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Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-06-18 00:38:29

Level 61
Rufus calling me out in his interview like the old emperor isn’t living on borrowed time. Oi, Grandpa! One day I’ll come take that throne as a short side quest. Until then, keep it warm for me! ;)
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-06-23 21:52:53

Level 60
You can find the Multi Template Ladder at: https://www.warlight-mtl.com/

Welcome to another weekly update. This week has been one with Rufus on top, albeit he hasn't dominated the rating the same way we've seen previously. That said, his lead over second place Buns157 sits comfortably at 98 points at the end of the week. This week has also been marked by increased ladder participation, with active memberships up to 70 as of writing. This is the highest we've seen since the ladder restart. I suspect Clan League coming to an end played a role in this, although I know several players have been actively spreading the word about the ladder.

Optimum continues to dominate in terms of participation, doubling membership count of the second most active clan with 12 players on the ladder. Four clans have 6 active players on the ladder, those being ONE!, Masters, {101st} and Harmony. The top ten is more diverse than usual with Masters and ONE! both having 3 players there, but OP, Python, Corp and MB all joining in with a single player each. Corn Man and SerFen rejoining the ladder and Bechaa joining Corp and climbing explains the newcomers.

The high risers this week have been Ōbāmīum, CrYsT and Bechaa. Ōbāmīum had an impressive 9-2 showing, while CrYsT and Bechaa both have 5-game win streaks going.

The Top 10:
Rank	Player			Rating	W/L	Rank Change
1	Rufus			2097	12/4	0
2	Buns157			1999	1/2	0
3	Ralph			1978	6/2	1
4	FiveStarGeneral		1903	1/0	2
5	CraZy			1899	2/2	0
6	master of desaster	1899	2/0	2
7	Beren Erchamion		1887	3/1	2
8	Corn Man		1872	0/0	NEW
9	Bechaa			1862	6/3	5
10	SerFen			1854	4/2	NEW

(NEW implies the player wasn't ranked a week ago, whatever the reason for that may be)

Stats of the Week:
Most Active: Rufus, with 16 games (12 wins, 4 losses)
Most Wins: Rufus, with 12 wins
Biggest Rank Rise: Ōbāmīum and Bechaa, rose 5 ranks each
Biggest Rank Tumble: We ride! and andrtych, dropped 12 ranks each
Biggest Rating Rise: Ōbāmīum, gained 84 points
Biggest Rating Drop: Jacoþ thε Restle§°ⁿ³, lost 91 points
Longest Ongoing Winstreak: CrYsT and Bechaa, 5 wins in a row

Player of the Week:

That's right, Ralph somehow convinced me to be the player of the week. He suggested doing the interview similar to his ML Warden updates, so look forwards to that crossover.

Recently busy schedules have made notable games less feasible, and as a result we've decided to omit them this week. We'll see when they come back.

That's it for this week, if you have anything you want to include in a future update contact me or Ralph
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-06-23 22:21:46

Level 60

Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-06-30 19:29:41

Level 58
Idk how difficult this would be, but I think it'd be cool if you could see how much elo someone gained from each match in the "latest games" section of one's profile.
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-06-30 21:26:08

Level 60
You can find the Multi Template Ladder at: https://www.warlight-mtl.com/

Here we go again, another week done and as such another weekly update on the status of the MTL. Business as usual for Rufus, who's occupying the top spot and has done so the entire week. A slightly slower week than usual, but one with only one loss, puts Rufus up in rating from last week. The gap to second is down to 62 since Buns157 had a great week, going 5-0. Ralph in third place had a similarly good 4-1 week, but currently sits 54 points behind second and 75 points ahead of fourth. Rufus first place streak has at time of writing lasted 16 days.

Activity remains high after the recruitment drive of the past weeks, though the increase has slowed down. At the end of the week, membership count sits at 71, up one from a week ago and the highest since the reboot of the ladder. One of the succesful newcomers is LND, who had a great 11-2 week in terms of wins-losses.

Optimum continues dominating the participation charts, with 13 active players on the ladder. Ralph is however currently the only OP member in the top 10. ONE!, Masters, {101st} and Harmony all have 6 players on the ladder, so the top 5 clans make up 52% of players on the ladder. As far as the top 10 goes, ONE! has relinquished control in favor of Masters, with 2 and 4 players in the top 10, respectively. MB, Python and Corp round out participation with a member each at the top.

