Pondering on the Commander Revival card. When the Commander dies, namely by attack by player A on player B at territory X with commander C present on X
Options are:
(A) reject death of C, X remains owned by B
(B) C respawns randomly elsewhere on another territory owned by B (if no territories left, B loses), A claims X
(C) C respawns at a location chosen by B, A claims X
(A) feels clunky, and 90% of the time still leaves B at high risk for elimination on the next 1-2 turns
(B) feels too luck based; random teleportation just feels like a poor solution
(C) is appealing. And I was originally going to write this:
but it poses some implementation issues. Namely, the attack & death of C happens mid-turn, so there's no opportunity to ask B where to place C. It can't wait until the next turn, b/c C needs to be on the board else B will be eliminated, so it requires some kind of preemptive "where would you like to place your C in the event it dies" type of contingency in place
But then I went and tested it, so I'll say this instead:
It poses no implementation issues at all**. WZ doesn't care if you have a C on the board or not, if just cares that if you do have one,
whether it dies or not. So I can cancel the death of Commander, remove it from the board, ask player B where to place the newly revived C @ start of next turn. The C won't be able to move during the revival turn, which is kind of a nice minor cost of being revived. Teleporting elsewhere on the board is a heck of a move on its own tho tbh, so really all it's losing is the ability to attack and do damage on that same turn. A fair trade off imho
** = WZ as of 2025-02-21; it's possible WZ will update so that players who start with C's but are missing them @ end of turn thus lose. But until then, this is totally possible
Sooooo, what would be a good card graphic for this?
This is chatGPT's attempt. Not bad but it kind of looks more like a "power up" than a resurrection/revival