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Card ideas: 2025-01-22 14:00:00

Beep Beep I'm A Jeep 
Level 64
Deal with the devil card
Choose one of your completed bonuses. This bonus will turn into neutral territories, but you receive a one-time deploy worth 3 times the value of your bonus.
Card ideas: 2025-01-22 14:06:41

Beep Beep I'm A Jeep 
Level 64
Minimalism card
For X turns, your opponent can execute a maximum of Y orders per turn.
Card ideas: 2025-01-22 14:08:06

Level 62
Delay killer
remove all 1 army transfers/attacks
Card ideas: 2025-01-22 14:16:23

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Commander Card
Place a commander on a territory you own.
Card ideas: 2025-01-22 14:18:28

Level 65
Martyr card
If your commander is eliminated, you do not lose the game, but only lose the commander.
Card ideas: 2025-01-22 14:19:58

Rex Imperator 
Level 57
@Metal-Gear4.5 yeah lol
Card ideas: 2025-01-22 14:22:28

Rex Imperator 
Level 57
Anti-city card
Play on a territory and your oppenent can't put city on for X turns. Maybe make another version that you play on a bonus.

Edited 1/22/2025 14:22:38
Card ideas: 2025-01-22 14:23:28

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 62
Chuck Norris card

Everyone loses, you lose, your opponent loses. Only Chuck wins.
Card ideas: 2025-01-22 14:23:31

Rex Imperator 
Level 57
Your oppenent can't multi-attack for X turns.
Card ideas: 2025-01-22 14:23:51

Rex Imperator 
Level 57
love the Chuck Norris card.
Card ideas: 2025-01-22 14:27:14

Rex Imperator 
Level 57
Anti-card card
Your oppenent can't play card for X turns.
Card ideas: 2025-01-22 14:29:17

Rex Imperator 
Level 57
Random distribution card
At the begenning of the game, if the is in picking territory, put this card on an oppenent so X of his territories are auto distibuted.
Card ideas: 2025-01-22 14:30:54

Level 62
I like how alex calls the previous thread a joke, then immediately suggests a stefano36000 card.
Card ideas: 2025-01-22 14:33:03

Level 65
Rento card
The game suddenly changes to Hopscotch style. You no longer border the territories next to you, but those thereafter (two away). The orders log makes the notion: "A wild Rento appeared, catch it if you can!" when this happens.
Card ideas: 2025-01-22 14:41:21

Level 62
wait! I missed the stefano36000 card, is it about cooking or about unlikely combos?
Card ideas: 2025-01-22 15:16:41

Level 60
Delayed Reinforcement Card
Next Y turns, get X extra deployments

Effectively a negative sanction played on yourself, but with a set troop value instead of a percentage. Hell, could even expand the concept to just:

Set Sanction Card
Next Y turns, [player] receives X extra income (can be a negative value)
Card ideas: 2025-01-22 15:41:24

Rex Imperator 
Level 57
No, it's about instant death.
Card ideas: 2025-01-22 15:44:27

Rex Imperator 
Level 57
Stack Army by "one army must stand guard" Card
With this card, all your territories with one army on with "one army must stand guard setting" put there armies on one territory that you seletct. Next, the one army must stand guard keep on working normally.
Card ideas: 2025-01-22 15:47:39

Level 62
TR-8R card:
play this card to change the team of someone
Card ideas: 2025-01-22 15:55:00

Level 59
Glue Card
Play on an opponent’s territory to prevent all attacks and transfers from that territory on this turn

Delayed Glue Card
Play on an opponent’s territory to prevent all attacks and transfers from that territory on the next turn

Moat Card
Play on any territory to block all attacks and transfers to that territory on this turn

Delayed Moat Card
Play on any territory to block all attacks and transfers to that territory on the next turn

Storm Card
Play on an opponent’s territory to block all transfers to that territory on this turn

Delayed Storm Card
Play on an opponent’s territory to block all transfers to that territory on the next turn
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