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Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-14 10:18:07

Level 61
2 full insane sets would be pretty unique
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-14 18:41:53

Level 58
He is waiting for the Ultra Ascension.

Edited 6/14/2024 18:42:02
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-15 16:49:23

Level 63
Ultra Ascension = stop playing Idle; literally ascending from the game; aka retire

PS: i have ultra ascended
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-15 17:01:15

Level 61
I superascended second time. Picked +1 artifact.

+25% AP, Insane Alloy Value, Legendary Army Cache Boost, Legendary Supercharge Army Camp

It took me less than a year. New maps is a disappointment, even the Hex.
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-15 17:17:43

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 61
There is a Hex guide on the forums somewhere, you need the right artifacts to power through it.
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-15 20:42:20

Level 63
New maps is a disappointment, even the Hex.
old news (; we've all been disappointed with the new maps since the first time we played them; we were hoping there would some kind of new & interesting aspect to them, but instead all we got was maps with less army camps that were actually quite unenjoyable to play, so everyone just finishes them once and never plays them again, except Hex ... b/c it's easy to clear and gives a ton of AP. what was particularly disappointing in your case?
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-16 01:53:24

Level 61
I did not have good artifacts at Hex. No Army Cache Boost, no Triple Strike, no Inspire Mercenaries. I was better equipped to do Hardened Europe Huge at that point.

@Morg'th N H'Throg
I used https://pkmx.github.io/wzi-levels/ as a guide. I will not attempt Hex again unless I have at least two relevant artifacts.
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-16 07:22:10

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 61
I meant this guide.


It has maps and everything. With the right artifacts/AP buffs you can get through it with a SAC [power or arti] and 1 IM [either source and about half an our or less, . Tis a thing of beauty. A triple strike insane on one of those 1.3 billion spots on Plateau assault should make short work of that level plus the usual stuff at high level but if you saved your skip levels you shouldn't need it for a while... that or the legendary and a couple of days.

Edited 6/16/2024 07:22:29
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-16 17:23:04

Level 40
Took me ~3 min to dig all hex but a long time merging them. Opening the "artifact bag" took ~10sec and the upgrade window took another 10 sec for EACH artifact that I had to upgrade so the time it took added up quickly just waiting and doing nothing. The browser tab crashed too every now and then.

I averaged about 2 Leg per Hex run but the time it took to upgrade was the reason I was crying about this back in December-January xD. I made an insane in 2-3h by spamming HCCC since wzib slowed me down but that got old really quickly (too much effort) so the passive 4 Leg a day from Hex was comfy.
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-16 20:47:37

Level 62
I got 0.83 Legos for my first hex dig.
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-16 21:17:49

Level 40
Yes, I got it wrong it was 2 Leg per day (2 hex per day) on average since I was getting 4 legendary feeders for an insane every 2 days. So, I averaged around 1 leg per hex sorry about that. Best Hex was something silly like 4 epics and 6 rares but most of those 264 dig hex runs were "trash" tbh.

My sample size of endlessly digging in hex:
First played: 2022/05/11 18:26:04
Times played: 138
Times won: 137
Base AP reward: 11,052.63
Total AP earned: 1,885,394.74
Powers earned: <long list readability snip>
Fastest win by time: 8 minutes 57 seconds
Fastest win by session age: 8 minutes 2 seconds

You can easily make a couple of insane per day via HCCC but I wanted to avoid my wrist hurting and too much pointless work since most artifacts are quite frankly useless.

Edited 6/16/2024 21:22:02
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-16 21:21:26

Level 63
You can easily make a couple of insane per day via HCCC but I wanted to avoid my wrist hurting and too much pointless work since most artifacts are quite frankly useless.
technically since you, me & Ivan all have full insane sets & multiple of all the useful Actives, all further artifacts dug up regardless of type or level are now useless ... there's nothing left to do in the game except continue for the sake of not wanting to end; nothing left to accomplish; maybe if there was a max Idle Time instead of being limitless, that could be a goal, lol ... maybe request it at the next AMA? (;
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-16 21:31:48

Level 40
I currently have let me count ... 45 insane artifacts and honestly, I classified the rest as useless since I had about 14 Insanes (including dupes). If I'm being honest, I classified them as a hindrance since it just takes too much clicking and double/triple checking to select them all. RIP <50 sec supers.

