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Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-21 17:12:21

Level 60
Yeah, cw needs serious refreshing. You can't expect players to play the same ish for years on end. Take it from me, I'm not some self-proclaimed marketer, who knows a thing or two about anything but Warzone!

I suggest this template, not because I really like this map (what an egoistic proposal that would be), but because I have data, that Lottos are played even more than the whole CW combined.

Also I have collected (stolen) some genuine feedback from multiple strategic-oriented players supporting the proposal:

Lots of templates

We could add more lottos!

... is desperately needed in CW! ... And, its a lot of fun!

Totally agree!

much better option

Thanks for your support!

Thanks... And more in general, more variety in CW templates is paramount, as you said yourself, to maintain activity.

Yes, activity is the key!


Yes, add!

Edited 5/21/2024 17:13:06
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-21 17:15:19

Level 63
You can’t be serious?
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-21 17:16:59

Level 58
At this point I would be happy to see duel lotto. Literally any template change at this point is breath of fresh air
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-21 17:17:43

Level 60
At this point I would be happy to see duel lotto.

Thank you, Tacky, for your support!

Edited 5/21/2024 17:18:10
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-21 17:21:20

Doctor K 
Level 62

Kabix has fifth most votes of any template
It's a 2v2 not currently dominated by Elites.
It's a quick game, usually!

So vote Kabix for CW!!!

Yay breath of fresh air!

Edited 5/21/2024 17:28:32
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-21 17:21:25

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 62
Let's face it, most people in CW gravitate towards the SE maps and SEAD in particular.

I am guessing it isn't because they love the challenge, but rather it's the easiest and lowest demand on skill [not 0 demand], that or the least time demand.

I'd hazard a guess that most CW players, or at least half would take lotto over a map that requires any sort of skill or effort. I'd hazard a guess that most CW players are in it just for the idle bonuses and don't really care about the competition.

I say that as someone who gets close to 50% anyways.

OTOH if Lotto was a regular option, it would totally remove ability from clam wars and except for the hard core clams and players like MB and OP when OP is trying, for the rest of us CW would just turn into who can turn out the most players and games. Not sure if that is a look our HNIC is going for.
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-21 17:23:25

Level 63
There’s so much better ways to keep templates fresh while maintaining strategic value https://www.warzone.com/Forum/760484-tiny-troubles-tarabonia-cw-templates.
- downvoted post by FiveSmith
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-21 18:17:39

Level 60
Classic Walruses are downvoting posts! :(

- downvoted post by FiveSmith
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-22 21:39:20

Level 63
No need to swap, just add it.

For all the players for who the timeslots are at such inconvenient time they just cant play a proper game.
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-22 21:46:38

Level 60
You can see it whenever SEAD is offered. It's by far and away the most picked template. If I'm wrong on this I'm sure 5S can correct me. People just want simple and fast CW. Give me lotto in CW and I'll probably choose it when I can.
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-22 21:56:30

Level 63
SEAD is RIGGED against me!

But yes, SE1W is my favorite CW template because its somewhat strategic, and still quick enough to play RT at inconvenient moments and places.

@Fizzer: Jokes about lotto aside, we do actually need some new templates!

Edited 5/23/2024 06:02:14
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-23 05:52:35

Nice Guy 
Level 62
MEAD would be great for CW. The map has better bonus distribution mostly eliminating unwinnable starts. Sanction cards give you chance for a comeback. Games are usually faster than on SEAD, and more diverse.
Also, it has transfer-only and attack-only.

Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-24 12:22:14

Level 60
CW should include some RoR games to attract move casual players IMO.

There should be both 1v1, 2v2 and 3v3 games for the RoR templates.
- downvoted post by FiveSmith
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-24 20:12:27

Nice Guy 
Level 62
RoR is hot garbage.
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-25 01:17:41

Bahamut Rojo
Level 61
If i play 2 hours of games, and only play lotto, i play 500 lotto games

if i play 2 hours of fight of europe, i play 4 games

Thus, the proposition that since there are more lotto games, more people love lotto is a huge manipulation of data
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-25 01:20:14

old yeller 
Level 60
RoR is probably the most played team qm kalisti.
Duel Lotto for CW templates: 2024-05-25 01:22:07

Bahamut Rojo
Level 61
i bet that, if a lotto template were to appear in MTL, it would disgust every single player there by nightfall. Clan Wars shouldnt be any less competitive, in my opinion
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