have known him for almost ten years. It's possible that there are things you are unaware of behind the scenes. It is also possible that those of the Masters that have commented here don't care enough about your opinions to justify their decisions to all of you.

And neither do I care how they are running their clan. However if you are the moderator who keeps giving Boston a pass you should probably ask for a removal of your moderator rights since you are obviously biased. If not then you are hurting the site since the moderation process is accepted by players under the condition that the rules apply to all players. I know it from being an administrator in my clan that people react very sensitive if they feel there is an inner circle to which the common rules do not apply.

Also it's not that funny for the opposition to get insulted in their games. I sometimes found myself checking Addys profile first before I joined a certain Clan War template which he also plays to see whether he is playing currently.

Edited 6/6/2021 05:21:14
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-06 05:41:15

Level 53
If not then you are hurting the site since the moderation process is accepted by players under the condition that the rules apply to all players.
Boy do I have some news for you, bud.
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-06 05:49:10

Level 58
guys don't say the name of a certain place in Bosnia
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-06 05:54:17

Level 56
Whatever you may think of how Boston (Addy) behaves, you might do well to consider that while you have just "met" him, some of us and many of those in Masters have known him for almost ten years. It's possible that there are things you are unaware of behind the scenes. It is also possible that those of the Masters that have commented here don't care enough about your opinions to justify their decisions to all of you.

That's one of the biggest cop-outs of an excuse I've ever seen in my life. "Yeah dude, you can't judge him for being a toxic prick online, he's got life issues." Guess what dude, we all have life issues. And it's not like we're making any claims about him as a person; we are merely making the (fairly obvious) observation that he's a toxic prick online, as are many other members of his clan apparently.

If you want us to empathize with him and see him as a person, that's fine. But it's a two way street. You gotta give respect to get respect. Apparently you simp for the "Master" clan so hard that you legitimately think it's perfectly fine for them to act as disrespectful as possible to other members of the community, but if we judge them for it, it's "unfair."

That's some highkey nonsense. And if you are a moderator, like Norman said, you should 100% lose your moderator privileges. If you legitimately think the community is in the wrong here, you aren't just biased, you're straight up willfully blind.

Edited 6/6/2021 06:06:02
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-06 06:36:27

Level 58
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-06 10:23:44

Level 58
@sanmu: I used to play some (by then standards) high level real time 3v3 Europe games back in the days (2013,...) where Boston also frequently joined and there were some in depth discussions about life and stuff. The games took maybe 1 hour to start since the casual players were too afraid to join. Out of that group of players clans like 20 emerged. I don't remember running into Beren there but I believe I understand his point. In fact if you are in Bostons "circle of respect", he can be pretty nice and I don't care about the MASTER Clan having him in their clan. However I do believe that whichever moderator is giving him a free pass is hurting the integrity of the moderation process on this site which people actually do respect on the basis of the moderation being mostly disinterested.

I believe I have received 2 warnings so far due to some "heated discussions" and I actually am glad about the warnings because I indeed acted toxic to some teammates (admitedly they were terrible players who refused to listen to reason). However when I see someone getting away with stuff like that https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=27141738, I have my issues with the moderation process.

Edited 6/6/2021 10:32:03
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-06 10:38:14

Level 61
@krinid just DM me or set up a game to know why i did it. i dont think it should we written in this forum as the topic of discussion is about addy
- downvoted post by Anonymous Moderator
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-06 12:46:37

Level 60
hey anon mod, I can't stress it enough how eternally grateful I am that you are using your precious time to voluntarily moderate an online free multiplayer risk like games community. you are making a huge difference in the world and we need more people like you. cheers

Edited 6/6/2021 13:03:09
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-06 16:16:24

Level 59
Plot twist: Anonymath Wolferator has been Boston this whole time.

Edited 6/20/2021 16:50:15
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