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Nations' Cup 2024: 2024-05-26 11:24:24

Level 62
Official spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1R7VDKXYN3ofo5xBkPQ_XOmcCCmb1W2w_kHXCO2qy_Xs/edit?usp=sharing
Official Discord server: https://discord.gg/B4BbM8tP8H

Hello everyone!
It's time to start preparations for the upcoming edition of Nations' Cup!
This season is organised by myself with help from the WZ hero, JustinR17, who also helps with running Clan League and MTL (https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=1277277659&u=JustinR17_1)

Nations' Cup is a competition where players play games to represent their respective nations.
It's the second biggest community event in WZ, after Clan League, with well over 200 players participating every season!
This time, only 1v1 games will be played, just like in the 2019 and 2021 editions.

Signups start:........................now!
Signups end:........................ June 23rd
Qualifier round 1:................June 30th (pushed to July 5th) - Guiroma - https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=34718401
Qualifier round 2:................July 11th (pushed to July 14th) - French Brawl - https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=25876587
Main Event round 1:...........August 1st - MME (1v1 ladder template) - https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=34428419
Main Event round 2:...........August 12th - Africa Ultima - https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=34503219
Main Event round 3:...........August 23rd - Numenor - https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=36737466
Main Event round 4:...........September 3rd - Volcano Island - https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=25321256
Main Event round 5:...........September 14th - Biomes - https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=15635499
Quarterfinals..........................October 6th - Numenor and Guiroma
Semifinals:...............................October 27th - Volcano Island and French Brawl
Final:......................................... November 17th - MME and Biomes

Please note that the starting dates of some rounds, especially Quarterfinals and later, can change by a week or two, depending on speed of earlier rounds.

Who can participate?
Although all games are played as 1v1, this is a team competition where you score points for your team (country), and you must sign up as a team. You can use this thread to show interest in forming a team, or you can start a new thread on the WZ Classic forums.
Signups of individual players will be ignored.

A full team is composed of 6 players.
You can sign up with as few as 4 players in a team, but this will lead to proportionally more games for each player, and also some score penalties (more on this later).
If your country has lots of players, you can consider submitting multiple teams, for example USA A, USA B etc, up to 4 teams per country. To improve your chances for a good result, you should aim to put your best players in your A team.
You can also substitute or add new players to your team during the competition, as long as they haven't played for another country this season, and with the limit of 1 substitution per round.

Every player must be at least level 51. This is a guarantee that they have all the important maps and settings unlocked.

To stay in the spirit of this competition, players should only play for a country to which they have a strong real-life connection.

Every player must play for himself. Getting help from other players or playing on multiple accounts is against the rules, and also very lame. You don't want to show the entire WZ community that your country is lame.

To sign up your team, you should ideally send me a WZ-mail with profile links to members of your team. Alternatively you can post it in this thread, or even send me a message in Discord.

What's the format?
All games are played with 2 days boot time base + 3 days banked, vacations not honored.

The competition is split into 3 phases: qualifiers, main event, and knockout phase.

In the qualifiers, teams will be split into 8 groups of 3-4 teams. Depending on group size, every team will get 12-18 games against their opponents on June 30th, and another 12-18 on July 11th. The two teams in each group with the highest number of wins advance to the main event.

Futhermore, 8 teams who achieved best results in the previous seasons will completely skip these qualifiers. These teams are:
Great Britain A
France A and B
USA A and B
Poland A
Germany A and B

The main event is scheduled to start at August 1st. The 8 aforementioned teams and the 16 teams who passed the qualifiers will be split into 4 groups of 6.
Each team will play 12 games each round for 5 rounds. Top 2 teams from each group will enter the quarterfinals.

In the quarterfinals, semifinals and the grand final, two teams will face each other directly and play 12 games. If needed to avoid a tie, a 13th game will also be created. Each team will choose their (best) player to play that 13th game.

IMPORTANT NOTE: to avoid scenarios where even big countries pick only their 4 best players to represent them, the following rule is applied for each round:
-if a team plays with fewer than 6 players, they get a score penalty of 50% of max points (wins) the missing players could score.
This is a trade-off more than a penalty. You don't necessarily need the full team to get great results if your best players are strong enough, but you should consider all the factors.

Example A:
6 players in a team.
12 games played in a round.
4 players win 1 out of 2 games each.
2 players win 0 out of 2 games each.
Total: 4x1+2x0=4 points.

Example B:
5 players in a team.
12 games played in a round.
2 players win 2 out of 3 games each.
3 players win 1 out of 2 games each.
Penalty: -1 point (1 missing player who should have played 2 games, 50% of 2 = 1)
Total: 2x2+3x1-1=6 points

What if f two or more teams finish with the same score after the group phase?
Main teams (meaning, the A teams) get priority over the secondary teams. In general, the first tiebreaker goes this way: A>B>C>D.
The second tiebreaker is the head-to-head result, in other words, the win rate in direct games between teams in question.
The last tiebreaker is the initial seeding, with higher seeded team getting priority. Since seeding is based on past results, it's a fair way of resolving a tie.

More information
Not everything can be fit into a single, easy to read forum post. If you have questions, feel free to ask them here.
Better yet, you can check out our Discord server and chat with people: https://discord.gg/B4BbM8tP8H
If you want to check the results of previous editions, all the relevant information can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WRdCH06j73WjuOc7IV7j5oEwxy_0NLli7o8qrWpV4bY/edit?usp=sharing

The organiser is free to allow or ban any teams or players, in particular those signed up only to troll.
The organiser is free to implement clarifications if any issues arise which have not previously been addressed
Futhermore, I reserve my right to modify any of the rules if I see a very good reason for it, before the kickoff at June 30th.

