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Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-05-22 15:46:52

Level 61
9 supers: +150%AP, 5 artifact slots, 15 days (helped by mother's day bundles)

P.S. First SA without normal anscensions.
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-05-23 18:34:42

Level 56
Thirteenth Super Ascend!

New bonus: +1 slot
Kept: Legendary AV, TW, SAC, A$B, ACampB, CB, HB, and RCB, Epic MD, TS, and RCB
Bonuses: +9 slots, +100% AP

The Legendary RCB was indeed very helpful when I could use it, and it'll be nice to have it for every level this time around. I ended up changing my mind and opting for MD as the next legendary rather than SC. RNG blessed me with one and it was the other top contender I had in mind. Seeing how things flow with the extra AP last SA, I figured I'll be able to fix crafting speed with the advancement fairly soon, whereas MD cannot be replaced with advancements. Speaking of AP, I was able to skip straight from Africa to EH this time around, which was great.

This SA I'll have my eyes peeled for backups of important artifacts as making an Insane A$B this SA will be practical for the first time.

Next up: +25% AP, Leg MD, maybe Insane A$B
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-05-24 18:59:23

Level 63
I remember someone "beating the game" by getting all the insanes.
it takes 32 dig speed to bring all digs under 1 minute, and 40 for under 10 sec.
That was me. There were several options put forth for criteria to "finish idle", and 1 was a full set of insanes, so I went with that. Of course when I finished that, people said "oh well now it's 144K start AP", lol, which meant another 1000 or so SAsc's so I opted to quit at the set of insanes.

Xeno got the first insane fog buster. I got the first full set of insanes. Xeno got the first (and currently only, I think? Until you join him) 144K start AP.

But now that you and Xeno are both entering the realm of 144K AP = infinite SAsc's, # of SAsc's isn't a meaningful stat, so maybe have to compete on # of complete insane arti sets? lol ... not sure what else to rank on. Maybe # or powers?

I remember that was Krinid...but it doesn't give you anything besides maybe some satisfaction...
And it was only satisfying in the aspect that it was some sort of 'end'. B/c otherwise it's just an ongoing slog with no distinct goal. So at least I could say I finished 'something' and quit. (:
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-05-24 19:03:18

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 61
Or just accept that you have done everything the game offers, finish off the achievements and be done with it.
Well the doable achievements, I am not getting an apple product for example
When I get all the idle related achievements I'll consider the game finished. I just can't see slogging to almost 50 insanes and 140K starting.

As for Ivan, I can see him going for a few extra active artifacts, TW, SACs maybe a few others.
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-05-24 21:22:57

Level 58
Morg I think I heard somewhere that there is an achievement for getting all 41 Insanes. so good luck getting this without slogging to almost 50 insanes.
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-05-25 11:23:30

Level 58
Number 11

5 +.25% AP
6 +1 Artifacts

Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-05-25 21:09:40

Level 63
@Morg'th N H'Throg
of course that is the right answer, once you've SAsc'd even once, imho you've essentially done everything the game has to offer; SAsc is after all just an artificial way of extending the game life by removing progress and forcing a restart while adding minimal new elements to the game (just the SAsc buffs in exchange for all AP & most artis; not even new powers!); SAsc 10 times and it's more than enough, anything more is just leveling up unnecessary stuff for the sake of leveling it up to avoid quitting the game ... some people just have a hard time quitting when there's no distinct 'end line', no concrete "you have won" message or 'riding off into the sunset' cutscene, so I drew my own end line at the Insane arti set

tbh I didn't actually expect anyone to do >1400 SAsc's to get the full start AP for infinite SAsc's, didn't think any sane person would have the drive to do so but Xeno proved me wrong & Ivan's about it (to be clear, i'm saying they are diligent, sane players who both have the drive, not that they are insane, lol)
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-05-25 21:13:00

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 61
I was going to unlock the super levels and then go for finishing all levels and tech runs but... I am so weak.
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-05-25 21:20:47

Level 63
and for the record since the topic of 'achievements' came up, i have 97% achievements, and these are the only achievements left for me; it says "15" but i only have 8 left

15 Unearned Achievements
All Gold
Win 10000 games
Win on 500 different maps
Invited 15 friends
Someone you invited purchased a membership
Quickmatch rate 800
Quickmatch rate 900
Quickmatch rate 1000

i could go get the first 5 fairly easily (finish the solo levels with gold status, spamming games across diff maps, inviting folks, get an invitee to buy 1 month membership) but QM 1000 seems kind of out of reach (both in terms of skill & perseverance to grind to 1000, i know from folks who have done it how many games that takes, lol) . . . so don't see myself ever making 100% so kind of drains the motivation for the other ones
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-05-26 00:23:42

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 61
Thankfully I care not for solo and Pvp, just the idle stuff. If I can get others easy fine, but I won't stress out for it.

Kinda sucks being so close to completion and not being able to get it
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-05-26 16:58:18

Level 62
1300 supers +3075%ap(31.75x), 50 slots, 12 dig speed, 111700 start ap
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-05-26 19:15:53

Level 62
I have super-ascended a sixteenth time.

Boon chosen: +1 artifact carryover

Total boons: +175% AP, +9 artifact

Artifacts carried over:

* Insane Army Cache Boost
* Legendary Alloy Values
* Legendary Supercharge Army Camp
* Legendary Army Camp Boost
* Legendary Time Warp
* Legendary Triple Strike
* Legendary Mercenary Discount
* Epic Hospital Boost (same)
* Epic Cache Boost (upgrade)
* Epic Smelt Double (wzib)
* Epic Triple Strike (HCCC)

Next time: maybe +25% AP

Also: probably Cache Boost to legendary

edit: back home; added details

Edited 5/31/2024 02:38:22
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-05-27 14:50:35

Level 62
16th super ascension, 28 days (I skipped HEX this time and did two ascensions and a lot of extra digging instead)

+225% AP, 9 slots

1) insane AV
2) insane AcampB
3) leg AcacheB
4) leg SAC
5) rare TW
6) leg HB
7-9) fodder

I first burned my leg SAC and leg TW for my 2nd insane and had SAC/TW as epics. But then I found an uncommon TW and decided to bring back SAC to leg and burned the epic TW for it, thats why now I only have it as rare.

Bring back TW to epic (1 super) and try out how wzib works with it. If I cant win enough Flocks, I'll bring it to legendary (1 more super) before finally working on insane acacheb (~6 supers total)...
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-05-29 19:12:52

Level 63
SA #2

Total bonuses:
+25% AP
+1 artifact slot

Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-05-29 19:14:58

Level 61
3rd SA

New:+1 slot

total bonuses:
+50% AP, +1 slot

Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-05-30 04:39:18

Level 63
@JK, only #2 after all this time? Are you even trying? lol (poking fun question, clearly you're not)
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-05-30 05:22:05

Level 56
He's just going at JK_3 speed.
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-05-30 05:26:17

Level 62
Here we have another challenge: have a full set of insanes with fewest number of super ascensions!

JK right on track...
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-05-30 05:52:27

Level 63
@JK, only #2 after all this time? Are you even trying? lol (poking fun question, clearly you're not)

I really did try. And by that I mean: I tried to open idle at least once a day to start a new dig and reset my idle time 😃
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-05-30 09:43:39

Level 36
Last week I had my first SA :)

SA #1

Total bonuses:
+25% AP
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