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Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-06 20:36:50

Level 59
can you crybaby somewhere else?

^ Case in point. I would've been permabanned if I made a comment like that, because per the Fuhrer's own words insults are never acceptable on this site. Of course, when he said it, it was merely a rationalization of a retaliatory ban- he later admitted he's just got an axe to grind with me because I "doxxed" Mercer by Googling the name of Fizzer's company, clicking through to the first result, and sharing information he'd already made public. So, even though his home address is on every document in the Activision suit because for some reason he's never heard of an anonymous LLC or even a PO box, I am held to a "higher standard" than celebrated toxic people like Addy the Dog, celebrated cheaters like Deadman and Farah, and celebrated cheating-enablers like Beren. Nope, it's just guys like me and sanmu- who speak up at the wrong time and don't know how to keep our heads down in the face of comical corruption- who get pegged as the worst community members.

Norman, I don't know what rock you've been living under, but this is not some place held together by transparency, competence, and the rule of law. It's the petty fiefdom of a man who loves to cite the criminal justice system to cover his abuse but whose understanding of how an actual justice system works is so poor that he's about to lose his whole livelihood in a court case he could've trivially avoided.

Just laugh and move on.

That goes for you too, sanmu. They can ban you or blackball you if you keep up stuff like this, and you're not going to change a thing. There's no upside.

But the converse of that is that you don't have to do anything, because these people- Beren, Fizzer, Math Wolf- know exactly who they are. They have to consciously lie, and if you just point and laugh maybe they will retaliate but they can't change a thing about themselves either. Fizzer can ban me again, but it won't make him any less of a balding, middle-aged, relationship-challenged schmuck who wasted his prime years on a joke job while his peers (can we even call them that when they're so far ahead of him now?) got rich off of tech stonks and now get to rest and vest and enjoy financial security without having to scam the legally illiterate into funding their doomed get-rich-quick scheme against a $72 billion company. Beren can equivocate and rationalize all he wants but it won't change the fact that he's enabled and defended cheating, has to shamelessly lie about things we all have the receipts to prove the opposite of, and that he's even gotten so sad these days you'll spot him cheating on Harmonbot Jeopardy from time to time if you pay attention.

Do you think you can do anything to these people? Nothing from any of us can crush them any harder than the weight of their own lives. Being them is punishment enough.

I have no sympathy for those of you who complain about Addy, when you've built the community you deserve. You celebrate those who harm it, because they are good or because they are at the center of community events or because they happen to be the guy who built and owns the game. And you blackball those who even bother to speak about it, labeling us as threats to the community or prima donnas. You built this, and you've earned every bit of it. I hope you enjoy the fruit of your own corruption, the toxicity you cultivated among your friends and admired ones while using the concept as a bludgeon to shut out players you have personal beef with.

(see you all if/once my ban expires)

Edited 6/9/2021 23:04:12
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-06 20:55:19

Corn Silver 
Level 62
... you'll spot him cheating on Harmonbot Jeopardy from time to time if you pay attention.

oh Beren :(

I can forgive you for everything else, but this ... this unholy sin shakes me to my very core. Maybe you really are a Spawn of Satan, as some say. I don't know if there's any hope left for you, but I beg you Beren - please accept our Lord, Our Saviour, Jesus Christ into your heart. It's your only way to rescue yourself.

My arms are always open, as is our Good Lord's

Edited 6/6/2021 20:55:57
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-06 21:00:04

Level 58
I think you'll find that in the true holy book it isn't called Jesus but Isa. please don't misspell my prophet's name again, mashallah
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-06 21:00:17

Level 58
Ey, you are making this a bit awkward, knyte.
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-06 21:05:04

Level 58
way to address his point!
I think Norman is right, he isn't awkward as opposed to the awkward people he called awkward. thanks a lot for clearing all that up for me, knyte almost had me there
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-06 21:15:56

Level 60
knyte has said a lot of good things in this thread. he's a warzone gem.
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-06 21:54:25

Level 43
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-06 22:05:47

Level 60
Smash aBBy while he abbaia as a dog
Her royal majesty Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor
Statue of Liberty
Great Wall of China
Tour Eiffel
Brandenburg gate
Pamplona's running of the bulls
Sagrada Família
Irish Beer
Belgian Beer
Dutch Beer
Italian wine (that is better than French wine)
Monna Lisa
Sydney Opera House
The Little Mermaid
Great Pyramid of Giza

Have I said enough good things too?
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-06 22:10:07

Level 58
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-06 23:41:50

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
Wow, this blew up. For what it’s worth, Boston has been suspended many times for his actions, so I don’t think favoritism is really the best argument to be using here. I suspect anonymous moderator couldn’t care less if you say mean things about the masters. If you notice they didn’t chime in until accusations were made about unfair moderation and favoritism.

Also, I think Norman is the only one who understood what I was saying. I made no attempt to defend Boston’s actions; I merely said that a clan is a social group and not a status symbol you can earn. If they want him in their group that’s fine. Bringing up how you beat him in games or you don’t think he’s a good player is rather irrelevant. Maybe you think a clan should never accept a player who acts like this. That’s fine. Nobody is asking you to be in his clan. Blacklist him, report him, move on with your life. As I said before, he’s been suspended many times and will be again, no doubt.
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-06 23:42:37

sanmu the shamu
Level 59
Loxiiv secretly being rakleader is the biggest plot twist of our generation
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-07 01:09:22

sanmu the shamu
Level 59
LOL Beren and anonymous moderator deleted their comments
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-07 01:12:08

Level 59
It’s not deleted but downvoted
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-09 22:08:19

Level 61
Ercole I don't see boobies in the list, I think they are pretty cool as well. Also you can't have vodka in there without even mentioning whisky, especially scotch.

And let's not forget the goodest thing of them all: https://youtu.be/U06jlgpMtQs

Honorable mention: https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-10 04:22:42

Level 59
Hey Sephiroth can you please give more lessons on how to be pretty cool? I want to be just like https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=27218416 :P

Edited 6/10/2021 04:23:03
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-10 11:07:58

Level 60

Boobies were more or less included in the 4th point since in our common game's chat there was this link https://youtu.be/LDZX4ooRsWs
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-20 10:44:19

Level 13
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-20 20:37:17

Kenny • apex 
Level 59
Boston is our national treasure and no matter how much pressure rises for us to get rid of him so that you jealous people can steal him, it'll never happen.
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-21 09:45:40

Level 61
What a stupid clan that encourage insulting other people. Otherwise Boston/X/Addy the Dog would be kicked a long time ago. Also he is being booted many times. The Master clan is by far the worst clan to be in. The smart people and the good people should leave, otherwise they are as dumb and stupid as the people who are defending insulting from the Master clan. It's clearly the most toxic clan. Only the members of the Master clan do not see how dumb, stupid and insanely bad the behaviour is of the members of the Master clan.

Edited 6/21/2021 09:49:55
Be a MASTER!: 2021-06-21 09:54:34

master of desaster 
Level 66
You seem a bit like a rude and toxic person to me, not to say dumb and stupid.

Edited 6/21/2021 09:54:57
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