Order Delay Card

Pieces | Customizable |
Weight | Customizable |
Minimum pieces awarded per turn | Customizable |
Pieces given to each player at the start | Customizable |
The Order Delay Card will cause all orders that you issue below the card to happen after your opponent's. You can issue attack/transfer orders both before and after the card, so make sure to arrange it in the orders list where you want the delay to take place.
Using the Order Delay Card is similar to making an infinite number of "dummy" moves that cause the orders after the delay card to execute later. Be sure to play the card at the point you want the delay to happen. Playing an Order Delay Card at the end of your turn would have no effect.
If multiple players play an Order Delay Card in the same turn, the orders after the card will be mixed together after the delay just as they normally would have if neither player played the card.
It's possible to play more than one Order Delay Card in a turn, in which case the orders below it will happen later than an opponent who plays fewer Order Delay Cards. However, playing more than one when your opponent doesn't play any will not give any additional benefit over playing just one.
Since they control different mechanisms, playing an Order Priority Card and an Order Delay Card in the same turn is allowed. The Order Priority Card will help your first order to go first, and the Order Delay Card will help orders that come after it to go last.