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Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-06-17 21:36:52

Level 63
FiveSmith, you're liying to yourself

Duel lotto will never be on Clan Wars

This is either an incorrect statement, or a lie. That is not what he said on AMA.
DanWL, you blatantly transformed Fizzer's words to fit your own subjective agenda.

From https://www.warzone.com/Forum/764596-fizzer-ama-monday?Offset=56
What are your thoughts of Duel Lotto being in Quickmatch and would you like to add it to Clan Wars?
Lotto is a stupid template, but if people vote for it they must like it, so they can have it their way. But its not getting into CW.
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-06-17 21:44:12

Level 60
Yes, adding Duel Lotto to CW might be not an easy task.
But it is always good to stay optimistic: "Rome wasn't built in a day".
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-06-18 02:58:54

Level 63
and after today's AMA, the dream is now dead


5s, it's dead now, right?
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-06-18 03:12:18

Level 65
It's not surprising duel lotto is in QM. Exactly half of the players are weaker than average. Hence, duel lotto gives them faster wins at a higher probability to win, 50% instead of <50%.
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-06-18 03:25:02

Level 65
(This makes it the most effective to play for half of the community, so why would they uncheck it?)
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-06-18 09:41:32

Level 63
There’s rumours that duel lotto is in QM because of riskboy bribing players with coins to vote for it. It isn’t necessarily because it’s a ‘popular’ template.
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-06-18 09:49:33

Level 63
He just found a more effective way to spend his marketing budget, don't blame him!
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-06-20 21:20:45

Level 60
It's not surprising duel lotto is in QM. Exactly half of the players are weaker than average. Hence, duel lotto gives them faster wins at a higher probability to win, 50% instead of <50%.

Interesting, I thought about the implications of DL in CW. It looks like, that eventually the rational strategy for all players would be to join DL.

After the initial lower 50% would prefer to go for DL to maximize their winrate, then the lower 50% of the remaining 50% (i.e. 25% of the totals) will be incentivized to do that as well. In a few iterations everyone except the very top players will be playing Duel Lotto. And the top few players will be also limited with their options to play other templates, as there might be just not enough opponents for them to avoid the "no game" scenario. (we already have seen both MB and Opti flooding SEAD in certain timeslots, when they really need to have a game)

I didn't factor in the cases, when people would like to go for another template because they like it more, even if it would give them lower expected winrate. But neither I factored in, that DL is the quickest template to play. So these extra "Personal taste vs Convenience" factors might be noticeable.

There’s rumours that duel lotto is in QM because of riskboy bribing players with coins to vote for it. It isn’t necessarily because it’s a ‘popular’ template.

There are a lot of templates, which pathed their way to QM pool with people voting for them for coins. Just from the top of my head: Landria, New Africa, MEAD. Does it makes those templates worse? Or is that a sign, that you need extra effort to overcome the frictions of the QM template selection process. Anyway, DL is played a lot both in QM and in torunaments.

and after today's AMA, the dream is now dead
5s, it's dead now, right?

Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-06-21 09:48:01

Level 63
Do you not see the difference between making a tournament to raise awareness of a template and offering coins to vote for a template? Templates are meant to be in QM because they are good quality, not because you were given coins to vote for it.
Duel lotto and MEAD do the latter. I’m not fully sure about the other ones you’ve mentioned.
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-06-21 15:36:22

Level 60
Do you not see the difference between making a tournament to raise awareness of a template and offering coins to vote for a template?

I didnt count the promotional tourneys, but I was indeed inaccurate in the list of templates which I mentioned. (Yet, I really mistakenly recalled, that they offered coins for voting or me getting coins for voting for some of them)

Anyway, I have evidence of 5 times when people offered coins to other people for voting in QM.
Here is the list + current status of the template.

1: Voting for MEAD - probably too recent to judge
2: Voting for Trippel-Tafl - got voted in, as of now fell out of QM rotation
3,4: Voting for Duel Lotto and for the removal of votes from Duel Lotto - last time happened 1 year ago, the template is still high in QM rotation
5: British Raj - failed to get voted in

My initial point was that it doesn't matter if a template gets into QM with coin support. "Less good" templates probably will never get voted in or might will fall out of QM in some time. Duel Lotto not only survived the "anti vote campaign" but still after a year is among the top voted templates.
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-06-21 18:26:16

Level 63
LMAO @ the Disney quote

not sure this is a matter of 'courage', feels more like stubbornness (;

interesting that TT has fallen out of QM; TR must be in tears after all his promotional efforts

but fair point that >1 year later, DL is still in QM, so clearly people want it there; it is a quick way to get a wheel spin
- downvoted post by FiveSmith
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-06-21 20:18:57

Level 63
The thread still appears fine, hasn’t been downvoted to being hidden.
- downvoted post by FiveSmith
- downvoted post by FiveSmith
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-07-08 19:55:03

Level 62
Exactly half of the players are weaker than average.

That is a very bold statement. Why do you think so? There are many settings where the average is giving you very strange constellations: consider where everyone is equally strong but only one player who is worse. Then, almost everyone is significally above average!
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-07-08 19:56:55

Level 60
Should we change the statement to "Exactly half of the players are weaker than median."?
- downvoted post by FiveSmith
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-07-08 21:11:30

Level 63
You'll find you're the one who's spreading misinformation. You haven't cited any source of what you're making out to be an official confirmation of duel lotto making it into clan wars.
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-07-08 21:39:51

Level 60
you're making out to be an official confirmation of duel lotto making it into clan wars

May you please link, where I am stating "an official confirmation of duel lotto making it into clan wars"?
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