Nickpugs3, stefano36000 and myself have been the most efficient climbers this week. Nickpugs3's 8 wins were only sullied by losses to double-B's Bechaa and Baer, stefano36000 pulled off a 5-1 week, and I benefitted from 2 boots to boost my 2 natural wins for a 4-0 week.

The Top 10:
Rank	Player			Rating	W/L	Rank Change
1	Rufus			2103	5/1	0
2	Buns157			2041	5/0	0
3	Ralph			1988	4/1	0
4	FiveStarGeneral		1913	1/0	0
5	Bechaa			1905	7/2	4
6	Corn Man		1899	2/0	2
7	master of desaster	1885	1/2	-2
8	SerFen			1864	3/2	2
9	CraZy			1863	1/2	-3
10	Motoki			1830	0/0	2
(NEW implies the player wasn't ranked a week ago, whatever the reason for that may be)

Stats of the Week:
Most Active: LND, with 13 games (11 wins, 2 losses)
Most Wins: LND, with 11 wins
Biggest Rank Rise: nickpugs3, rose 13 ranks
Biggest Rank Tumble: lawm, dropped 11 ranks
Biggest Rating Rise: nickpugs3, gained 104 points
Biggest Rating Drop: Jacoþ thε Restle§°ⁿ³, lost 69 points
Longest Ongoing Winstreak: Ares, 7 wins in a row

Player of the week:
Corn Man

The player of the week for this week is Corn Man, but a delay means the inteview will be posted later, probably tomorrow.

That's it for this week, if you have anything you want to include in a future update contact me or Ralph.
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-07-01 13:37:41

Level 60
Player of The Week:
Corn Man

The player of the week for this week, Corn Man (also known as Quicksilver), might raise a few eyebrows. With only 2 games finished in the past couple of months (both this week) and a rather short career on the MTL overall, I can agree he might not seem like the obvious choice. However, thats really only scratching the surface! Corn Man has the fourth highest MTL winrate (75%) out of anyone achieving a rank (beaten only by Deadman, Rufus and No.One) the highest ever AWP Tour rating (2122) and a 1v1 ladder trophy, the return of Corn Man is a day worth celebrating!

Favourite player: 90.
Cooking up strats with him on 4v4 Fieldmere waaaay back in ... 2014? (along with aoc and juan) was how i got into this game. Was the best times
Favourite template: Phobia SR
Peak rating: 1962
Peak rank: 4

Hi and thanks for joining us as PoTW, Corn Man / Quicksilver / Quickie / Ass, aaaand which name do you prefer?

lets go with Quickie, that's what my fans call me

Thats right, and Im your biggest fan! Im thrilled to see you back on the MTL, and not so thrilled to feel you breathing down my neck already. What's the reason behind this grand return?

it's time for me to get that beautiful mtl trophy

A big statement right off the bat! Judging by your winrate in the games youve had since your return, which is 100%, you should have a decent shot at it. How do you view your chances as of right now?

i would say 80%. i've long shied away from fully going for it, but now im ready to give it my best. I think im motivated to play like that for at least a few months, so then it should purely be a question of whether roofie can cockblock me

We all love good old roofie, don't we. But an 80% chance is really solid though! Out of anyone Ive talked to recently nobody has been as confident as that. What's the secret sauce?

I know how good I can be. One thing that's changed is now I'm more willing to learn from others and I can see many ways to improve my game. So, I'm very excited to find out how far I can go.

That was way more humble than I was hoping for. We both know someone who would've answered it with "I. AM T...!!!!" (I have anonymised the name to not target anyone), but to each their own. Do you have an example of something you've learnt recently?

picks are one of the worst parts of my game. I like to go for cheesy stuff where i aggressively win early on. if you look at my last two wins you can see that i have this game plan. but this only works up to a point, and the next stage for me is to move on from stylistically dunking on my opponents to making great long-term positional picks. im still in the early stages of learning this

I think we both have something to learn in that department, I prefer making the lowest amount of picks I can for the style points. Any players you have been drawing inspiration from when trying to improve your picks?

octane jumps to mind. he has his own style that i find confusing, and whenever i see a game of his i try to decode the logic of it.

