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Clan Size: 2024-05-12 00:09:14

Level 65

Would be nice with some votes and maybe also some comments on how to fix the issue.

Hope the hole community would like to see this issue solved although I understand it brings up some questions regarding the past and the present.

To me its clearly a thing when new clans like Prime, Knyte and Optimum didnt start new but went old since they couldnt have success with community with their new clans.

Wonder if Fizzer will do anything to fix it but as always he wait for votes :)
Clan Size: 2024-05-12 00:11:21

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 63
As I said on general chat, seems like a plan to ensure future dominance of MB till the end of time.

All clams should be the same size, let them compete on the same basis, maybe increase the limit to 50 or 60, maybe so that you can combine people who might be only into some aspects of the game. Maybe.
Clan Size: 2024-05-12 00:13:58

Level 65
Solution could be to give all a chance to have same number.
It doesnt have to do with performance.
I just feel its more likely Fizzer wants it this way.

500 for all clans would be a fix, but today situation is that some clans have unlimited so to make everyone move towards some number gaining/loosing seats could be an option.

If Fizzer wanted unlimted clans he would not have made the limit in the first place.
He just didnt see how big unfairness for community would become when he did.

And since then he has ignored it.

Edited 5/12/2024 00:21:01
Clan Size: 2024-05-12 00:16:50

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 63
"Our suggested solution is to introduce a tiered clan system based on membership duration or achievements. "

Achievements, performance, potato, potatoe.

If you want to make it fair for everyone, stick to 1 number.

I'd hazard a guess that 60 would allow for enough people to do all the competitions without having to boot people who only do 1 thing and allow for vacations and backups. But the number can be open for discussion.

As for achievements and commitment, that plays out already in that, the longer you are around and the more you do, the easier it is to get a good crew together, that's enough of an advantage.

Edited 5/12/2024 00:17:33
Clan Size: 2024-05-12 00:18:12

Level 63
I don’t like your proposed “fix”. Would be better to have up to 40 players from the clan able to join clan wars on day basis (reset at midnight UTC) instead of current behaviour of only first 40 players from clan able to join current clan war season.
Clan Size: 2024-05-12 00:20:38

Level 65
@DanWL thats a hole another discussion.

This is about the size of communities.

*Edit* But if new clans had a chance to get bigger that could as well be an option for a change which could happen.

Edited 5/12/2024 00:22:12
Clan Size: 2024-05-12 00:22:58

Level 63
Having match making decided by ladder rating isn’t in the spirit of clan wars. Clan wars is meant to be a clan effort. Losing a game is good and bad. Bad because of giving another clan a win, but good because of reducing clan war rating and increasing likelyhood of facing 'easier' opponents.
Winning games is good and bad for similar reasons.
Clan Size: 2024-05-12 00:29:28

Level 63
If clan size is less than 40 maybe some players should be allowed to play multiple games in a day (divided evenly, if doesn’t fully divide then first come first serve).
The reason not to allow it is because it’s like allowing alts to compete in multiple clan wars games.
Clan Size: 2024-05-12 00:32:58

Level 65
@DanWL this is not a tread regarding clan wars.
Its about Clan Size.

Which is about communitybuilding.

So please stay on point :)
Clan Size: 2024-05-12 00:35:58

Level 63
^ then explain why this part is mentioned on the uservoice suggestion then if clan wars is irrelevant:
Furthermore, we suggest incorporating a mechanism where clan membership is tied to ladder performance, clan wars, and activity points. Clans could gain or lose membership slots based on their performance in these aspects, ensuring that participation and success are rewarded accordingly.
Clan Size: 2024-05-12 00:41:35

Level 65
The user voice is about Clan Size.

One possible fix to the issue could be related to performance in warlight such as:
- Ladder games
- Coin games
- Clan Wars performance
- Activity points

And so on.

Other way to fix it could be to give all new and old clans same limit.

It could be a fix where new clans use coins to get more memberships possible.

But Community is something else than Clan Wars.
A community can compete in Clan Wars but its also way more.

New clans have a limit of 40 members in the clan
Old clans have unlimited members in the clan.

So new clans tend to get themselves an old clan to be able to build a community.
This has nothing to do with clan wars but simply community building.
And community is the issue adressed in the uservoice.
Clan Size: 2024-05-12 00:41:54

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 63
Lowering clam size if your performance doesn't keep up seems worse than a one time resetting to say 60 for everyone
Constantly having to worry about booting people, what's the difference.

Sorry bud, but this screams of a self serving plan.

Using coins screams pay to win

The only fair and reasonable fix is a new limit for everyone.
Game rules change, nothing wrong with that.

Edited 5/12/2024 00:43:09
Clan Size: 2024-05-12 00:45:21

Level 65
I would be 100 % happy with a new fixed limit for all.

I just fear that Fizzer dont see this as a fix.
Because then he should have fixed it already?
Clan Size: 2024-05-12 00:48:52

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 63
On the plus side, one limit for all, not only is it fairer, but I am guessing it would involve much less effort on his part to implement.
Both in terms of game mechanics and in programming it.
Clan Size: 2024-05-12 00:51:00

Level 65
For sure it would be very easy to change the limit fro 40 to 60 or 80 :)

And maybe say that clans above that can keep their size but not add anyone more until they are below limit.

Other option is to give everyone a chance to grow to the size of 500 or 1000 or another max.
But make it possible with coins or as reward for activity.
Clan Size: 2024-05-12 00:52:17

Level 63
There shouldn't be a fixed limit on clan size. Should be allowed to increase the size of the clan as and when you want to.
Old clans should remain unlimited becase thats what the player bought. It's likely against sale of goods/services laws to impose a limit or at least ethically incorrect.
Clan Size: 2024-05-12 01:22:01

Level 65
If old clans stay unlimited then a solution could be to make it possible to buy or gain unlimted memberships to the clan.
So the old clans keep their advantage and the new clans can get there.

Its a possible way to fix it.

Although its still not completly equal its better than current system.
Clan Size: 2024-05-12 01:31:02

Loup Duk 
Level 62
Hi all . I am the founder of Undisputed . When the clan was created the idea was to invite only players i met and played with or against . Initially there was no desire to compete . I never asked my members to participate in anything . Only to play some internal tourneys and such stuff . Yet as the clan grew more and more many of us wanted to play clan wars. Then i realized that we have 40 members limitation . I reached out to Fizzer and asked if that could be changed as i saw many clans way bigger than that . I offer to even pay a logical amount of money as a "clan membership " since i did not know how the other clans got their higher clan members amount . The request was denied . What i do know ... i had to kick players i knew cause they went on holidays , cause they went inactive for few months . And that ONLY due to amount limitations . Most of them returned ... and now i feel awkward to even talk to them . Additionally how can we compete clans like Harmony . I mean come on ... 200 members vs 40 ? 5x times bigger ? Then either stop clan wars , or any form of clans competitions or make it fair game for all . Period . Any other "solution " is biased . This game should be a sanction out of our daily activities . We have enough as we live our lives with the unfairness of the real world . This game as any game should be an oasis. A relaxation place to log and have fun . Such unfair rules should not exist .
Kind regards,
Clan Size: 2024-05-12 01:41:11

Loup Duk 
Level 62
A small addition, most games change policies to be new players friendly . Based on what logic old clans are being promoted and new clans are punished or suppressed ? I can not help myself but wonder.
Clan Size: 2024-05-12 01:52:21

Truth Dragon
Level 58
And fizzer hasn't taken notice of the unfairness when building community yet? He's always been fast on these things
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