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Card ideas: 2025-01-22 16:24:25

Level 62
Portal Card
cause permanent connection between any 2 territories, can reach any opponent's territory this way or can vanish far away to stall even longer if you are a bum staller like tarlwolf
Card ideas: 2025-01-22 17:26:52

Level 63
Glue Card
Play on an opponent’s territory to prevent all attacks and transfers from that territory on this turn

Delayed Glue Card
Play on an opponent’s territory to prevent all attacks and transfers from that territory on the next turn

Moat Card
Play on any territory to block all attacks and transfers to that territory on this turn

Delayed Moat Card
Play on any territory to block all attacks and transfers to that territory on the next turn

Storm Card
Play on an opponent’s territory to block all transfers to that territory on this turn

Delayed Storm Card
Play on an opponent’s territory to block all transfers to that territory on the next turn

Glue Card/Moat/Storm are refined versions of Isolation Card from the Custom Card Package by dabo1. I'm refreshing that mod to work with proper territory clicks and Custom Cards, so will publish that in the near future.

Isolation blocks all attack/transfers to or from a given territory for X turns. Do we need it broken down into blocking attacks, transfers by opponent/owner?

I am considering adding an option to begin efficacy at start of current turn (like spy) or at end of current turn to begin @ start of next turn (like sanction).

Edited 1/22/2025 17:37:07
Card ideas: 2025-01-22 17:35:29

Level 63
Delayed Reinforcement Card
Next Y turns, get X extra deployments

Effectively a negative sanction played on yourself, but with a set troop value instead of a percentage. Hell, could even expand the concept to just:

Set Sanction Card
Next Y turns, [player] receives X extra income (can be a negative value)
Set Sanction Card seems the better of the 2 (over Delayed Reinf). Maybe even make it a "Super Sanction Card" where you can assign both or either of a set amount of extra units + a % gain. With options (checkbox for each) for whether can be cast on self, teammates, enemies.
Card ideas: 2025-01-22 17:38:56

Level 63
@Rex Imperator
Anti-card card
Your oppenent can't play card for X turns.
That's an interesting one, I'll implement this in the Custom Card Package refresh I'm putting out.
Card ideas: 2025-01-22 17:41:25

Level 63
@Morg'th N H'Throg
Chuck Norris card

Everyone loses, you lose, your opponent loses. Only Chuck wins.
Totally LMAO at this. But this is effectively a force VTE that displays a message "Chuck Norris wins". so funny
Card ideas: 2025-01-22 17:47:48

Level 63
Martyr card
If your commander is eliminated, you do not lose the game, but only lose the commander.
Isn't this essentially just the Tank mod? Make a Tank with strength of 7 instead of 10, limit it to only being able to create 1, and there you have the Commander that can be killed. All that's missing is the Commander graphic itself.

Although I'm not clear on the purpose of this being a card. Do you mean that this functionality isn't for the whole game, just for the turn you play the card or some fixed duration from time of start of card play? If so, that's different. But I don't think the game allows this yet - I believe it's coded that Commander death = game over, and don't think a mod can stop this (Dutch might have something to say about this though). I suppose a new mod that creates a Special Unit that looks like a Commander but doesn't inately cause gg and decides the outcome based on card plays could accomplish this.

Final days card
Every turn from now on, an ever increasing number of player territories becomes neutral. The last player to stand wins. Essentially, you now have to hold as many territories as possible for as long ss possible, irrespective of bonuses.

Interesting idea. So this doesn't happen until someone plays the card? Feels like this would be a better idea for the mod to just set a particular turn # for this to start on, with settings for how quickly it proceeds. I'm not clear on how the card comes into play in a meaningful way.

Epidemy card
All territories controlled by all players lose X% of their armies. This is useful if you are at a stack/total army count disadvantage.
Pestilence Card in Custom Card Package does this for a fixed damage amount, but I'm considering adding option for a %.

Airstrike card
Like an airlift card, except that it kills a certain number or percentage of armies instead of transferring them. Can be played on fogged territories too, in which case you will not see the impact.
I'm working on this. Was going to call it "Airlift Attack" but I like Airstrike better.

