Alloy Values could work iff you have the auto-sell, auto-market maxed out-- I think Crypt uses this strat and he's successful, but otherwise as you said AcampB + AcacheB + SAC + TW is the default
If you have +100% Territory money Adv, maybe Insane TMB? But probably AV w/auto-sell/market still gonna get more money overall
So what's the goal now? Surely with 5 Insanes and 775% AP you're not getting that much faster with each SAsc you do and require alot of SAsc for a noticable speedup. What's your end goal?
Your goal should be to get ~1000 more SAscends and select 100 starting AP each time so that by the end you can just endlessly loop your superascends without even really playing
If I have any sac powers, I like to use them on War of the Worlds and Ursa Luna. I can then unlock battles and challenges after sacing Hardened Ursula Luna. No other hard till Hardened Far Land. Skip Reconquest 1065 (just started getting enough ap to have skip this early) After Europe 1066 AD upgrade to 2 skips Hardened Old Town x4 upgrade to 7 skips Hardened Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire x4 Buy Simultaneous Levels after 1st one. Hardened Scandinavia and the Nordic Countries x3 Hardened Copper Creek Castle Super
I keep a spreadsheet with my best sac times and non sac times so I can choose which levels to use sac on. When I build up 5 IM I do HEH