Octane is indeed a great example to learn from. But, enough about this Quickie, lets add some spice at the very end :)) Give me a timeline on your trophy charge: Top 5, Top 3, Top 1, trophy. The whole shebang!

once i have activity points ill be 4th ... so top 5 in 2 days. top 3 in a week and a half. then another 2 weeks to rufus' level and getting first. then he'll cockblock me on the trophy for somewhere between 1-4 weeks. so trophy inside a maximum of 2 months. i have it all mapped out

I cant wait to watch you try, and I promise to do my best to prevent it. No way you get top 3 on my watch!

i wish all my opponents the best of luck. im looking forward to some great games

Frustratingly wholesome, making me out to be the bad guy :(

Edited 7/1/2024 13:38:03
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-07-03 15:10:23

Level 60
MTL is down/not working?
I've got three finished games today that haven't clocked yet (all 3+ hours ago), and no new games.

Edited 7/3/2024 15:10:32
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-07-03 15:16:47

Level 60
Also here's a fun MTL game for everyone to play - there's an impostor among us!!!

Who could it be?
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-07-03 18:47:02

Level 55
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-07-03 22:49:04

Level 58
Yeah LND still slow, hasn't updated in the last 5+ hours :(

I think it only updated once today so not sure what's up. Im in one game where player hasnt joined and its been well over 3 days, if he ends up joining I might cry
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-07-03 22:54:47

Level 60
Beren has informed me it's a back end issue he'll get around to fixing soon, the update earlier today was manually done.
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-07-04 18:24:10

Level 55
Does this ladder have rewards?
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-07-04 18:37:03

Level 59
Does this ladder have rewards?
No, it's a Community Event. It has a trophy though.
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-07-04 18:39:04

Level 60
Occasionally players will put up rewards for ladder participation, but since the ladder's entirely player driven, there's no official rewards for participation. The only official reward is the trophy you can get on your profile, which requires reaching first place and holding on to it for 10 games in a row. That trophy is similar to the 1v1 ladder trophy.
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-07-04 19:06:23

Level 55
Ok, thanks I'll try but not long.
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-07-07 22:01:28

Level 60
You can find the Multi Template Ladder at: https://www.warlight-mtl.com/

The time has come for another weekly update. The top has arguably been stagnant this week, as Rufus, Buns157 and Ralph have held first, second and third respectively all week. The gaps between them have however shrunk significantly. Below them things have also seen a dramatic shift, with muliple players swapped out compared to last week. Let's get into it.

Rufus in first place had a rough week, with 6 losses. The fact that he also had 9 wins is less relevant, since the losses were much harsher on his rating than the wins made up for, and as such he dropped from 2103 to 2036 rating. Buns157 got very close as a result, but a poor 2-4 week from him means the gap still sits at 46 points. Ralph had a slow 1-1 week, which meant his rating stayed mostly put, placing him a mere 11 rating behind Buns157. A tremendous 8-0 week from SerFen puts them into 4th on the ladder, and the very clear cut top 5 is rounded out by Xenophon, who rejoined the ladder. Corn Man dropped out of the top 10 not because of rating loss, not because he left the ladder, but because last he was on the ladder was 6 months ago, which meant a lot of games expired all at once, and as such ge doesn't have enough games to be ranked.

Ladder participation is slightly down compared to last week, with 69 active participants at the time of writing. This is still a nice amount of activity, however, though we of course hope more player will want to join the ladder.

Optimum is still by far the largest clan in terms of ladder participation, their 13 participants more than doubling second places Masters and {101st} with 6 each. Masters were briefly up to 5 members in the top 10, but here at the end of the week they're down to 4 once more. OP and ONE! both have two members at the top, and the top 10 is rounded out by MB and Corp, with 1 each.

The big climbers this week have been Jacoþ thε Restle§°ⁿ³, SerFen and Saleen147. After a string of bad weeks following each other, Jacob finally has a good week, putting up an impressive 12 wins. SerFen's impressive 8 game win streak at the top of the ladder is also very impactful, and it will be interesting to see if they can keep it going. Saleen147 had a nice 10-2 week, grabbing wins against a lot of similarly rated opponents, propelling their rating upwards.

