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Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-26 18:51:21

Level 63
But why should an Idle player want to play Classic when it isn't for them in the first place?
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-26 19:30:28

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Done some market research. Players want duel lotto because it allows them to receive clan wars rewards for no effort.

It also give them better chance of winning,

Edited 5/26/2024 19:30:37
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-26 19:32:53

Level 63
That isn’t what Clan Wars or Quickmatch for that matter should be about.
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-26 19:53:34

Level 63
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-26 20:05:21

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 61
It is of no difference to you or anyone else if people want to play lotto in QM.

Likewise if people want to play clam wars for the idle benies and nothing else it also has nothing to do with you. Granted the lotto in CW as much as I'd like to see it is a special needs level idea but it will never happen.

How about you do you and let other people do them.

Lotto QM is very useful for someone who wants to do a spin and for a few of us xp... but again, nothing to do with you.
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-26 20:05:57

Level 63
But why should an Idle player want to play Classic when it isn't for them in the first place?

Because WZ is a great game and more people should be playing it?
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-26 20:31:52

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
By winning in QM, you are not hurting anybody, hence lottos can be tolerated. By winning in CW, you can decrease rewards of other clans. Lottos in CW and QM are two different things.
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-26 20:33:04

Level 63
It is of no difference to you or anyone else if people want to play lotto in QM

That’s false. QM is limited to 40 templates. Lottery is in the top 40. There’s actual templates that should be used in its place instead.

Because WZ is a great game and more people should be playing it?

Doing it only for rewards shouldn’t be the way.
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-26 20:50:45

Level 63
Doing lotto in QM is sub-optimal https://www.warzone.com/Forum/761645-lotto-correct-way.
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-26 20:50:53

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 61
Oh noes 39 templates instead of 40. Well I hear suicide is painless, at least according to Johnny Mandel. Pity you are not in Canada, I mean if that grief didn't qualify you for medically assisted suicide I don't know what would.

Also to be unwilling to forgot 2.5 percent of the templates so that a rather substantial amount of people who actually do use it for whatever reasons they might find fitting it the heights of narcissism.

Hey I know how about we replace all QM templates with only lotto ones, ranging from 2 players and up. Yeah because people should only play the game the exact same way I do and no other path is valid. [That was me being sarcastic. ]

Also talking to one guy on general chat is not "market research"
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-26 20:56:44

Level 63
It’s more research than what 5s did.
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-26 21:05:15

Level 63
This. You can get all the community/uservoice votes together you like, but unless you have a way to convince the boss, it's not gonna happen.
There's no way Fizzer would make an official lotto ring as part of an automated system, it goes against actual playing of the game.

then why people choose SEAD the most?
We've hashed this over a # of times, but primarily among the available templates b/c it's fast & gives most weaker players their highest WR chance. Would Lotto surpass this? Depends, is their SEAD WR <=50%? If so, yea, it's an improvement, but it's still a moot point (see first point above).

And this.
Done some market research. Players want duel lotto because it allows them to receive clan wars rewards for no effort. They don#t even make use of the level ups. They only level up for the sake of levelling up but somehow gain pleasure from that. It's highly suited to Idle players. But Clan Wars should be about competition, not luck.

If it's about competition then we simply shouldn't have CW focused for idle players and idle rewards because players are only just going to play it for the idle rewards
The issue at hand is the collateral damage of promoting unrelated games from each other. The games the same WZ name, similar graphics & same maps, not dissimilar to how checkers and chess are played on the same board. WZI encourages you to play WZC in arenas, daily spins & CW games & ladders to get WZI bonuses, so the result is we get Idle players in WZC arenas and CW games (and even ladders?) who don't care for the game who are looking to get the bonuses yet get out of actually playing the game. But remember that the whole point of arenas and WZI buffs in WZC is to get Idle players interested in WZC, so by giving them a way out of playing WZC altogether (Lotto is not a true WZC experience, it's a workaround to get wins and/or XP and/or gamble coins and if you say differently, you're only fooling yourself) it eliminates the whole point of what's been implemented. It's like if someone were to say "if you do X, I'll give you Y" and in return you respond with "hell yea, I really like Y but how about you find someone else to do that X and just give me Y for nothing?". If you want rewards for nothing, stick to daily spins.

On the other hand, it's hard to fault folks asking for this (Idle rewards w/o being forced to play WZC) b/c the system has been setup this way intentionally to dangle the Idle buff carrot before them to encourage them to play WZC. And similar to when a WZC player sees Idle buffs and goes poking into WZI to see what it's all about, some of the like it & play, but many of them don't and quit playing. Same with Idle players, they try WZC, get wrecked, don't like it, don't want to learn it, isn't what they signed up for, so it ends up being a tax they pay to get their carrots.
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-26 21:07:22

Level 63
VOTE: Who here on this thread would honestly choose Lotto over SEAD if they were the only 2 templates in a CW timeslot?

Edited 5/26/2024 21:10:25
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-26 21:21:24

Level 63
But when lotto first came into existence, it was to unlock settings, such as custom scenario. The players who do it anyway and have no interest for the game itself shouldn’t be part of Classic at all imo (why not play Cookie Clicker or any other idle game instead?). Levels have no relevance in Idle except in the form of achievements, which levels players up, which makes them more addicted.
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-26 21:21:59

Level 63
I’d much rather SEAD than any lotto template.
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-26 23:15:11

old yeller 
Level 59
in very rare cases where i have no time to play that day and am fishing for a fw.
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-26 23:45:40

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 61
Be honest if it were available, I'd go lotto all the time. My win rate although a bit better this season is often in the 40s to 50% so I'd do better with lotto, and it would involve less time and sometimes less aggravation.

Still don't think lotto belongs in clam wars but I would be happy if it was there. However that which is in my self interest and that which is actually good game mechanics I am aware can be two different things and I am not the sort to fight for the former over the latter.
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-27 03:19:27

Level 63
Maybe you should campaign to have a template for Idle players that is a 1v1 WZIB. Surely you see that asking Fizz for a non-battle template for a 50% free win (you do realize this is what you're asking for right?) isn't going to be well received. So what's plan B? 1v1 WZIB seems fair. It could operate like the WZIC does just 1v1 instead of automated PvE.
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-27 08:52:18

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
I could make a template like Warzone Idle.
Something like this https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?TemplateID=1528863

Edited 5/27/2024 09:18:18
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-27 09:01:41

Level 63
That boot time is too low for multiattack.
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