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Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-08-29 08:51:13

Level 61
Only as epic btw I'm still trying to get CB artifact
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-08-29 16:10:13

Level 58

9 +25 AP

7 bonus artifacts

Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-08-31 01:37:32

Level 56
Twenty-fifth Super Ascend!

New bonus: +1 slot
Kept: Insane A$B, Legendary AV, TW, SAC, ACampB, CB, RCB, MD, HB, BMB, Epic MCB, TS, SS
Bonuses: +11 slots, +300% AP, 0.8^2 dig time

Once again the extra dig speed was very helpful in clearing up the dig bottleneck I would have had without it. I'm still not quite there yet, I got everything dug up in time, but crunching everything down into an Epic was done after hitting the AP necessary to SA. I could have fixed that with CW artifacts but I opted not to.

As I write this, my new Legendary BMB is already doing some heavy lifting on Huruey's Castle. The effect was pretty noticeable even on the later levels (reducing the time to first Market), but I expect a larger impact on the early levels. Time will tell.

I don't have any candidates for next Legendary (after MCB) yet. Depending on how that search goes it may be time to make another Insane.

Also, I lied last time, I forgot I would need another slot this time, so no dig bonus this time around.

Next up: 20% faster digs, Legendary MCB (this SA)
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-08-31 20:07:48

Level 62
I have super-ascended a twenty-second time.

Boon chosen: +25% AP

Total boons: +275% AP, +11 artifact

Artifacts carried over:

* Insane Army Cache Boost
* Insane Army Camp Boost
* Legendary Alloy Values
* Legendary Supercharge Army Camp
* Legendary Time Warp
* Legendary Mercenary Discount
* Legendary Resource Cache Boost (upgrade)
* Uncommon Money Cache Boost (sidegrade)
* Uncommon Cache Boost
* Uncommon Inspire Mercenaries (downgrade)
* Rare Hospital Boost (downgrade)
* Rare Discount Hospital (wzib fodder)
* Rare Army Camp Discount (wzib fodder)

Next time: continue rebuilding, maybe +1 artifact
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-09-01 17:46:09

Jeff Trait
Level 58
5th super. +100% insane av, legendary sac (upgrading), green tw Took one month since last super. 3 weeks to get the ap and one week to finish digging - bad luck on epic digs and didn’t get one a$b in the month Would rather spend a week with high idle time chilling than spend a cycle on faster digs
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-09-07 02:31:23

Level 56
Twenty-sixth Super Ascend!

New bonus: 20% faster digs
Kept: Insane A$B, Legendary AV, TW, SAC, ACampB, CB, RCB, MD, HB, BMB, MCB, Rare MB, IM
Bonuses: +11 slots, +300% AP, 0.8^3 dig time

I had tons of dig buffer this time around, unfortunately, I didn't turn up any good candidates for a next Legendary.

The Legendary BMB did make a quite measurable difference, so I think that one is a keeper.

The Legendary MCB is still cooking, but the Epic felt pretty weak. I think that is destined to be fodder that I won't bother replacing any time soon.

Otherwise, a pretty unremarkable SA.

Next up: TBD
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-09-08 16:08:44

Level 61
15 supers: +200%AP, 9 artifact slots:

P.S. As you see Didn't made HCCC because it wasn't needed in this SA and I also depleted Hex IM powers :( (I think I'll run out of SL soon).

Edited 9/9/2024 09:09:51
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-09-09 05:27:32

Level 60
Monday, 9 September 2024
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

1st super ascend

3 artifacts

epic army camp boost upgrading with 4d23h remaining
legendary supercharge army camp
insane time warp with 10h cooldown
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-09-09 05:42:58

Level 60
Forgot to check when I first played before ascending.

Based on past games, I started playing QM at 2021-06-26 17:17:14 (UTC+2?). That must be idle arena.
Last classic game before that was at 2020-03-03 14:41:51.

So I super ascended after 3 years 2 months 2 weeks. I didnt play for a few months In the middle.

My play was sometimes intense micromanagement, sometimes dont care let time run let auto work. More of the latter in the last year.
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-09-09 06:18:12

Level 63
Finally, Ivan has gone silent... does the dragon rest now that there is nothing left to accomplish?
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-09-09 07:58:05

Level 62
I still watch this thread
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-09-09 09:12:13

El steveo XIII (THeCo)
Level 61
Surely there is something left to accomplish ivan
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-09-09 17:18:09

Level 58

10 +25 AP

7 bonus artifacts

Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-09-10 13:50:28

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 61
"Surely there is something left to accomplish ivan "

I guess there is also classic single player, get all them gold stars.
Top each of the ladders.

After that, and all the doable achievements, there is only classic.
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-09-14 09:01:56

Level 62
Why is Fizzer listed as having 1 super ascension, you can check on profile that he doesn't even have the achievement...
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-09-14 13:44:42

Level 62
I have super-ascended a twenty-third time.

Boon chosen: +1 artifact

Total boons: +275% AP, +12 artifact

Artifacts carried over:

* Insane Army Cache Boost
* Insane Army Camp Boost
* Legendary Alloy Values
* Legendary Supercharge Army Camp
* Legendary Time Warp
* Legendary Mercenary Discount
* Legendary Resource Cache Boost
* Epic Hospital Boost (upgrade)
* Epic Bonus Money Boost (wzib)
* Epic Triple Strike (hccc)
* Rare Money Cache Boost (upgrade)
* Rare Cache Boost (upgrade)
* Uncommon Speedy Crafters (new)
* Common Inspire Mercenaries (downgrade)

Next time: continue rebuilding, maybe +25% AP
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-09-17 16:22:11

Level 63
12th SAsc for fellaz…another +25% AP leaving us at 150% AP boost and 7 artis: ITW, IIM, ISAC, I$B, IA$B, IACB, IAV

Everything’s coming up chillhouz!
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-09-18 04:26:16

Level 56
Twenty-seventh Super Ascend!

New bonus: +25% AP
Kept: Insane A$B, ACampB (6d3h to go), Legendary AV, TW, SAC, RCB, MD, Epic CB, SC, TS, Rare HB, BMB, TMB
Bonuses: +11 slots, +325% AP, 0.8^3 dig time

Well, RNG decided this one for me. As you may recall, I was undecided on plans for this SA. However, when WZIB dropped an Epic CB into my lap for 1st place I decided it was time to make an Insane ACampB.

I crunched a CB, HB, BMB and MCB to make the new ACampB and was only really concerned about replacing the HB as I had the Epic CB already and the BMB is mostly just a luxury. Although I wasn't able to dig any suitable replacement artifacts before "completing" the SA, with 1h28m Common digs I wasn't too worried about finding another HB and set to digging for one after hitting the requisite AP for SA (and starting the artifact upgrade). ~3 days later and I finally find my new HB, having also found a BMB and TMB ahead of that, I opted to bring them all up to Rare as I had just the right amount of artifact wealth for it.

All of the above aside, the dig buffer was tight, but not too bad. Unfortunately with no ACampB for (most of, if not all of) this SA, things are going to be very slow, the one after should be great though. Plus, I can take all +%AP for awhile again.

Next up: +25% AP, rebuilding (Legendary CB first - this SA)
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