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Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-08-04 22:52:20

Level 60
You can find the Multi Template Ladder at: https://www.warlight-mtl.com/

Last week both me and Ralph had to deal with unforeseen personal situations, and as such we didn't post an update. This week I'm back however, so let's get right back into things. This week has seen Octane overtake Rufus' first place spot, a spot Octane's managed to hang on to for 5 games, or about a week in total. Rufus had a rare 4-game losing streak which pushed his rating down, and Octane managed to capitalize. Rufus has since gone on one of his regular tears, winning 8 of the 9 last games, but it hasn't been enough to overcome the rating loss. The top of the ladder in general looks really strong, with 5 players above 2035 rating. The bottom of the top 10 has however suffered a bit of a hit, as the cutoff now sits in the mid 1800's again.

The cleanest week from any of the top 10 players comes from SerFen with a 3-0 week, which pushed them back into the 1900's after finishing last week outside that range. Looking slightly lower in the rankings we see the rating climbers of the past week have been a surging Edge, who despite losing 5 games gained an impressive 113 rating, an undefeated Ares who went 5-0 and broke into the top 15, and Syphen who managed to put up an even more impressive 6-0, climbing 12 ranks in the process.

Participation on the ladder is down compared to a couple of weeks ago, seeing current membership at 66 players. I suspect part of the explanation behind comes from the fact that we were in the end of July, and as such prime vacation time for many in the Northern hemisphere. The rating drop mostly happened last week, and bottomed out at 65, so hopefully that's a sign that the numbers are climbing back up again.

The clans department shows that OP has suffered the most in terms of activity, dropping to 8 players on the ladder. Harmony on the other hand have increased participation to 7, placing them as the second most active clan. Masters have dropped significantly too, meaning the third most active clans are ONE! and {101st} with 6 active members each. The top 10 sees a rare three way split in terms of dominance, with both Masters, OP and ONE! each having 3 members represented. Aforementioned SerFen marks yet another week of sole participation for MB, but also yet another week of MB being represented towards the top of the standings.

The Top 10:
Rank	Player			Rating	W/L	Rank Change
1	Octane			2119	3/1	1
2	Rufus			2100	8/3	-1
3	Buns157			2039	1/0	0
4	Xenophon		2038	2/1	1
5	Hergul			2035	2/1	-1
6	tornado			1950	1/0	0
7	SerFen			1935	3/0	1
8	master of desaster	1907	1/1	-1
9	nickpugs3		1865	4/4	1
10	malakkan		1857	2/0	3
(NEW implies the player wasn't ranked a week ago, whatever the reason for that may be)

Stats of the Week:
Most Active: SweetSasyMolasy, with 21 games (9 wins, 12 losses)
Most Wins: SweetSasyMolasy, with 9 wins
Biggest Rank Rise: Syphen, rose 12 ranks
Biggest Rank Tumble: AJordy_ and t7soldier, dropped 7 ranks each
Biggest Rating Rise: Edge, gained 113 points
Biggest Rating Drop: CraZy, lost 55 points
Longest Ongoing Winstreak: Syphen, 7 wins in a row

Player of the week:
The Player of the Week segment is temporarily halted. Ralph typically does the interviews, but since he's had a very busy schedule recently we're falling behind on the interviews, so I'd rather suspend them until there's enough time to get them done once more.

That's it for this week, if you have anything you want to include in a future update contact me or Ralph.
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-08-11 21:20:44

Level 60
You can find the Multi Template Ladder at: https://www.warlight-mtl.com/

Welcome to another weekly update. This week has seen Rufus retake first place, unusually low activity in the top 10 and an exciting Olympics come to an end. Let's get into it.

Rufus has been on an absolute tear recently, only dropping one of his last 16 games. 10 of those games happened this week, with only Photonic Symmetry being able to take a game away from the perennial first placer. His rating is getting high enough that despite the 9-1 week, he only gained 32 rating, but that's more than enough to overtake Octane, who didn't manage to finish any games this week. Tornado and Xenophon join Octane in that pace, and with a couple of other slow players we see 5 of our top 8 players finishing only 1 game or less this week. Buns157 dropped a game to Bechaa which punished his rating and dropped him below both Xenophon and Hergul, while Hergul had a fine 6-3 week but has reached a rating where "fine" doesn't really cut it anymore, and as such dropped 11 rating.

