> You ain't a celebrity bro. You're just an angry child. An angry child who is about to lose a season in Clan Wars :)
No one said I was a celebrity. I have however played this game for nearly a decade, and any long-term player who uses the forums absolutely knows who I am. I'm as well known as a player on this game can be.
As for angry child, yeah, whatever.
I'm 32, I have two Master's Degrees, go try and throw shade at someone who gives a shit. I'm not getting into a fight with some whiny child who throws playground insults at someone they don't know a fucking thing about.
> Especially if he isn't going to do the one thing he was brought on to do.
I don't seem to have any problem winning in Clan War:

Feel free to talk shit, but only after you start this season 16-2 in 1v1's.
If you want to actually back up your bullshit, you can join Strat 1v1, or either of the voted templates that the community will add to the pool, instead of small earth the template your whole clan seems to play in a sad attempt to avoid playing competent players. That or you can keep dodging like the rest of your clan so that you can keep getting matched vs noobs in an effort to win; it'll make it sweeter when you still lose despite the cheap tactics that way.
> No idea why the MASTER clan doesn't just throw this guy under the bus. They could easily, and it would save their reputation. But instead, they let this guy drag their name through the mud every day lmao. And for what? To win a season of Clan Wars?
Imagine talking this much shit about someone you know nothing about.
You having a problem with a few posts I made hardly equates to me destroying Masters, or even my, reputation. I've played the game since 2012. I'm not some new player that was a gamble to play ClanWars. I was invited to Python the same day I joined Master, I've never had any shortage of friends on this game. You're not one of them. That's cool, but it's not going to cost me any sleep.
Edited 5/16/2021 00:22:05