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Card ideas: 2025-02-04 14:40:35

Level 37
For the Switch Card, the mod “Swap Territories” already exists. There is a more customisable mod, “Swap Territories 2”, but is it not currently public.
Card ideas: 2025-02-04 17:14:07

Rex Imperator 
Level 57
Where can you find it ?
Card ideas: 2025-02-04 17:16:47

Rex Imperator 
Level 57
@Alexclusive I already created your "weed card", look at page 3.
Card ideas: 2025-02-04 17:26:55

old yeller 
Level 60
scorched earth card

in commerce games trade your cities for gold to avoid them taken over.
Card ideas: 2025-02-04 23:33:26

Level 37
Where can you find it?
if you did a internet search, you’d find it. I’ve tried to document as much mods that have been published publicly as much as possible. It’ll be a Warzone wiki or GitHub result.

While creating a game, It’ll be under the “Mods” section
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