Edited 1/22/2025 18:23:07
Card ideas: 2025-01-22 17:53:29

Level 63
@(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!!
Commander Card
Place a commander on a territory you own.
Do you mean (A) adding additional Commanders in a Commander game? Or (B) adding a Commander to a non-Commander game?

If (A), Connected Commanders mod sort of does this, but the additional commanders are all placed at start of game and not via cards.

If (B), would these new Commanders still cause instant loss if they die? If no, this is effectively the Tank Card Mod. If yes, interesting but seems like a disadvantage to play the card b/c you know have a direct way to lose the game in 1 capture.

Card Card
You get a card for chosing card.
Like in Tarabonia's choice, but it would be possible to chose the card midgame.
Can you expand on this? I'm not clear on what this means - you play a card, and you receive 1 of some other card of your choosing? Not sure how Tarabonia comes into play.

Boot (Staller) Card
Gives a card piece whenever the opponent takes a turn slower than after 80% of the given time. When the card is full you can boot him.
This is so funny! Tempted to implement it, lmao

Edited 1/22/2025 18:03:10
Card ideas: 2025-01-22 18:11:20

Level 63
Annexation card
A territory your opponent has becomes yours.
I've got something like this in the works. What other thoughts on how it works did you have in mind? Notably with regard to special units, armies on the territory, etc?

Edited 1/22/2025 18:11:51
Card ideas: 2025-01-22 18:18:15

Level 63
@ZombieSlayer & alex
Zombie Apocalypse card. A card can be used to drop into a specific location of an opponent. That location turns into a 'zombie' haven and expands 5x on attached territories for every turn. Extra cool if there were actual little zombies on the territories walking around.

Alien invasion card
Like an intervention card, except that it has preferred kill rates and/or starts with 1000 armies. The last player to survive the alien invasion wins.
I believe Yamada Sergata's "I.S. Zombie Slot" mod does this. Not a card activated though.
Card ideas: 2025-01-22 18:18:15

Level 5
I don't mind implementing these ideas as long as someone gets me a lifetime membership for testing purposes and if someone comes up with the card images.

Ideally running mods in single-player should not require membership because there are no additional warzone server resources dedicated to using single player. In contrast, only multiplayer mods require server resources as they run on the warzone servers, whilst mods in single player only run on the client (your own device).
Card ideas: 2025-01-22 19:49:16

Level 60
>Restart card
The game returns to the picking stage on the same board. You now know what your opponent previously picked. What will you do?

This is something I partly implemented in the past, but then relized would never fully work. You can't un-eliminate someone. I think the idea of returning to an earlier game state is intresting - but not sure if it's possible to support warzone's vast settings. Especially not if there are other mods in play too.

For a " plain " 1v1, it might be fun through.
Card ideas: 2025-01-23 03:59:19

Level 61
The defense kill rate of a selected territory is increased by 50% for the duration of the game. Takes effect at the end of the turn played.

The offensive kill rate from a selected territory is increased by 50% for the duration of the game. Takes effect at the end of the turn played.

Deferred Income
On the turn played, units do not need to be fully deployed. Any un-deployed units are received as income next turn instead. (Note: This might be better as a mod than a card).

All territories within two spaces of a selected territory have fog removed from the perspective of whoever holds that territory.

Scorched Earth
Eliminate a bonus for the duration of a game. Takes effect at the end of the turn played. This card must be played on a player’s own held bonus.

Explosive Card
[This is just a Bomb Card that is nerfed slightly to happen before income]

Bide Card
Grants x units of additional income for a single turn but attack/transfer orders cannot be issued on the turn this card is played.

Edited 1/23/2025 04:02:23
Card ideas: 2025-01-23 06:27:00

Level 63
The defense kill rate of a selected territory is increased by 50% for the duration of the game. Takes effect at the end of the turn played.
You can essentially do this with Yamada Sergata's Fort Tactics mod. These aren't the same Forts as Fizzer's Fort mod which just absorb one 1. There are 2 settings, you can set a fixed amount of damage they absorb, or the second setting which aligns to what you've specified: use Fort Power of -1, which means the fort has the strength of the units on the territory. So 1st destroy the fort, then attack the units. Not exactly making it 50% defense increase but you have to kill 2x the units so kind of the same thing. You can control how many forts can be created and how much they cost.

