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Reich is a bad host: 2024-01-29 22:45:07

Level 52
I've played with reichtangle for a couple years on here, as he is an active host and is actively trying to revive diplo, which i love. However, today i've decided to call it quits with him and his games indefinitely. It's always been rocky with him, and his anger issues he claims to have, but after this absolutely ridiculous split second decision (well, < 60 seconds) to boot my from a game where i was an active participant, i've broken free from his tiring bs.

This will serve as a hopefully permanent store of this bad memory, and to serve as a critical opinion of reichtangle for all to know. He is a toxic player and the best way to engage with him is as little as possible. No hate to reichtangle as he has done a lot for the diplo community but i've had enough with his antics.

Now the convo i've shared here requires no other context really, but i will admit its kinda cringe from the both of us. Nevertheless.



Edited 1/30/2024 12:33:44
Reich is a bad host: 2024-01-29 22:45:54

The Forbidden Koala 
Level 61
Reich is a bad host: 2024-01-29 23:18:39

Level 62
Thanks for the warning, I'll make sure not to join any diplo hosted by him, or anyone else.
Reich is a bad host: 2024-01-29 23:24:03

Level 52
@stefano36000 You can join, dont let me dissuade you, but take this as a warning as to how he can be. I'm sure you will enjoy his diplos if you don't get on his bad side.
Reich is a bad host: 2024-01-29 23:24:39

old yeller 
Level 60
yes stefano, join the diplos
Reich is a bad host: 2024-01-29 23:25:05

Level 58
cool story, bro
Reich is a bad host: 2024-01-29 23:25:11

Level 62
I am fully dissuaded to join any diplo ever.
Reich is a bad host: 2024-01-29 23:27:09

FFA and Team planning player
Level 57
I host diplomacy multiday :) I’m making my own games for fun, not standard diplos though and more strategy for weakest players can enjoy too
Reich is a bad host: 2024-01-29 23:31:40

Level 60
wow, diplos can be toxic, how surprising. but thanks for the warning
Reich is a bad host: 2024-01-29 23:41:51

Level 52
I'm always surprised when people say they don't play diplos here. It's pretty much all i ever do here, and ngl it is time-consuming, but i have a lot of good memories from the handful of games in my diplo past, but it is rare.
Reich is a bad host: 2024-01-30 06:39:30

Level 60
diplo lobbies are the most toxic for sure
Reich is a bad host: 2024-01-30 06:58:27

Level 60
Idk, Reich was right, actually.
Reich is a bad host: 2024-01-30 07:42:38

Level 60
Is there another rocky out there?
Reich is a bad host: 2024-01-30 09:41:04

Level 59
What is the standard?

What is the accepted standard in diplo community, after which time booting is acceptable

We cannot say who is right, unless we know this
Reich is a bad host: 2024-01-30 10:03:43

Level 52
@berdan131 well i guess i forgot this context.

We were beginning a big war and there was accusations of PE and other arguments which took until yesterday to kinda sort out.

The main thing is he booted after giving < 1 minute to take my turn. Ridiculous.
Reich is a bad host: 2024-01-30 10:26:44

Level 63
Would be better to have a game link rather than just screenshots of chat.
Reich is a bad host: 2024-01-30 12:33:54

Level 52
Reich is a bad host: 2024-01-30 16:32:11

Level 63
Players can be directly booted after 2 days and it was 7 days 14 hours when you were booted. You should have had some orders entered by then. You were active in public chat during the first 2 days.
Reich is a bad host: 2024-01-30 18:28:01

Level 52
Check again, the point is I've been active throughout the game, never stalled. That turn was when the big war was beginning and we had arguments about if Germany is PE for trying to rinse Belgium of his troops etc, which took around 5-6 days to settle. After which i had to ask allies to see if they were still willing to go to war.

The main thing is reich booted me while i was putting in the orders, despite giving me a one minute ultimatum. There is no reason to boot an active person who isn't stalling in one minute. No reason at all. He could've booted me after 5 at least. 1 just shows how petty he was. All at the expense of the other players who now won't experience the war, which reich knew and admits. NO decent host should do that.

Edited 1/30/2024 18:29:50
Reich is a bad host: 2024-01-30 18:34:30

Level 60
So.... If someone stalls a game by quarrelling with another player, that should make him except from being booted?

Edited 1/30/2024 18:34:48
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