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Card ideas: 2025-02-20 04:08:00

Level 65
I was thinking that the commander just respawns after it is killed and the card is used up automatically, not that you have to anticipate it and play it at the right moment (even though that idea is also interesting).
Card ideas: 2025-02-20 04:49:28

Level 63
respawns to the same territory it died on?
Card ideas: 2025-02-20 04:56:00

Level 65
That territory would be conquered, so I would suggest a random held territory instead :)
Card ideas: 2025-02-21 15:44:53

Rex Imperator 
Level 57
So many good ideas here...
Card ideas: 2025-02-21 18:43:01

Level 63
Pondering on the Commander Revival card. When the Commander dies, namely by attack by player A on player B at territory X with commander C present on X

Options are:

(A) reject death of C, X remains owned by B
(B) C respawns randomly elsewhere on another territory owned by B (if no territories left, B loses), A claims X
(C) C respawns at a location chosen by B, A claims X

(A) feels clunky, and 90% of the time still leaves B at high risk for elimination on the next 1-2 turns

(B) feels too luck based; random teleportation just feels like a poor solution

(C) is appealing. And I was originally going to write this:
but it poses some implementation issues. Namely, the attack & death of C happens mid-turn, so there's no opportunity to ask B where to place C. It can't wait until the next turn, b/c C needs to be on the board else B will be eliminated, so it requires some kind of preemptive "where would you like to place your C in the event it dies" type of contingency in place

But then I went and tested it, so I'll say this instead:
It poses no implementation issues at all**. WZ doesn't care if you have a C on the board or not, if just cares that if you do have one, whether it dies or not. So I can cancel the death of Commander, remove it from the board, ask player B where to place the newly revived C @ start of next turn. The C won't be able to move during the revival turn, which is kind of a nice minor cost of being revived. Teleporting elsewhere on the board is a heck of a move on its own tho tbh, so really all it's losing is the ability to attack and do damage on that same turn. A fair trade off imho

** = WZ as of 2025-02-21; it's possible WZ will update so that players who start with C's but are missing them @ end of turn thus lose. But until then, this is totally possible

Sooooo, what would be a good card graphic for this?

This is chatGPT's attempt. Not bad but it kind of looks more like a "power up" than a resurrection/revival
Card ideas: 2025-02-21 18:49:00

Level 65
Love both the implementation concept and the graphic!
Card ideas: 2025-02-21 20:36:06

old yeller 
Level 60
graphics are ok but having the comm climb out of a grave conveys resurrection better. he can look a bit haggard as well.

thanks for your work krinid
Card ideas: 2025-02-22 11:58:51

Level 63
New Custom Card Pack - Go Public 40 player FFA game is here


The first 12 cards have arrived. Come witness the power of Nuke, Pestilence, Isolation, Shield, Monolith, Neutralize, Deneutralize, Card Block, Card Piece, Tornado, Quicksand & Earthquake.

Future cards that didn't make it into this release: Airstrike, Forest Fire, Card Hold, Commander Revival

If any members (already used my free modded game allocation this week) want to try a 1v1 with a smaller set of cards on a smaller map, hit me up

Edited 2/22/2025 11:59:15
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