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Top 20 Greatest of All Time Warzoners/Warlighters: 2021-08-08 02:45:12

Master Turtle 
Level 62

Good names on that list but would you really say that Latnox isn't a top 20 GOAT?

Edited 8/8/2021 02:45:21
Top 20 Greatest of All Time Warzoners/Warlighters: 2021-08-08 03:02:07

Level 56
To me, top greatest players of all time are not equivalent to top players if they were put in a competition at this moment. A more reasonable list consists of top 3 players in 2008, 2009, ..., 2021. Since some names may occupy top 3 in multiple years, we may end up with a list of 20 or so players at the end.
Top 20 Greatest of All Time Warzoners/Warlighters: 2021-08-08 03:06:28

Level 63
Top 20 Greatest of All Time Warzoners/Warlighters: 2021-08-08 05:20:47

Level 58
- downvoted post by Pulsey
- downvoted post by Pulsey
Top 20 Greatest of All Time Warzoners/Warlighters: 2021-08-09 03:11:06

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
On this list I'd easily swap out Gnuffone and JSA (all respect for creating Clan Leagues and 101st though!) for rakleader and Beren, for example.

I appreciate the mention, but I don't belong anywhere near a list of the top 20 players of all time.
Top 20 Greatest of All Time Warzoners/Warlighters: 2021-08-09 09:09:40

Level 65
Yeah, please don't associate me with Beren.
Top 20 Greatest of All Time Warzoners/Warlighters: 2021-08-09 12:08:00

Level 60
I agree, don't associate raklideur with beren
Top 20 Greatest of All Time Warzoners/Warlighters: 2021-08-09 12:09:04

Level 63
rakleader may only be associated with loxiiv until mathwolf/kynte decide to out them out for being same person
Top 20 Greatest of All Time Warzoners/Warlighters: 2021-08-10 13:23:41

Level 62
As far as I remember Plat funny report of some time ago was more accurate.

Rufus n.1 for sure based on my experience

Edited 8/10/2021 13:49:29
Top 20 Greatest of All Time Warzoners/Warlighters: 2021-08-11 08:43:49

Level 60
The thing I find most fascinating every time this debate comes about is the whole side of the debate that questions how much weight should be given to contemporary dominance or pure skill...
It's like the whole Pele/Maradona vs Ronaldo/Messi idea, or MJ vs LeBron.
Obviously it's a little different with Warzone, which has only been around for a decade or two, but from what it sounds like we have the same issue - when deciding who the all-time greats are, we can't decide between the pioneers of strategies who dominated in their era, or the superstars who are showcasing their brilliance today in an arguably much more competitive arena. Add into this problem the fact that skill is subjective, and people are often including their opinions on things such as personal experience against these players as well as their on-paper performances, and it makes for a very subjective debate. That said, I would find it very interesting, if we were to do an analysis of all the lists people have come up with over the years to find which names occur most frequently.
Top 20 Greatest of All Time Warzoners/Warlighters: 2021-08-11 17:32:51

Photonic Symmetry 
Level 60
More like Wilt Chamberlain vs MJ or Lebron. Pretty universally accepted that MJ is the GOAT of this era and probably of all time. But basketball was a very different sport half a century ago.
Top 20 Greatest of All Time Warzoners/Warlighters: 2021-08-11 19:52:50

Level 58
I think tacky is the best
Top 20 Greatest of All Time Warzoners/Warlighters: 2021-08-13 04:16:13

Level 60
More like Wilt Chamberlain vs MJ or Lebron. Pretty universally accepted that MJ is the GOAT of this era and probably of all time.

That's true about Wilt, although I disagree that it's universally accepted that MJ is the GOAT; he certainly was and largely still is, but that's partly a result of a lot of marketing, and a lot of the people I know who are into basketball are now starting to say they think LeBron is the GOAT.
But anyway, that's slightly beside the point; this being my main point:
But basketball was a very different sport half a century ago.

Warzone now is (apparently) very different to what it used to be, and there's always controversy in deciding how much weight to give to the dominators of the old era or the top competitors of the current age.
Top 20 Greatest of All Time Warzoners/Warlighters: 2021-08-13 11:31:56

Level 63
<3 loxiiv
Top 20 Greatest of All Time Warzoners/Warlighters: 2021-08-14 18:26:25

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
The difference between WZ and basketball is that is obviously impossible for players from bygone eras to play against modern players, since it’s a physical sport and they’re now too old. With WZ there’s nothing stopping old players from coming back and competing, and occasionally they do. They almost always fail to reach the success they had before. There are recent examples - dead piggy was referenced earlier - but this has been the case forever. Even in the earliest times the first dominant player The Impaller returned after a long hiatus and couldn’t compete with the new guard.

I also remember a while back a few people were analyzing some games by the winner of an early season (I believe it was dead piggy on BIV) and people were amazed by the mistakes made by a player who was conceivably the best player ever at that point.

All this is to say that there is a lot of evidence that the early champions were nowhere near as good as the top tier of players now.
Top 20 Greatest of All Time Warzoners/Warlighters: 2021-08-14 18:26:39

Level 33
Am I top 20?
Top 20 Greatest of All Time Warzoners/Warlighters: 2021-08-14 21:26:28

Level 58
Top 20 Greatest of All Time Warzoners/Warlighters: 2021-08-30 04:45:58

Johnny Silverhand 
Level 58
> People always look back on players like sze much better than they were. You put deadpiggy 7th when he came back and was shite on the MDL, he couldn’t compete against the sweats of AI and Rufus.

The tops players of today would walk all over them imo.

I went 5-0 vs Piggy when he came back. That's certainly not saying that I belong here. I absolutely do not, but yeah, if someone like me can stomp him, he's not anywhere near 7th.

Edited 8/30/2021 04:47:49
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