The defense kill rate of a selected territory is increased by 50% for the duration of the game. Takes effect at the end of the turn played.
You can essentially do this with Yamada Sergata's Fort Tactics mod. These aren't the same Forts as Fizzer's Fort mod which just absorb one 1. There are 2 settings, you can set a fixed amount of damage they absorb, or the second setting which aligns to what you've specified: use Fort Power of -1, which means the fort has the strength of the units on the territory. So 1st destroy the fort, then attack the units. Not exactly making it 50% defense increase but you have to kill 2x the units so kind of the same thing. You can control how many forts can be created and how much they cost.
The offensive kill rate from a selected territory is increased by 50% for the duration of the game. Takes effect at the end of the turn played.
Nothing that does this that I'm aware. Would probably best be done with a structure of some type, if for no other reason than to have a visual representation of the effect on-screen so don't have to just remember that the territory has an effect cast upon it.
Deferred Income
On the turn played, units do not need to be fully deployed. Any un-deployed units are received as income next turn instead. (Note: This might be better as a mod than a card).
Isn't this a Commerce game?
All territories within two spaces of a selected territory have fog removed from the perspective of whoever holds that territory.
This is interesting. I think this would need to be done with Special Units, which to my knowledge are the only way to grant visibility to a specific area/territory, and I think it would give visibility to everyone, not just the card player as the setting is the make the Special Unit always visible to everyone. Not sure if this could be done with a structure (maybe Dutch can offer some insight here).
Scorched Earth
Eliminate a bonus for the duration of a game. Takes effect at the end of the turn played. This card must be played on a player’s own held bonus.
What do you mean by "eliminate"? Disable attack/transfers in/out of the bonus? Remove the income it gives? Change all territories to neutrals and prevent players from capturing the territories? Depending on what you're looking for here, there are some mods which can do this. Isolation (Custom Card Package) can disable attack/transfers on territories. Another mod on the way I'll be publishing later (written by DanWL) does the same thing but for bonuses instead of territories. If it's income based, don't think that exists yet.
Explosive Card
[This is just a Bomb Card that is nerfed slightly to happen before income]
There is a Bomb+ mod that you can adjust to custom %. Bomb+ let's you decide whether the bomb comes at start or end of turn, and you can assign both/either fixed damage & % damage.
Bide Card
Grants x units of additional income for a single turn but attack/transfer orders cannot be issued on the turn this card is played
Interesting, so a Sanction of sorts + a block on attack/transfers orders. But not playing other cards? Airlift for example.
Edited 1/23/2025 06:37:20