The Top 10:
Rank	Player			Rating	W/L	Rank Change
1	Rufus			2036	9/6	0
2	Buns157			1990	2/4	0
3	Ralph			1979	1/1	0
4	SerFen			1966	8/0	4
5	Xenophon		1960	6/1	NEW
6	master of desaster	1875	1/1	1
7	CraZy			1861	2/2	2
8	Motoki			1857	2/1	2
9	Beren Erchamion		1841	1/0	2
10	Bechaa			1828	1/5	-6
(NEW implies the player wasn't ranked a week ago, whatever the reason for that may be)

Stats of the Week:
Most Active: nickpugs3, with 20 games (9 wins, 11 losses)
Most Wins: Jacoþ thε Restle§°ⁿ³, with 12 wins
Biggest Rank Rise: Jacoþ thε Restle§°ⁿ³, rose 17 ranks
Biggest Rank Tumble: Bechaa, LND and andrtych, dropped 6 ranks each
Biggest Rating Rise: Jacoþ thε Restle§°ⁿ³, gained 153 points
Biggest Rating Drop: Bechaa, lost 89 points
Longest Ongoing Winstreak: SerFen, 8 wins in a row

Player of the week:

The player of the week for this week is Saleen147, which Ralph will post when it's done.

That's it for this week, if you have anything you want to include in a future update contact me or Ralph.
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-07-07 22:07:34

Level 63
Maybe the closest the top 5 has ever been?
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-07-14 21:41:34

Level 60
You can find the Multi Template Ladder at: https://www.warlight-mtl.com/

Another week passes, another weekly update gets written. That is how it must be. Octane reentered the ladder this week and reset Rufus' first place streak. Rufus however had a better weekly performance and as a result quickly retook first. Buns157 and Ralph both being above 2k rating meant we had four players above that benchmark for the first time in a long time, but with Buns157 leaving the ladder towards the end of the week we're back down to 3. Corn Man finished enough games to reenter the rankings and held onto a lower top 10 spot for a while, only to see enough games expire and him getting unranked once more.

With Octane essentially just slotting in for Buns157 at the top of the rankings, not much changed for the top players. Rufus went 10-3 to gain a little bit of rating, Ralph with a 3-0 week broke the 2k barrier and his personal rating record, master of desaster had a similarly good week (though has historical highs much higher than his current rating). Nickpugs3 with a very strong and very active 13-9 week managed to break into the top 10, ending up as one of 4 players in the top 10 to gain more than 50 rating this week, which means we see overall higher ratings than last week.

We briefly saw slightly lower participation during the midweek, but at the end of the week we once more find ourselves with a nice 69 players on the ladder. We're slowly growing the amount of ranked players as well (since you need 20 finished games in the past 6 months there's typically several players actively playing the ladder who aren't officially ranked yet), and are up to 57 ranked players this week.

Clan participation continues to be dominated by OP, which currently sees 14 members actively participating in the ladder. Masters also went up in numbers to grab second place with 7 members on the ladder. {101st} and Harmony both sit at 6 members each. The top 10 is dominated by Masters and OP, both of which have 4 members each towards the top of the ladder. Formerly dominant ONE! only has a single member left in the top 10, while SerFen ensures MB has the same.

Nickpugs3, muhorka and t7soldier are the quick climbers of the week. Nickpugs3 as mentioned had a very active week, and with wins against both Xenophon and Rufus the effort paid off. Muhorka with a nice 6-2 performance climbed 7 positions on the ladder, and t7soldier's undefeated 4-0 week saw them shoot up in the ratings too.

The Top 10:
Rank	Player			Rating	W/L	Rank Change
1	Rufus			2067	10/3	0
2	Octane			2034	2/2	NEW
3	Ralph			2011	3/0	0
4	Xenophon		1962	4/3	0
5	SerFen			1944	4/3	0
6	master of desaster	1929	3/0	0
7	Motoki			1909	7/4	1
8	CraZy			1884	2/0	2
9	Beren Erchamion		1831	0/0	0
10	nickpugs3		1830	13/9	7
(NEW implies the player wasn't ranked a week ago, whatever the reason for that may be)

Stats of the Week:
Most Active: nickpugs3, with 22 games (13 wins, 9 losses)
Most Wins: nickpugs3, with 13 wins
Biggest Rank Rise: sb, rose 8 ranks
Biggest Rank Tumble: 7ate9, Lumumba and CrYsT, dropped 6 ranks each
Biggest Rating Rise: nickpugs3, gained 85 points
Biggest Rating Drop: 7ate9, lost 61 points
Longest Ongoing Winstreak: forksandwich, 7 wins in a row

Player of the week:
The Player of the Week segment will be temporarily halted. Ralph typically does the interviews, but since he's had a very busy schedule recently we're falling behind on the interviews, so I'd rather suspend them until there's enough time to get them done once more.

