Sanctions Card

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Sanctions Card
Minimum pieces awarded per turnCustomizable
Pieces given to each player at the startCustomizable
Income removedCustomizable

The Sanctions Card reduces the income of another player. When playing a Sanctions Card, you can pick any player as the target.

Sanctions can be configured to reduce their target's income to 0 or to a particular percentage of their income. The default configuration removes half of their income (50%).

Sanction cards can stack. If two sanction cards are played on the same player, they will be applied consecutively. For example, if the first 50% sanction card reduces your 20 income to 10, a second would reduce the remaining 10 to 5.

Negative sanctions

If the sanctions card is configured to reduce income by a negative percentage, it will actually increase the target's income.

Note that sanctions cards will cap your income at 10,000.

Rounding behavior

The sanctions card rounds the amount to sanction down if the value ends in .5. This means that if someone on 5 income gets sanctioned with a 51% sanctions card, their income will be reduced by 3, since 2.51 rounds up to 3. Their final income will be 2. However, if the 5-income player gets sanctioned with a 50% sanctions card, their income will only be reduced by 2, since 2.5 rounds down to 2. Their final income will now be 3

See also