Anyway, I went from 14 insanes to 45 insanes mostly via endless hex (137 runs).
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-16 22:28:53

Level 63
now if we were able to sell those insane artis ... then we might have some purpose to continue LMAO
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-18 12:21:16

Level 62
I have super-ascended an eighteenth time.

Boon chosen: +1 artifact carryover

Total boons: +175% AP, +11 artifact

Artifacts carried over:

* Insane Army Cache Boost
* Legendary Alloy Values
* Legendary Supercharge Army Camp
* Legendary Army Camp Boost
* Legendary Time Warp
* Legendary Triple Strike
* Legendary Mercenary Discount
* Legendary Cache Boost
* Epic Inspire Mercenaries
* Epic Hospital Boost (upgrade)
* Epic Item Values (WZIB)
* Epic Triple Strike (HCCC)
* Rare Money Cache Boost

Next time: probably +25% AP

Also: upgrade the IM and MCB

Note: missed the 6400bp target once again

(edit: had wrong boon total)

Edited 7/2/2024 12:46:24
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-21 15:28:22

Level 56
Fifteenth Super Ascend!

New bonus: +25% AP
Kept: Insane A$B, Legendary AV, TW, SAC, ACampB, Epic CB, TS, ACampB, Uncommon HB, RCB, MD
Bonuses: +9 slots, +150% AP

This SA was all about making that Insane A$B and backfilling the foddered artifact types. I was able to find bases for all of them without too much trouble this time. I ended up starting the A$B cook after taking the last army cache on Hex Earth (1st pass), as that let me take ICA up high enough to replace the missing A$B and CB effect. Missing out on 44.8% ICA for the remaining P4 grind did hurt a little bit, HScandi and HRome weren't an instaclear with L1 hospitals anymore (I had forgotten about this), but Auto-Draft fixed that and I wasn't in a hurry anyways as I had a bit of a dig bottleneck at the end anyways. Speaking of which, the P4 grind at the end is really becoming a lot less painful now with the extra +%AP. It felt very weird playing with all of the missing artifacts.

It also feels very weird to be carrying over several Uncommons with an SA, but making an Insane will do that. Speaking of which, 4d4h until that Insane is ready!

Next up: +25% AP, getting CB back up to Legendary, HB back up to Rare
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-29 07:45:57

Level 62
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-29 07:45:58

Level 62
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-07-01 04:20:57

Level 56
Sixteenth Super Ascend!

New bonus: +25% AP
Kept: Insane A$B, Legendary AV, TW, SAC, ACampB, CB, Rare HB, RCB, DM, DB, Uncommon MD
Bonuses: +9 slots, +175% AP

Half of this SA was spent waiting for that Insane A$B to finish cooking, and that was a little painful. However, Insane A$B is absolutely wonderful, it is a complete game changer. Even not having one for half of the SA, I was able to bring my SA time to under 10 days for the first time. It makes cache surfs so much easier to get going and really fills in a ton of total armies, which is especially noticeable on the early-mid levels where it's totally impractical to have enough AM yet (even with quite beefy +%AP bonuses) to efficiently clear them. I need to double check my numbers again, but Insane A$B should remove almost all of the need for SAC in the ugly quadriad (Nobunaga, Copper Creek Castle, Geopolitics, and Breaking Green), which tends to be a real drag. I really can't say enough good things about Insane A$B.

I also dropped Additional AP entirely from my advancements this SA (I had been taking it up to 17% previously) as the net benefit from it (while still positive in terms of eventual AP gained) had become so small as to make it no longer seem worth it. I swapped in Faster Crafting Speed instead, which was nice for the handful of levels that need crafting.

Next up: +25% AP, bringing RCB back up to Legendary (2x SA needed for this)
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-07-01 18:21:47

Level 61
11 supers: +175%AP, 6 artifact slots

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