That's it for this week, if you have anything you want to include in a future update contact me or Ralph.
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-07-17 14:14:54

Level 60
rip ladder down again?
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-07-21 22:38:47

Level 60
You can find the Multi Template Ladder at: https://www.warlight-mtl.com/

As the week comes to an end, it's time to take a look at what happened once more. Rufus started the week on top and ended the week on top, but in between we did see Octane briefly overtake the peak spot on the ladder. Hergul finally finished their 20th game to get ranked, immediately slotting in towards the very top of the ladder. With Buns157, this makes 4 players above 2000 rating at the end of the week, with both Xenophon and Ralph having been above 2000 at points throughout the week too.

Part of the reason behind the top of the ladder shifting up in terms of rating is that all 5 top 5 players had decent to great weeks. Rufus had a dominant 13-2 week which saw his rating climb above 2100 once more, while Octane's undefeated 5-0 week saw very similar results. Buns157 and Hergul both went 7-3, which in Buns' case resulted in a somewhat meager rating improvement, though an improvement nonetheless. Xenophon's 4 wins were only blemished by a loss to Rufus, which doesn't carry a particularly heavy penalty rating-wise. The rest of the top 10 have also shifted up in rating by virtue of being pushed down in ranks by Hergul and tornado getting ranked, meaning we see an entirely 1900 rating or above top 10.

Participation climbed again this week, briefly setting new post-relaunch records of 72 participants, which dipped slightly to 71 towards the end of the week. We're also up to 62 players currently ranked on the ladder. The ladder did see some downtime during the week which delayed game creation for a while, but that issue has been resolved and the ladder should be working as usual once more.

The clans department is more or less business as usual. OP dominated the ladder with 13 active members, Masters have 7 players on the ladder, ONE!, Harmony and {101st} have 6 each. In the top 10 Masters are overrepresented with 4 players while OP drops to 3. With tornado rejoining ONE! sees 2 members in the top 10, while SerFen of MB continues a solitary existance as the only dragon not just towards the top, but on the ladder entirely.

Beforementioned Rufus and Octane are joined by Jacoþ thε Restle§°ⁿ³ as the quickest rating climbers this week. Jacoþ thε Restle§°ⁿ³ had a solid 7-5 performance, and since his losses were mostly to highly rated opponents he experienced decent rating gains.

The Top 10:
Rank	Player			Rating	W/L	Rank Change
1	Rufus			2137	13/2	0
2	Octane			2109	5/0	0
3	Buns157			2036	7/3	0
4	Hergul			2013	7/3	NEW
5	Xenophon		1997	4/1	0
6	Ralph			1966	1/3	-2
7	tornado			1959	2/1	NEW
8	SerFen			1957	4/3	-2
9	master of desaster	1935	1/1	-2
10	Motoki			1919	3/3	-2
(NEW implies the player wasn't ranked a week ago, whatever the reason for that may be)

Stats of the Week:
Most Active: Rufus, AJordy_, nickpugs3 and Edge, with 15 games each
Most Wins: Rufus, with 13 wins
Biggest Rank Rise: Rento, rose 6 ranks
Biggest Rank Tumble: lawm, dropped 14 ranks
Biggest Rating Rise: Rufus, gained 76 points
Biggest Rating Drop: lawm, lost 78 points
Longest Ongoing Winstreak: Rufus, 8 wins in a row

Player of the week:
The Player of the Week segment is temporarily halted. Ralph typically does the interviews, but since he's had a very busy schedule recently we're falling behind on the interviews, so I'd rather suspend them until there's enough time to get them done once more.

That's it for this week, if you have anything you want to include in a future update contact me or Ralph.
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