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Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-25 01:25:02

old yeller 
Level 59
sead is already random enough. also so is se1w often, i beat texx 2 out of 3 times today because coin flip first pick. u’m under no illusions that i’m better than him. cw might need refreshed templates but lotto is not one of them.
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-25 02:24:09

Level 60
That hate for lottos is just some walrus gatekeeping.

This is a fact: SEAD is the most popular template in Clan Wars.

Some old charts...:

And only when SEAD is available:

And SEAD is in the furthest "much luck/high speed" spectrum of the templates pool among the CW templates.

If someone was going to add new templates to CW, then "not exploring that much luck/high speed area" would be a straight going against the CW community. (basically like the clan cap size)

Edited 5/25/2024 02:31:22
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-25 05:14:20

Level 65
Adding Duel Lotto as a template goes against the competitive integrity of clan wars. You mention Small Earth Auto Distribution, referring to its luck based nature, but there is a big difference between SEAD and Duel Lotto.

While SEAD undoubtedly has games that are decided by luck, you still have to have the skill to convert advantages and equal positions when they come to you, and it still takes time to play these games. Duel Lotto on the other hand, you can finish in less than 5 minutes, and has zero skill involved, so by adding it, you are essentially making it so that clan wars is no longer a competition of skill.

I hope for your sake that this post is a troll, because after thinking for roughly two seconds, you immediately realize how problematic this idea is. You are completely destroying the integrity of the competition, and as a result Fizzer will probably never even consider adding it as a template.

Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-25 05:17:42

Level 65
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-25 05:44:58

Level 63
why are we still talking about this? this topic was beaten to death (i think also by 5s) a number of times already

regardless of what the community thinks (which is predominantly that lotto has no place in CW), i think we all know that Fizzer would never do this b/c he himself believes WZ games are meant to be competitive (he's stated this on AMAs)

if you doubt it, ask him about the idea of adding a lotto to CW in the next AMA and see what he says, lmao ... would be interested to see if he could hold himself back from laughing

rather than asking for a CW lotto, why not just ask for the option to forsake playing CW on a given day in exchange for random 50/50 chance to be given a W or L; doesn't even need to be constrained to CW timeslots, lol
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-25 07:37:31

Level 60
Great idea, krinid!

the option to forsake playing CW on a given day in exchange for random 50/50 chance to be given a W or L; doesn't even need to be constrained to CW timeslots

Glad to have you on the "pro lotto" team!

Edited 5/25/2024 07:51:42
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-25 08:16:38

Level 63
Arguably more players are familiar with SEAD so they always pick it. Small Earth is also the smallest map. Smaller map is less complex.

Chances are most players stay away from other templates because of overall better players choosing the other templates.
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-25 08:35:56

Level 63
I think you’re selectively choosing data points rather than accounting for other factors that causes player to pick certain templates.

As mentioned earlier Kabix 2v2 should be a better fit. I’d imagine Volcano Island 1v1 would also be popular.
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-25 09:45:59

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Players pick SEAD because it is
1) simple
2) luck-based; they sometimes win on it even if they are bad
3) attracts bad opponents, which you can still outplay
4) quick

The important aspect of SEAD is, that while luck-based, skill can still help you greatly.
If you were to add lotto in CW, bad players would flock the lotto. This would result in SEAD and other templates having only good players. This would force bad players to play lotto or lose. CW players would lose motivation to get better in Warzone, or even to play it.
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-25 09:47:34

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
As mentioned earlier Kabix 2v2 should be a better fit. I’d imagine Volcano Island 1v1 would also be popular. [/qoute]

I think CW is a great opportunity to introduce templates, which are fun, skill-based, but still too luck-based to be considered strategic.
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-26 14:13:57

Level 62
Alright guys, new idea.

Those who support duel lotto in CW can simply state so in their bio. When two people with this support get paired, they settle the CW game outside CW with a lotto game to decide who wins. The loser of the lotto game then surrenders. To ensure that this is followed, players who lose but then continue playing the template as normal will get a reputation strike called out in the forum.

Once a significant amount of people do this, it will functionally be the same as if there was duel lotto in the system; all players willing to settle as lotto would just join the least popular template, avoiding the SE ones.

What do you think?

Edited 5/26/2024 14:15:02
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-26 14:18:30

Level 63
There's no way Fizzer would make an official lotto ring as part of an automated system, it goes against actual playing of the game.
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-26 16:27:04

Level 60
I think you’re selectively choosing data points rather than accounting for other factors that causes player to pick certain templates.

I think this is a weak point to try to undermine the actual and factual data. Anyway, OK... then why people choose SEAD the most?

Alright guys, new idea.
Those who support duel lotto in CW can simply state so in their bio. ...
What do you think?

IMHO, too much extra effort. That would turn a quick and fast game (the scenario, when Duel Lotto is in the CW pool) into some cumbersome activity. Plus the trust issues.
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-26 16:31:06

Level 63
then why people choose SEAD the most?

It's the first template on QM. Has simple settings and it's quite a small map. More players have played it before. Other templates are usually dominated by much stronger players, which can discourage others from joining them. Auto picks allows an overall worse player to win against much better players.
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-26 16:40:35

Level 60
Thanks, Dan. Duel lotto would be the best candidate for CW just from these exact criteria:

- "It's the first template on QM." -> Duel Lotto is ranked 14 in QM right now (#6 if you skip all the "fixed" templates). On par with Kabix, and way higher compared to smth like Tarabonia (rank 19) or Tiny Troubles (rank 30) or some other walrus favorite, which even might not be in the top 40.

- "Has simple settings " -> True. How much simple the settings can be, than in Duel Lotto?

- "quite a small map. " -> Literally the smallest map in Warzone!

- "More players have played it before" -> Dont have exact data on the amount of players, but in terms of games Lotto is the ~top-4 of all maps! Confirmed by Fizzer: https://www.warzone.com/Forum/649017-guess-11-popular-maps?Offset=37

- "Other templates are usually dominated by much stronger players, which can discourage others from joining them. Auto picks allows an overall worse player to win against much better players. " -> yep, Lotto it is.

So...with all that proof, that Duel Lotto is a great extension to SEAD, Duel Lotto should be the top priority candidate for addition to the CW pool
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-26 16:41:40

Level 63
There's literally no strategic value in lotto.
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-26 16:51:38

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
According to you, what should be the goal of Clan Wars? In my opinion, it should be to encourage Idle players to play and improve in Warzone Classic.

Edited 5/26/2024 16:53:15
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-26 16:55:39

Level 61
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-26 18:49:24

Level 63
Done some market research. Players want duel lotto because it allows them to receive clan wars rewards for no effort. They don#t even make use of the level ups. They only level up for the sake of levelling up but somehow gain pleasure from that. It's highly suited to Idle players. But Clan Wars should be about competition, not luck.
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-26 18:50:24

Level 62
If it's about competition then we simply shouldn't have CW focused for idle players and idle rewards because players are only just going to play it for the idle rewards
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