Ladder participation has gone up and down throughout the week, seeing a peak of 68 players at one point, but ultimately settling on 66 players for another week. Ranked player count is up to 58, with the majority of those in the 1600-1800 rating range. Highest rated non-ranked player currently joined is Corn Man, who sits at 1856 rating which would put him just outside the top 10.

In the clans department, OP drops to 7 active members, tying for first with Harmony in terms of participation. CORP, Masters and {101st} all have 6 members actively participating in the ladder at the moment. In the top 10 we see a somewhat similar picture to last week, with 9 spots split between OP, Masters and ONE!, while MB accounts for the last one. Only difference is that one ONE! member was pushed out of the top 10, which opened up space for another Master, making the count 4 Masters, 3 OP and 2 ONE!.

The quick climbers of the week have been Rumo, Photonic Symmetry and Botanator. Rumo went 5-3 but picked up some nice wins in the process to gain a staggering 119 rating. Photonic Symmetry's win over Rufus was accompanied by three other wins and a loss to Hergul, causing a rating jump of 70. Botanator had a nice undefeated streak of 4 this week, but with mostly opponents below Botanator's rating the gains were slightly less impressive, boosting the rating by 61.

The Top 10:
Rank	Player			Rating	W/L	Rank Change
1	Rufus			2132	9/1	1
2	Octane			2119	0/0	-1
3	Xenophon		2035	0/0	1
4	Hergul			2024	6/3	1
5	Buns157			2017	1/2	-2
6	tornado			1944	0/0	0
7	SerFen			1942	1/0	0
8	master of desaster	1912	1/0	0
9	CraZy			1874	5/2	1
10	nickpugs3		1870	7/3	1

(NEW implies the player wasn't ranked a week ago, whatever the reason for that may be)

Stats of the Week:
Most Active: SweetSasyMolasy, with 19 games (7 wins 12 losses)
Most Wins: Rufus, with 9 wins
Biggest Rank Rise: Botanator, rose 8 ranks
Biggest Rank Tumble: Syphen, dropped 6 ranks
Biggest Rating Rise: Rumo, gained 119 points
Biggest Rating Drop: Word Walker, lost 85 points
Longest Ongoing Winstreak: Rufus, 6 wins in a row

Player of the week:
The Player of the Week segment is temporarily halted. Ralph typically does the interviews, but since he's had a very busy schedule recently we're falling behind on the interviews, so I'd rather suspend them until there's enough time to get them done once more.

That's it for this week, if you have anything you want to include in a future update contact me or Ralph.
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-08-19 00:05:18

Level 60
You can find the Multi Template Ladder at: https://www.warlight-mtl.com/

Welcome to another weekly update, which I'm posting later at night since I almost forgot to write it in the first place. Oh well, at least I remembered in the end. This week has seen Octane retake first place as Rufus' usually dominant performance was interrupted by an atypical 4 losses in the span of 6 games. At those ratings losses hurt, and as such Rufus' rating plummeted towards the end of the week. Octane hasn't been slacking to pick up the pace this week either, going 5-0 and cementing a sudden 98 point rating gap between the two MTL titans.

Hergul continues maintaining a high pace of play, but a couple of last minute losses leave a modest 7-5 weekly result, while Buns157's 2-0 week saw last week's 4th place move up a spot on the ladder. Xenophon suffered two losses during the week, putting him in 4th. SerFen left the ladder this week, opening up the top 10 spot for malakkan to reclaim.

Ladder participation this week is up slightly compared to last week, though still a bit off the early Summer peak, clocking in at 69 players right now. We did briefly cross the 70 player threshhold, but with quite a lot of rotation in currently active players on the ladder, the count rarely stays stagnant for long. Similarly to last week, there's 10 active players not currently ranked.

