Mystery Card

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Mod nameMystery Card
Made public on2025-03-01
Runs on Warzone version5.32.0.1+
Source codeGitHub
Mystery Card
Minimum pieces awarded per turnCustomizable
Pieces given to each player at the startCustomizable

This mod adds a custom card to the game: a Mystery Card.

When a Mystery Card is played, the player who played the card will be given a full random card (excluding the Mystery Card itself). These cards are played during the receive cards turn phase. If the player who tried to play the card before then gets eliminated, the card will not take affect but the card will be lost


Mod Settings

  • Number of pieces to divide the card into (defaults to 7, min 1, max 20)
  • Card weight (defaults to 1, min 0, max 5)
  • Minimum pieces awarded per turn (defaults to 1, min 0, max 5)
  • Pieces given to each player at the start (defaults to 5, min 0, max 5)

All these settings have an absolute max value of 1000 if the value is typed in rather than using the number slider.