The offensive kill rate from a selected territory is increased by 50% for the duration of the game. Takes effect at the end of the turn played.
Nothing that does this that I'm aware. Would probably best be done with a structure of some type, if for no other reason than to have a visual representation of the effect on-screen so don't have to just remember that the territory has an effect cast upon it.

Deferred Income
On the turn played, units do not need to be fully deployed. Any un-deployed units are received as income next turn instead. (Note: This might be better as a mod than a card).
Isn't this a Commerce game?

All territories within two spaces of a selected territory have fog removed from the perspective of whoever holds that territory.
This is interesting. I think this would need to be done with Special Units, which to my knowledge are the only way to grant visibility to a specific area/territory, and I think it would give visibility to everyone, not just the card player as the setting is the make the Special Unit always visible to everyone. Not sure if this could be done with a structure (maybe Dutch can offer some insight here).

Scorched Earth
Eliminate a bonus for the duration of a game. Takes effect at the end of the turn played. This card must be played on a player’s own held bonus.
What do you mean by "eliminate"? Disable attack/transfers in/out of the bonus? Remove the income it gives? Change all territories to neutrals and prevent players from capturing the territories? Depending on what you're looking for here, there are some mods which can do this. Isolation (Custom Card Package) can disable attack/transfers on territories. Another mod on the way I'll be publishing later (written by DanWL) does the same thing but for bonuses instead of territories. If it's income based, don't think that exists yet.

Explosive Card
[This is just a Bomb Card that is nerfed slightly to happen before income]
There is a Bomb+ mod that you can adjust to custom %. Bomb+ let's you decide whether the bomb comes at start or end of turn, and you can assign both/either fixed damage & % damage.

Bide Card
Grants x units of additional income for a single turn but attack/transfer orders cannot be issued on the turn this card is played
Interesting, so a Sanction of sorts + a block on attack/transfers orders. But not playing other cards? Airlift for example.

Edited 1/23/2025 06:37:20
Card ideas: 2025-01-23 11:17:45

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Card Card is meant like you have a free choice for 1 card of a range of cards (reinforcment or OP or OD or ...)

Commander Card. I initially thought you can put it in a non commander game. ofc you can put in a commander game as well. Instant death for killing 1 or all commanders. Yes, why not. You can also discard the card if you think playing it doesnt make sense for you. But I am sure you will have situations where it is helpful

Edited 1/23/2025 11:19:04
Card ideas: 2025-01-23 12:26:41

Level 61
Commerce games aren’t quite the same as the Deferred Income idea. You can hold unspent gold through a turn in vanilla Commerce games but you can’t “overspend” it on units in subsequent turns - you’re still capped to your income. Unspent gold has to be used on cities in Commerce games.

Scorched Earth would remove the income from the bonus permanently but attacks/transfers/connections/units would all be unaffected. It’s a completely different mechanism to the vanilla Blockade card but shares some of the same use cases. The idea is that it keeps paths open and play flowing compared to Blockade which tends to clog things up.

I’m not familiar with the Bomb+ card but I want something which is before the turn and also before income. It feels like it would take more skill to use and remove the instant game-ending potential of an overpowered vanilla Bomb.

Yes, I think you should be able to use an Airlift and a Bide on the same turn. It’s just normal attacks/transfers that are blocked.
Card ideas: 2025-01-23 15:15:33

Level 65
Fata Morgana / Mirage card
A wrong number of deploys will be displayed on one of your (bordering) territories visible to your opponent.
Card ideas: 2025-01-23 16:16:44

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Sudden Death Card
The next player who loses a bonus (bonus broken) is eliminated.
Alternative: ... loses a territory is eliminated.

Is played at the end of a turn and counts for the next turn.
Card ideas: 2025-01-23 16:18:30

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Anti-Diplo Card / War Card
Ends a Diplomacy Card.

Thought I give it a try.

Edited 1/23/2025 16:51:59
Card ideas: 2025-01-24 18:40:02

Rex Imperator 
Level 57
Card ideas: 2025-01-24 18:45:19

Rex Imperator 
Level 57
Temporary Blockade
Play this card on a territory to got the same effect of a Blockade card, except you retake the territory with the stack with the one you blocked the territory. Can do it also with EMB.

Edited 1/24/2025 18:45:46
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