Smoke Bomb Card

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Mod nameSmoke Bomb Card
Made public on2025-02-20
Runs on Warzone version5.33+
Source codeGitHub
Smoke Bomb Card
Minimum pieces awarded per turnCustomizable
Pieces given to each player at the startCustomizable

This mod allows players to change some territories to fogged for a turn for all players. When playing the card, you can select a territory. That territory and all adjacent territories will become fogged for all players, including the player who played the card. However, a player's own territories will never be fogged to themselves.

Playing this card happens during the same turn phase as deploying armies.


Mod Settings

  • Number of pieces to divide the card into (defaults to 8, min 1, max 11)
  • Card weight (defaults to 1, min 0, max 5)
  • Minimum pieces awarded per turn (defaults to 1, min 0, max 5)
  • Pieces given to each player at the start (defaults to 1, min 0, max 5)