This week's fastest climbers were psinoza, LND and aforementioned Octane. Psinoza's 3-0 week included a very nice win against SerFen, while LND's similarly nice week had a rocky loss to start off, but followed it up with beating CraZy for a 3-1 performance. Octane's 5 wins this week join 2 he had already to set him up for a 7 game winstreak at the moment.

Masters take over as the most active clan on the ladder, sporting 8 participating members. In joint second we see {101st} and Harmony, with 7 members each on the ladder. OP sees one of the lowest active player counts in a long time with 6 members, an amount shared with CORP. The top 10 sees the usual suspects of Masters, OP and ONE! remain dominant, aided by SerFen leaving to become the only represented clans at the top. Remarkably, the 4 Masters, 3 OP's and 3 ONE!'s have managed to intermingle in a way where no clan holds two top 10 spots in a row.

The Top 10:
Rank	Player			Rating	W/L	Rank Change
1	Octane			2164	5/0	1
2	Rufus			2066	10/6	-1
3	Buns157			2049	2/0	1
4	Xenophon		2021	1/2	-1
5	Hergul			2002	7/5	0
6	tornado			1976	2/0	0
7	master of desaster	1924	1/0	1
8	nickpugs3		1912	7/4	2
9	CraZy			1873	6/4	0
10	malakkan		1827	1/2	2
(NEW implies the player wasn't ranked a week ago, whatever the reason for that may be)

Stats of the Week:
Most Active: SweetSasyMolasy, with 17 games (7 wins, 10 losses)
Most Wins: Rufus, with 10 wins
Biggest Rank Rise: LND, rose 10 ranks
Biggest Rank Tumble: Asurados, FisherKing70 and Torsten, dropped 3 ranks each
Biggest Rating Rise: psinoza, gained 61 points
Biggest Rating Drop: Rufus, lost 66 points
Longest Ongoing Winstreak: Octane, 7 wins in a row

Player of the week:
The Player of the Week segment is temporarily halted. Ralph typically does the interviews, but since he's had a very busy schedule recently we're falling behind on the interviews, so I'd rather suspend them until there's enough time to get them done once more.

That's it for this week, if you have anything you want to include in a future update contact me or Ralph.
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-08-26 00:55:28

Level 60
You can find the Multi Template Ladder at: https://www.warlight-mtl.com/

Another week done, another weekly update. A week that's seen increased ladder participation, Rufus leaving Masters and Octane on top. Octane holds on to the lead he established last week, currently sitting 59 rating ahead of second place. Losses to both Rufus and Hergul do mean the lead got smaller, but the gap was large enough that the lead is still comfortable. Buns157 grabs second ahead of Rufus, albeit currently by a mere 1 rating. Buns157's week involved beating aforementioned Rufus and Hergul, which also explains why Rufus dropped to third. Rufus' 10-3 week was by no means bad, but the rating gains were not enough to match Buns'.

In fourth place, Hergul continues putting up Rufus-esque activity numbers, and this week with a Rufus-esque winrate too. 12-4 including wins against both Rufus and Octane ensures a rating increase, though even this type of performance was marred by losses to lower ranked players, leaving Hergul with a rating increase of 12. Xenophon leaving means tornado takes 5th place despite not finishing any games this week. Lower in the top 10 we see FiveStarGeneral rejoin the ladder, let's see if they'll be a top contender once more.

Ladder participation this week set a new peak player count since the reboot of 73 players, although we did once again see the number drop slightly at the end of the week. We do still see 72 active participants though, so a clear rise since last week. 61 players currently ranked is also one of the highest amounts we've seen since the reboot, while 11 unranked players indicate we have a lot of relative newcomers to the ladder. Corn Silver (formerly Corn Man) still rates the highest of the unranked players.

The fast climbers of the week were koning, SweetSasyMolasy and malakkan. Koning has been taking names, putting up an impressive 7-0 week, boosting their spot in the rankings by 11 places. SweetSasyMolasy's impressive activity continues, and this week results in a positive outcome for the Harmony member, who went 12-8 including a nice win against Baer. Malakkan had three matchups against 2000+ rated players and pulled out two wins, which aided by another win boosted their own rating close to 1900 once again.

