At the moment it's hard for me to tell what artifact is best to be at insane in long run. What is needed to play fast may continue to change as I accumulate a higher +AP%.
But with that Epic HB, Insane AcacheB, Rare TS, Leg SAC, do you have room to use a CB? I guess swap out HB when snagging a cache, and good if you have 4 slots. But if only 3, can't use both TS & SAC at same time, else no room for CB.
And what's with that Leg Idle Time? Or is it fallout fodder from the recent bundle?
I never use triple strike, it is just fodder. Getting the Lego idle time from the bundle was probably a mistake, taking a slot for too long. Yes switch HB/CB.
@Mathematician seems obvious to me, gotta bring your wealth with you and you will need something to sacrifice later anyhow. Getting a replacement to epic will comparatively be easy.
Lesson to self - handing your phone over to young relatives so they can "play some games" can have dire consequences. Got my first inadvertend super ascension now and "Hey you could keep two artefacts so i picked some yellow ones" so I only lost 2 legendaries to that ... but oh well, let's see how long it'll take to get back up there, god are those early levels slow, I completely forgot!