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Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2023-12-25 04:21:02

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
The Multi-Template Ladder is back for Christmas at http://www.warlight-mtl.com!

Players who were on the ladder when it went down will need to rejoin the ladder in order to play on it - players will not be added automatically. All ratings including activity bonuses will be carried over unchanged from the last database backup which as taken in June 2023. However, all games will obviously have expired since then, so players will need to complete 20 new games before they get ranked. I will wait for at least 20 players to become ranked before I start counting games in first place to count for the trophy.

I'm looking forward to seeing you all on the ladder! Please share the word so that everyone who has been missing it can come back and play!

For those interested in the history of the ladder, here is the thread from its inception: https://www.warzone.com/Forum/216823-multiday-ladder

Edited 12/25/2023 04:47:31
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2023-12-25 04:29:06

Level 65
Congratulations and many thanks, Beren and MTL team!
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2023-12-25 04:31:34

Level 65
It's a Christmas miracle! Thanks to everyone who devoted time into bringing this back, you are greatly appreciated by all of us.
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2023-12-25 05:39:40

Level 61
Please note that this is the WarLIGHT Multi-template Ladder.
My friends, never forget...
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2023-12-25 10:34:04

Level 63
Thanks Beren and Justin!

Its a christmas miracle!
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2023-12-25 10:55:32

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Merry MTL-mas
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2023-12-25 11:14:46

Level 58
Awesome sauce!
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2023-12-25 20:57:09

Level 60
Great news!

May you please kindly comment on:
- Why did you choose the name of "Warlight" for the new domain?
- Whether all the technical difficulties for the nearest future have been resolved? (MTL was already brought up, but went down again after some time. How stable is the current deployment)
- Are there any changes to the team behind the MTL? (the site still says Deadman and Beren, but I read on some discords, that JustinR17 was going to help to actually run it now)
- Are there any plans or ideas for further development/improvement of MTL?
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2023-12-25 21:16:19

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
Thanks to everyone who has already joined! Keep spreading the word!

- Why did you choose the name of "Warlight" for the new domain?

Warlight is a better name than Warzone. :)

- Whether all the technical difficulties for the nearest future have been resolved?

The first time it went down it was fixed by rebooting the VM and restarting the ladder. The second time it went down it was because the VM that was hosting the ladder was on a type of cloud infrastructure that was retired by Azure. Now the ladder has been migrated to a new VM that is being hosted on an entirely different architecture. I make no promises that there won't be some hiccups, but any downtime that happens going forward should be of much shorter duration and avoid the loss of data.

- Are there any changes to the team behind the MTL?

Yes, you are right there have been some changes to the team running the ladder. The creator (and the person who deserves most of the credit for its existence) is no longer involved in maintaining it. JustinR17 was incredibly helpful to me in getting it back online (much thanks to him!), and will be involved going forward. Thanks for the reminder that I should update the information on the site about attribution).

- Are there any plans or ideas for further development/improvement of MTL?

Initially we are going to be focusing on stability, but once we're confident that things are stable we hope to be able to build enhancements.
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2023-12-25 21:17:08

Level 60
Thanks for answers!
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2023-12-26 00:42:36

Level 63
In the event of it being down for a prolonged period of time, would you consider making it open source and give instructions of how to host it?
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2023-12-26 01:20:46

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
In the event of it being down for a prolonged period of time, would you consider making it open source and give instructions of how to host it?

It's not likely in the near term, but it's possible that I will make it open source at some point.
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2023-12-26 22:41:43

Master Turtle 
Level 62
Is there any notion that some retired templates may get brought back?
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2023-12-26 23:37:51

Level 60
Thank you Beren and Justin. You're worth your weight in gold!

(Deadman as well for his past contributions)
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2023-12-27 00:55:29

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
Is there any notion that some retired templates may get brought back?

There are no immediate plans to unretire any templates. Once I'm comfortable with the codebase and confident that everything is stable, I'd like to tackle some new features and revisiting templates/vetoes/etc. is one of the things I've been thinking about.
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2023-12-27 00:56:42

Level 62
great job getting it back up and running
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2023-12-27 03:23:25

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
There has been some confusion from some players about their ratings degrading since the ladder has been relaunched despite not having finished any games. There are two factors at play here, one of which is temporary and the other of which is ongoing. Ratings are made up of two parts: a "true" rating and an activity bonus. The rating you see displayed is the sum of these two values.

The activity bonus is increased by completing games, but it decreases continually over time by 2% every day. It gets capped at 100 behind the scenes, but the maximum activity bonus that can be added to your rating is 80. The reason these number are different is to allow players to maintain a maximum activity bonus. This is a feature of the ladder that has always been present (well at least always since Deadman and Math Wolf created the rating system currently used).

The other reason you might be seeing your rating decrease is due to the inactive player convergence factor. This is a feature that slowly moves the "true" rating of players who don't have any unexpired games to the average rating of 1500. If you've read the previous sentence carefully you'll have already realized that all you have to do to stop this convergence from continuing is to complete a single game. Once you have a single unexpired game, your rating will stop drifting towards 1500.

Hopefully that clears up the confusion!
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-01-08 19:07:56

Level 63
Anyone have a favorite game yet? Seems like there is a LOT of players currently
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-01-08 19:32:08

Level 68
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-01-08 19:43:12

Level 65
Nice bunsy
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