In the clans leaderboard, {101st} finds themselves on top with 8 players. Three clans follow them closely at 7 players each in the form of Masters, Optimum and Harmony, while Corp has 6 active players. ONE! has retaken their spot as most represented clan in the top 10, as FiveStarGeneral ups the count to 4. Masters are left with 3 members in the top 10 after Rufus went clanless, and Optimum rounds out the numbers with two players.

The Top 10:
Rank	Player			Rating	W/L	Rank Change
1	Octane			2139	3/2	0
2	Buns157			2080	2/0	1
3	Rufus			2079	10/3	-1
4	Hergul			2014	12/4	1
5	tornado			1971	0/0	1
6	nickpugs3		1942	6/1	2
7	master of desaster	1902	0/2	0
8	malakkan		1882	3/1	2
9	CraZy			1867	1/1	0
10	FiveStarGeneral		1844	0/0	NEW
(NEW implies the player wasn't ranked a week ago, whatever the reason for that may be)

Stats of the Week:
Most Active: SweetSasyMolasy, with 20 games (12 wins, 8 losses)
Most Wins: SweetSasyMolasy and Hergul, with 12 wins each
Biggest Rank Rise: koning, rose 11 ranks
Biggest Rank Tumble: lawm and QuixoteG, dropped 9 ranks each
Biggest Rating Rise: koning, gained 102 points
Biggest Rating Drop: Mr.Carpenter, lost 53 points
Longest Ongoing Winstreak: koning, 7 wins in a row

Player of the week:
The Player of the Week segment is temporarily halted. Ralph typically does the interviews, but since he's had a very busy schedule recently we're falling behind on the interviews, so I'd rather suspend them until there's enough time to get them done once more.

That's it for this week, if you have anything you want to include in a future update contact me or Ralph.
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-09-01 22:54:53

Level 60
You can find the Multi Template Ladder at: https://www.warlight-mtl.com/

As we come to the end of another week, it's once again time to take a look at the status of the MTL. Octane remains on top with a strong 3-0 week, including a win against Rufus. Rufus had a strong week despite said loss, going 14-2 and beating both Buns157 and Hergul in the process. As a result the two main contenders find themselves 26 rating apart. Buns157 briefly left the ladder during the week, but came back towards the end. His performance was less than stellar however, as he went 1-2 and dropped well below Rufus in rating once more. Hergul left the ladder this week, resulting in everyone below them moving up in the standings.

Ladder participation this week is down compared to last, as we round the week out with 71 players on the ladder, briefly going as low as 70 at one point. The result of players like Hergul leaving is that 10th place is now achievable with 1819 rating. The unranked Corn Silver (aka Corn Man aka Quicksilver) is the highest rated unranked player, and would currently rank 9th if he was ranked.

This week's most prominent climbers were azier, Fisherking70 and malakkan. Azier's 6-2 week resulted in an impressive 102 rating gain overall, with the most prominent win being against andrtych. Fisherking70 similarly went 6-2, beating aforementioned azier. Fisherking70's opponents weren't as comparatively highly rated as azier's, and as such the rating gains were lower, though 75 rating in a week is still nothing to scoff at. Malakkan had a strong 3-0 week beating both Buns157 and CraZy, resulting in 74 rating gained for the trophy holder. Still a ways off the top of the standings, but an impressive result nonetheless.

In the clans department, {101st} and Harmony find themselves most prominently featured on the ladder, sporting 8 active participants each. Masters and CORP both sport 6 members each, while ONE! and OP have 5. It might be time to do another recruitment drive in OP, to get those numbers back up. In the top 10, ONE! are back to their dominant ways, having 4 members in the top 10. Masters and OP have 2 members each, while Edge of Python and Rufus who's currently not in a clan round out the list.