Team contacts:

contact: Rento https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=269930540&u=Rento_1

contact: alexclusive https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=7733320768&u=alexclusive_1

contact: John https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=26107744951&u=John_7

Oceania / Australia and New Zealand
contacts: LND https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=4090173830&u=LND_1
Texx https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=82138120737&u=Texx_1

contact: QiuSe https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=47112199721&u=QiuSe_1

contact: dry-clean-only https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=4419488318&u=dry-clean-only_1

contact: Leia - Princess of Coinwheels https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=93123139452&u=Leia+-+Princess+of+Coinwheels_1

contact: Platinum https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=33146680727&u=Platinum_11

contact: Ralph https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=3596828424&u=Ralph_34

contact: JustinR17 https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=1277277659&u=JustinR17_1

contact: master of desaster https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=2214950915&u=master+of+desaster_1

contact: rick https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=40121495410&u=rick_200

contact: WxD https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=7395289189&u=WxD_1

contact: Tac(ky)tical https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=9733643221&u=Tac(ky)tical_1

East and South Asia
contact: blobblob: https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=1842167298&u=blobblob_1

contact: Min34 https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=538068105&u=Min34_1

Other countries:
best to post in this thread or mail me directly. https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=269930540&u=Rento_1

Edited 7/30/2024 13:08:38
Nations' Cup 2024: 2024-05-26 11:33:25

Level 65
Thanks so much for organizing this, Rento!
Nations' Cup 2024: 2024-05-26 11:37:17

Level 58
Cool beans yo
Nations' Cup 2024: 2024-05-26 17:38:48

Level 62
I forgot to mention that all games are played with 2 days boot time base + 3 days banked, vacations not honored.
I updated the opening post with this information.

Edited 5/26/2024 17:40:59
Nations' Cup 2024: 2024-05-27 00:33:33

Level 61
Thanks Rento! I'm excited to try out the new format, should be good!
Nations' Cup 2024: 2024-05-30 06:56:19

Level 62
Apart from organising the event itself, I'm also organising the Polish team. Therefore I invite all Polish players who would like to play to contact me, preferably through WZ mail.

I also invite all other team organisers to advertise in this thread :)
Nations' Cup 2024: 2024-05-30 07:24:43

Level 62
Making a call to ALL Aussies and Kiwis! Come represent Team ANZ! Don’t be concerned if you think you’re not skilled enough, we’ve got plenty of room on our roster. If, like me, you think you’re fortunate to be born/raised in one of the two greatest countries on Earth, come help me show the might of mateship! Come defend New Zealand and advance Australia fair!

If you’re interested, send me or our captain, LND, a mail. All of our Pacific Island brothers are also more than welcome!
Nations' Cup 2024: 2024-05-30 14:17:23

Nice Guy 
Level 62
Anybody for team Rwanda?
Nations' Cup 2024: 2024-05-30 14:20:59

Nice Guy 
Level 62
Templates won't include any of the 'niche' settings like: mods, army cap, multi-attack, local deployments, no-split, auto-distribution nor modified kill rates.

Glad to see that my template with 0 army stand guard commerce+cities, commander bomb card, heavy fog classifies.

Edited 5/30/2024 14:21:10
Nations' Cup 2024: 2024-05-31 15:44:15

Level 53
Join Oceania/ANZ!
Nations' Cup 2024: 2024-06-01 10:19:22

Level 63
Team UK are planning to field some teams - no-one else is stepping up so I guess I'm likely organising again :D

If team Rwanda is struggling for numbers then Team UK can fly a few of ours out there.... I hear it's a lovely safe country with a long history of peaceful democratic harmony........

Message me if you aren't already in the Team UK discord and I'll invite you - or if you want to play and need me to keep you posted but don't use discord.
Nations' Cup 2024: 2024-06-01 10:24:06

Level 60
Want to join but don’t know any other players, 🇮🇳 if you see this!
Nations' Cup 2024: 2024-06-01 10:27:04

Level 55
Nations' Cup 2024: 2024-06-01 16:22:58

bliss machine
Level 62
hi dry, put me in as a B team/sub player like last time. :)
Nations' Cup 2024: 2024-06-01 17:12:53

Level 60
For any Canadians that are interested in playing, feel free to mail me! We already have a few that are interested in playing again from last edition, but new faces are welcome

Ignore my US flag, I swear I'm Canadian :)
Nations' Cup 2024: 2024-06-02 13:58:55

Level 61
I send 10$ to the winner, yes split
Nations' Cup 2024: 2024-06-02 20:10:36

Level 63
I’ll put up $10 if there is a pool
Nations' Cup 2024: 2024-06-03 00:03:25

Level 60
I would like to sign Ireland up. Please shoot me a mail if you are interested.
Nations' Cup 2024: 2024-06-03 08:53:59

Leia - Princess of Coinwheels 
Level 61
Thanks for organizing the new Nations' Cup!

Call out for all Belgians around the planet, to unite under our Tri-color-flag!

L'Union Fait La Force - Eendracht Maakt Macht!

Mail me 😊
Nations' Cup 2024: 2024-06-09 17:08:15

Level 62
Only 2 weeks left to gather a team and sign up! Deadline is June 23rd.

Edited 6/9/2024 17:12:12
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