I checked the posts to see how many people wanted SR or were against it. Posted here will be the name of every player who spoke for or against SR, and a quote from them showing what they said. I didn't include people who didn't express a definite opinion one way or the other, so I am not included on this list even though I would be against SR.
FORMaster Bjarke: So in sum; I think it would be sweet with 0% SR
Ps: if it was up to me i'd have everything 0% SR.
ChrisCMU: Can we have no luck minus picking? (Chris later advocated for 0%WR)
Gnuffone: For those reason i believe every ladder should have 0% SR no luck cycle.
Mister Aqua: please make it 0% SR
Master Ryiro: i like the idea of using 0-16 luck straight round in ladders
Idibob: Take that luck out and it will become truly competitive
Windows 10: However, I would still prefer 0% SR.
AGAINSTMaster of desaster: Me personally, i like the 1vs1 ladder as it is.
Anna: i personally would prefer the 1v1 ladder stay as it is.
Benjamin628: I think the 1v1 ladder should stay 0% WR.
Hades: Yeah I think keep the 1v1 ladder as is
AWESOMEGUY: However, I prefer the 1v1 ladder to stay as it is.
USA biches: I prefer the 0% WR for the 1v1 ladder.
Almosttricky: As far as the 16% luck, I am leaning to keeping it, but I don't have a strong opinion.
Hedja: Please keep strategic 1v1 as it is.
Beren Erchamion: The 1v1 ladder is perfect as it is.
Perrin3088: I felt the original strat 1v1 settings put the variables of war quite nicely into a strategic simulation.
Knyte: I like the 1v1 Ladder the way it is
Widzisz: I like WR more I think
Tenshi: Also 0% WR should be a better choice of luck here imo.
Peixoto: 1v1 Ladder - Keep the settings, but change the map to Modified Medium Earth.
Dead piggy: Luck makes the games rich and complex.
Master of the Dead :"""Luck makes the games rich and complex. Its not fair, and that doesnt matter, 1v1 ladder is about beauty not who is #1. Dont sacrifice the most regal and storied ladder on the altar of equality.""" - dead piggy
"""Me personally, i like the 1vs1 ladder as it is. Risk management should stay a part of a ladder imo. """ - MoD
+1 to both.
Verzehrer: 0% wr is totally good.
Master Atom: I like ladder the way it is,
Smileyleg: Count me in support for no changes to the 1v1 ladder.
Des: And that, with making it 0% luck is gonna make it not fun.
Veelvraat: I'm another one of those in favour of keeping the current 1v1 ladder.
Good Kid: 0% straight round makes things like this happen:
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=9245384It makes picking way less interesting.
FlyingDutchMan: As for me, i prefer 0 luck wr for the 1vs1 ladder.
Master Turtle: 0% WR for 1v1 ladder!!!! Keep it the same!
Pushover: Please don't change the 1v1 template.
Inquisitor: I prefer cyclic move order while keeping weighted random (WR).
Dr. Walter Ego: I write about only change the move order settings from Random to Cyclic! 0% WR and random pick order would be remained.
Conclusion8 (7 not counting Chris) for SR, 27 against SR. People are against SR in overwhelming numbers.
Also, 15 people said specifically that they are against ANY changes to the 1v1 ladder. Twice as many people are for no changes than are for SR.
Edited 9/26/2015 20:27:28