The Top 10:
Rank	Player			Rating	W/L	Rank Change
1	Octane			2171	3/0	0
2	Rufus			2145	14/2	1
3	Buns157			2051	1/2	-1
4	tornado			1973	3/3	1
5	malakkan		1929	3/0	3
6	master of desaster	1914	2/1	1
7	nickpugs3		1902	3/5	-1
8	Edge			1890	9/4	NEW
9	CraZy			1848	2/4	0
10	FiveStarGeneral		1819	0/2	0
(NEW implies the player wasn't ranked a week ago, whatever the reason for that may be)

Stats of the Week:
Most Active: Rufus, with 16 games (14 wins, 2 losses)
Most Wins: Rufus, with 14 wins
Biggest Rank Rise: Baer, rose 11 ranks
Biggest Rank Tumble: t7soldier, dropped 8 ranks
Biggest Rating Rise: azier, gained 103 points
Biggest Rating Drop: GUALANDI and Photonic Symmetry, lost 45 points each
Longest Ongoing Winstreak: Rufus, 6 wins in a row

Player of the week:
The Player of the Week segment is temporarily halted. Ralph typically does the interviews, but since he's had a very busy schedule recently we're falling behind on the interviews, so I'd rather suspend them until there's enough time to get them done once more.

That's it for this week, if you have anything you want to include in a future update contact me or Ralph.
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-09-09 22:37:03

Level 60
You can find the Multi Template Ladder at: https://www.warlight-mtl.com/

I somehow thought of doing this update yesterday, then completely forgot to actually make it. Oh well. Another week down, another update. This has been a week where Rufus and Octane have traded places at the top multiple times. As of right now, Rufus is on top, coming off a win against Octane within the last couple of hours. The two contenders sit a mere 2 rating apart however, so the lead is hardly significant. Rufus had a strong 12-2 week, which ended an otherwise impressive 14 game winstreak he built up over the past couple of weeks. Octane's 3-1 week wasn't enough to keep up, as it just kept his rating stagnant. Hergul rejoined the ladder after a brief pause, but has in the meantime been overtaken by both Buns157 and tornado. Tornado's 2-0 week pushes him close to reclaiming the 2k rating mark, while Buns157's 0-0 week cost him 10 points of activity bonus.

Ladder participation is up from last week, currently sitting at 72 members, though we did reach 73 during the week. Corn Silver aka Corn Man aka Quicksilver finally finished enough games to get ranked, and hangs on to top 10 just barely. There's 10 unranked players at the moment, with the new top unranked player being Vîgørøūs Drāgøñ 🐉, at an impressive 1722 rating. They're only 1 game from getting ranked as well.

The quick climbers of the week are koning, GUALANDI and Bechaa. Koning went 5-1 including a nice win against Edge for a total rating gain of 65. GUALANDI's 58 rating came off the back of a 4-0 week, with the strongest win being against Fisherking70. Bechaa back on winning ways grabbed a win off Rufus, and climbed 3 ranks with their 5-2 week and 56 rating gained.

In the clans department, Harmony reigns supreme, sporting 8 active members on the ladder. Masters and {101st} clock in at 7 members each for tied second, while CORP has 6 members on the ladder. With Rufus joining 7th Heaven, they now have a member in the top 10, while Octane is the only OP member left at the top. ONE! have gone back to winning ways with 4 members at the top, while Masters and Python have 2 members each.

The Top 10:
Rank	Player			Rating	W/L	Rank Change
1	Rufus			2169	12/2	1
2	Octane			2167	3/1	-1
3	Buns157			2041	0/0	0
4	tornado			1987	2/0	0
5	Hergul			1971	3/3	NEW
6	master of desaster	1933	1/0	0
7	malakkan		1916	0/2	-2
8	Edge			1883	6/5	0
9	FiveStarGeneral		1865	2/0	1
10	Corn Silver		1862	1/0	NEW
(NEW implies the player wasn't ranked a week ago, whatever the reason for that may be)

Stats of the Week:
Most Active: Word Walker, with 15 games (2 wins, 13 losses)
Most Wins: Rufus, with 12 wins
Biggest Rank Rise: koning, rose 13 ranks
Biggest Rank Tumble: stefano36000 and Asurados, dropped 10 ranks each
Biggest Rating Rise: koning, gained 65 points
Biggest Rating Drop: Word Walker, lost 59 points
Longest Ongoing Winstreak: tornado, 5 wins in a row

Player of the week:
The Player of the Week segment is temporarily halted. Ralph typically does the interviews, but since he's had a very busy schedule recently we're falling behind on the interviews, so I'd rather suspend them until there's enough time to get them done once more.

That's it for this week, if you have anything you want to include in a future update contact me or Ralph.
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-09-16 00:35:32

Level 60
You can find the Multi Template Ladder at: https://www.warlight-mtl.com/

Welcome to another late-night edition of the weekly update. Another week of shifting rank 1's, with Rufus and Octane duking it out for the top spot of the ladder. The ladder sees Rufus in first at the end, with a multi-win but probably also just single-loss advantage of 27 rating points compared to Octane. Rufus went 13-3, which resulted in a rating loss of 2, showcasing just how brutally efficient you need to be at dispatching your opponents to stay on top. Octane on the other hand went 2-3 and suffered a 60 rating loss as a result. Lower in the list we see Buns157 with a win to offset the activity bonus drop for a stagnant rating. Tornado in 4th was similarly stagnant, going 1-1. Hergul had an unusually bad week, dropping below 1900 rating and down to 8th place. This paved the way for a surging FiveStarGeneral to jump to 6th in the standings off the back of a 4-0 week.

Ladder participation peaked at 73 players during the week, but saw a late week drop to settle at 71 as of now. There's currently 11 unranked players on the ladder, one of which is surdiac who I promised to mention as a reward for beating me on biomes. That loss brought me below 1800 rating again...
Interestingly I don't think Timinator left the ladder at any point, but his pace of play sees his amount of finished games in the last 150 days drop to 19, leaving him unranked.

The quick climbers of the week were aforementioned FivestarGeneral, Baer and a returning MoriOri. FSG's 4-0 week extended his winstreak to 5, a streak which includes wins against Rufus, Octane, Edge and Hergul. Very impressive. Baer's 6-1 week included a win againt Photonic Symmetry and propelled the Corp player 75 rating upwards, straight into top 20. MoriOri evidently rejoined without me noticing it, but this was the first week back that saw the type of results we'd typically expect from the 2235-peak rating player. 3-0 with a win against malakkan saw Mori gain 62 rating.

In the clans department Masters, {101st} and Harmony each have 7 members on the ladder. Corp follows with 6, while ONE! and Python have 5 each. OP drops to a mere 4 members on the ladder, matching The Last Alliance. ONE!'s dominant ways towards the top are evidently here to stay, as they have 4 members in the top 10. Masters have 3, while 7th Heaven, OP and Python have 1 each.

Rank	Player			Rating	W/L	Rank Change
1	Rufus			2147	13/3	0
2	Octane			2120	2/3	0
3	Buns157			2042	1/0	0
4	tornado			1984	1/1	0
5	master of desaster	1964	2/0	1
6	FiveStarGeneral		1925	4/0	3
7	malakkan		1913	1/1	0
8	Hergul			1899	3/5	-3
9	Corn Silver		1874	2/0	1
10	CraZy			1874	1/0	1

(NEW implies the player wasn't ranked a week ago, whatever the reason for that may be)

Stats of the Week:
Most Active: Rufus and Word Walker, with 16 games each
Most Wins: Rufus, with 13 wins
Biggest Rank Rise: Baer, rose 11 ranks
Biggest Rank Tumble: Syphen, dropped 12 ranks
Biggest Rating Rise: FiveStarGeneral, gained 80 points
Biggest Rating Drop: Hergul, lost 99 points
Longest Ongoing Winstreak: Rufus, 7 wins in a row

Player of the week:
The Player of the Week segment is temporarily halted. Ralph typically does the interviews, but since he's had a very busy schedule recently we're falling behind on the interviews, so I'd rather suspend them until there's enough time to get them done once more.

That's it for this week, if you have anything you want to include in a future update contact me or Ralph.
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